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In Loving Memory of

My Two Dads

Happy Father’s Day 💐


Today’s Oracle Message is an ethereal inspiration via a subjective soliloquy. Today is Day 167 Saturday June 15, 2024. I was awakened from my sleep around 12:21 a.m. with a nudge of warmth in my aura. I sensed the vitality of safety and assist. Without hesitation or thought of the time, I quickly called a significant person of interest, as if compelled to do so. Only thing I was prompted to do was to check on them. I’m sure I’ll be shown why later.

Fast Forward: Since I’m awakened and can’t go immediately back to sleep; I enter my prayer room for cleansing rituals and counsel with the MOST HIGH. I’m in awe of the orations via the Spirit. It went well. Here’s the overall message via divine conversations.

Greetings to my audience of readers, old and new. Today’s Oracle is a dedication to fatherhood and all that it encompasses.

— F A T H E R —

FATHERthe masculine side of the MOST HIGH

The protector and provider that purposes life’s lessons with direct and vicarious support. The Divine abundance shown via certain mercies, grace and the Holy comfort that washes the tears from our face. The rod of corrections, which allows us to mess up yet forgives us with a clean slate, when we fess up. Yet, not until we’ve taken accountability and responsibility for our foolish mistakes or outright sin… With Angels assigned to help us to not repeat them again and again. That warm fatherly embrace of heaven’s grace which heals our hearts and our subjective land… As we grasp hold of the unchanging hand. A hand that not only creates but establishes law (l-a-w); love amongst war via a patience wrapped up in a mighty thing we know as peace. It surpasses all we’d hope to understand, is priceless and endlessly sought, remaining HIGH in demand. It’s a FATHER’s LOVE via the outstretched hand. It governs our navigation through corporeal and ethereal land.

F A T H E R —²

FATHER—The men lent to us via dimensions of time and space, that accompany us in life’s race…These are the guys that accept the assignment no matter the difficulty which lies ahead…They make sacrifices amongst various vices, to make sure sons and daughters know they’re cared for and loved with an iron fist of protection, from the open and often hidden hurts, children experience. It’s a power innately given and divinely crafted, the authentication of agapé, a heaven’s love absent any intent to harm, yet shadows children from life altering harm. Sometimes they can’t always see through the tears or hesitation, via fears or anything secretly masked. It’s okay as hu-man to make mistakes. Because the greatest Dads show accountability and via responsibility change the stakes. That’s why they’re, in the words of a tiger named Tony “Great” …

—Guidance • Respect • Empathy •Awareness • Trustworthiness.

…Yep, the ones that stay; respect the assignment; show empathy to the mothers; awaken to realities in life no matter how easy or harsh; yet are trusting, of the MOST HIGH to help them provide and protect the children they’ve been assigned to of the MOST HIGH’s elect (choice).

F A T H E R —³

FATHER—My two dads For all the time, talks and tiffs I miss… Sending ya warmth via heavenly hugs wrapped in eternal love.. from below in earth to the ethers above. There’s not one day that goes by, where I don’t miss; your parental scolding, support and sensitive insight… How you’d show me tough love, but also taught me how to fight. “Fight” you’d say “for better days and thru prayer and forgiveness, improve your ways. “Those nudges on my head like a pal, but assured me that I was Chael, Daddy’s gal. Everytime I am near water or rain, I remember how you’d take me fishing… Sometimes I get stuck in those tearful moments just hoping and wishing. There are no words that I can rhyme in, to talk about when you would take me with you to play golf, but it’s not far off… from the joy and fun I remember; accompanying you to the football games, family outings and gatherings filled with so much laughter… Those are the good memories I cherish here after. I know you probably think I’ve forgotten all the things you’ve shown me like how to drive mini bikes and motorcycles, balance a checkbook and how to be the bigger person… Nope, not even how sometimes you’d chasten me with a lil cursing. Funny thing is I value those things about you two… I search for them in the camaraderie of a mate… Thinking that if they don’t have high standards like my two dads, to be a protector, shelter from the storms of life, while embracing and overcoming the struggles of life… Eh eh nope, they’d be cut off like cleaning fish with a knife. I’ll test their boundaries, loyalties and fidelity scale by scale… Because nothing’s too much for Daddy’s little Chael. So in loving memories I greet you with a Holy kiss that I love you Alwayz 4eva and A Day and you’re both remembered often in my own special way, but today I pay homage in time for Father’s Day. I’m thankful to the MOST HIGH that of all the dads lent, you were handpicked and heavensent. Happy Heavenly Father’s Day Pops (Sonny—Roosevelt Canfield Jr) and Dad (Bunchi—Samuel Lamar White)🤍🕊️🤍 ~Resting in Paradise 🕊️🕯️

F A T H E R —⁴

FATHER— I don’t know who this one is meant, but I pray it reaches you in time. It’s okay to not be okay when experiencing woes or lows in parenting. Especially, when you’re doing your best. God sees all and the heavens are rooting for you to just love your children with your bestest best. Happy Father’s Day



Scriptures from various Holy Bible versions. The video (if any added) is PC: Literature and Imagery and the Intellectual Property of IEPMSTC ™ Shared with permission. Images shared, that are not those of IEPMSTC ™ are shared absent intent of infringement of copyright via Fair Use clause and any duplicate submissions are at your—(audience/readers/subscribers or similar)—own legal discretion. Other resources which may have been used for terminology and dialogue were accessible via Creative Commons database from Public Domain include but are not limited to King James Bible Dictionary Concordance; Av1611 kjv dictionary; KJV Dictionary or other Bible Study Tools. We are simply sharing as a visual educational tool.

Works Cited

Canfield, L. (2024). PC: Subjective Research and Study from personal library. Retrieved via permission from the Intellectual Properties of IEPMSTC ™ Products and Svcs.

Holy Bible, KJV version—Bible Gateway. PC: in-text hyperlink. Public Domain and Creative Commons.


Contact MzIAMNRU@gmail.com for info or bookings

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