Day: June 7, 2014


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Show Your Support: Make the Pledge

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Purchase this Tee & let the World know you view L.I.F.E. Living In Faith Everyday because with each dawning of each day there is Brand New Mercies to behold. “Through the Lord’s mercies we are not consumed,Because His compassion fail not. They are new every morning; Great is Your faithfulness” (Lamentations 3:22-23 NKJV)

Show Your Support: Make the Pledge

By purchasing this Tee you are pledging to exercise your faith more, by saying “While I must breathe to live, I choose to live to breathe”. Trusting for healing of any unhealthy areas in your life through by  faith, being inspired by the brand new mercies that occur each day that you awake to a new opportunity in L.I.F.E. by Living In Faith Everyday   


When Strangers Are Angels Unawares

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How many times have you encountered people with unfeigned faith about you and your probable success?

These are the people who do not know you personally, yet they have the most profound input, impact, and outlook for your life and its probability of success as seen through their eyes of understanding of faith.

“I thank God, whom I serve from my ancestors with pure conscience, that without ceasing I have remembrance of thee in my prayers night and day; Greatly desiring to see thee, being mindful of thy tears, that I may be filled with joy; When I call to remembrance the unfeigned faith that is in thee, which dwelt first in thy grandmother Lois, and thy mother Eunice; and I am persuaded that in thee also” (2 Timothy 1:3-5 KJV).

Well, that put me in thought on gratitude. Rarely do we have the occasion to thank those who in private utterance or prayers had you in mind.

Grandmothers for instance are a good example. They have an unusually avid discernment for youth based on life’s experiences. Currently, youth are a hard task of convincing on the likelihood of unwanted repercussions for their misbehavior, misgivings, or collectively, their misunderstanding on dangers ahead.

Think about it for a moment, Grandmothers of past times had approximately three to four decades of experience ahead of today’s grandmothers and often were more Christ centered to the tune of always interceding for others or looking on the brighter side of life via storytelling of hard times past.

This brings me to the nucleus of this little conjecture. That is, to say thanks to one of my readers currently in prison, for his endearing, words of encouragement and prayers. We never know the impact we have on another’s life. Moreover, in that statement contra wise, we never know the effect of the impact others will have on us.


I am thankful for all those who have supported my writing ambitions. Just like any writer, artist, proprietor, or the like losses are probable but perseverance is the motivator. Collaborations are now in the making and for that, I am truly thankful for the success however acute it may seem, my initial dream accomplished.


Wanting to be a published author, I put off writing for public for many years due fear. In school, experiencing intimidation from teachers, friends or classmates about my imagination (via writing), there were plenty naysayers. Even after I decided to ignore the naysayers, and to keep writing, I never shared my writings abroad. A fire in 1987 destroyed the gist of my journals and/or poetry.

Those years would soon pass. Soon after, my life took on a more spiraling turn and THE AUTHOR writing my life gave me the co-authorship to share it for HIS GLORY. I prayed often to see things I had been going through via HIS PENMANSHIP. Additionally, I asked for guidance about the management of these experiences and situational influences. What a powerful prayer is the asking for “Understanding”, the answers came often in the form of whispers. I relate the  WHISPERS as “Wielding his inspiring spirit via prayer, empathy, rejuvenation, and scriptures” (White, A.N., 2012).

I had never written a book let alone had one published so the idea of holding an actual published version of my writing was overwhelming and somewhat scary, especially when writing transparently about my life. All I know is that THE AUTHOR (Jesus Christ) kept prompting me to write, so I obeyed. At the turn of medical maladies, which would leave me immobile for a while, writing was all I could do to cope. I had been speaking with one publisher for several years on a regular basis about the project, while at the same time attempting to add writers (family/friends) to the project. Unfortunately, no one took me seriously so I got a lot of shrugs or negations. I procrastinated and put the notion out of my head (still journalizing daily though).

Well fast-forwarding to the present, my work is viewable in a softcover paperback entitled, WHISPERS. It is a tell-all about my life experiences (particularly battles) with spiritual warfare, filled with poetic meditations and the GLORY of the Lord for fighting them for me. Most of what you read within this blog is synonymous to the aforementioned non-traditional softcover books. That was the writing dream.

“Paul, a servant of God, and an apostle of Jesus Christ, according to the faith of God’s elect, and the acknowledging of the truth which is after godliness; In hope of eternal life, which God, that cannot lie, promised before the world began; But hath in due times manifested his word through preaching, which is committed unto me according to the commandment of God our Saviour; To Titus, mine own son after the common faith: Grace, mercy, and peace, from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ our Saviour” (Titus 1:1-4 KJV).


Sometimes our faith is not as alive (moving) as we assume. Without thought, as to whether or not the publications would sale or for that matter gain any attention, I had published two books. I just wanted someone other than familiar people [friends/family] to hear about how amazing God is and/or was in my life. I had sold two books that I know about for sure because I purchased them myself. Funny huh… Not really when you think of all the financial hardships, I have been facing with medical and housing costs. Never mind the few buyers who purchased [most likely read them] but returned the books. Fast-forwarding to this present moment, where the dream gives back.


I received a letter from a reader, which was awe-inspiring. What is interesting is that I have not even heard his testimony about how he is as full of Love for God (praises) especially since he is an inmate.

An excerpt from the letter reads….

June 2, 2014

Ms. Canfield

How are you doing young lady?….   Please forgive me for being in your business (personal). Jonathan gave me the whole Jpay letter so that I can read your message to me for myself, sooo…

You know La Sonya, after, reading that and having just read your Whispers book, I’ve come to realize…you’ve been through hell! With the boys & men whom have physically & sexually abused you to having kids with medical (health) problems. Ohh the stress, the anger, the hate, & the resentment towards men ~~especially the baby’s daddies who weren’t there to help you. It’s a wonder you didn’t turn to women for comfort and start doing the gay thing for the rest of your life. That just shows how rooted you are in Christianity…because God created Adam & Eve, not Eve and Edith.

With that, please allow me to say that (LaSonya) ALL YOUR PRAYERS you have prayed are about to be answered. Everything you’ve ever asked God for…Blessings are about to rain down upon you young lady, because God is Good your request to be financially well off…Done! You being a successful Novelist… Done!

The soul mate you seek…True Love… Breathless… Genuine… Father FigureHe will Listen to you Always & Love you unconditionally. He will be a serious Bread Winner for y’all’s household. [sic] So my advice to you Ms. LaSonya Canfield is please don’t give up in your search for happiness. Be a good judge of character as you meet new friends. Next time you’ll be able to sense the genuineness of The One. Stay prayed up…God works In Mysterious Ways. Amen.

Don’t Worry Everything’s Going To Be Okay

I know it hasn’t been easy but you’ve done a pretty good job of hanging in there and taking things day by day… And I want you to remember; Things are going to get better soon. And because you are the Special Person you are I don’t think it’s going to be long. I (your new friend) want to give you every bit of Love & Encouragement I possibly can. Believe in yourself because you really are Wonderful. And don’t forget that beyond the clouds that sometimes get in your way, the sun is shining just for you..and everything is going to be okay.

Well LaSonya I shall close for now, but never the Love I now have in my heart for you. A strong pure Godly woman who has survived the struggle. Truly your strength is an inspiration to me. May our Lord & Savior Bless you always. And please do write whenever you can

Sincere Yours


That has to be the most amazing letter I have ever read. It made me think of the unfeigned faith in 2 Timothy 1:3-5 KJV where Paul exuded Timothy’s unfeigned faith in prayer, taught by his grandmother Lois. It made me remember as always how much of a praying grandmother I had. She told me to read the Holy Bible, asking God for understanding, to look to the hills for whence comes my help, and to trust God and know that all of my help comes from HIM. I did and still do to this day.

I thank GOD for unfeigned faith to continue my journey in this life… Living In Faith Everyday

“May we always remember that someone is praying the FATHER on our behalf…Thank Yah Jesus Yeshua Messiah Christ” ~La Sonya


“Wherefore he is able also to save them to the uttermost that come unto God by him, seeing he ever lives to make intercession for them” (Hebrews 7:25 KJV).

“Who is he that condemns? It is Christ that died, yea rather, that is risen again, who is even at the right hand of God, who also makes intercession for us” (Romans 8: 34 KJV).

To get your copy click here: WHISPERS or WHISPERS II Inspirations Etc& Poetic Meditations Publications©1995-2015 All Rights Reserved

Unfeigned Faith Releases the Brand New Mercies
Unfeigned Faith Releases the Brand New Mercies