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God Has Got it!

By LaSonya R Canfield White


GOD has got it!

We forget that God is the author of our life and that when we try to re-write his story (plan) for our lives it loses its credibility. When I think of the things God has done for me, I lose count. When I think of the places (situations) he has allowed me to convene, experience, and how He chastens me…I am obliged in saluting HIM.

In our lives, we will make mistakes but the beauty of making mistakes is that HE forgives and re-writes our story and all to receive HIS worthwhile Glory. I thank God for allowing growth through the errors of my way. Even when we think we are in control, GODs got it!


  • Those dreams we dreamed as child became edited with maturity. That special someone we thought we wanted to be with for the rest of our life (our choice & not God’s).
  • The heights you wanted to reach at a given time just before you backslid thinking stupidly that He had left (not his timing and again our choice).
  • The time when we felt like nothing had promise and life was a drag. moreover,
…All we did was just nag (this was the beginning of finding purpose for our place in life –Living In Faith Everyday.


Sometimes we have to travel so far down, in order to see how high we once were and visualize through spirituality the mountainous altitudes that possibility has introduced to our re-vision, those promising dreams. Although not necessarily, that we were high; but rather that we need to know our place under GOD’s direction.

“If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land”
(2 Chronicles 7:14 KJV).


The directions become…

  • newer
  • better
  • bolder
  • sounder
  • more spiritually centered
  • more serene
  • more abundant
  • more cheerful

God hears us speak, cry, moan, grunt, and even hears us gripe. He has a soft answer for our hurts and pain, and a profound or philosophical answer for our angers and fears.

“Evening, and morning, and at noon, will I pray, and cry aloud: and he shall hear my voice”
(Psalm 55:17 KJV).



This answer is “LOVE” and through it, He tells us that:

  1. with Him all things are possible,
  2. only in our asking will we receive,
  3. the way we treat others is the way we want to be treated,
  4. the things we receive or the things in which we freely give,
  5. there will be times when things do not go as we want them,
  6. or things do not occur at the time that I want them,
  7. There will be times when anger will sit itself in our company.

However, when these things occur, We are to bring it to him with care through prayer. He voiced change, victory, motivation, determination, hope, faith, tolerance thru patience, and ultimately Love through proper positioning of HIM as head of our goings (life).

“Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need” (Hebrews 4:16 KJV).

I finally see destiny and she is looking sharp fashioned with promise and praise!

  • No monetary value supersedes the wealth I have encountered as I knocked on the doors of peace, opportunity, happiness, tranquility, love and because HE holds the key; the doors were opening for me and the world with all their judgments and/or opinions cannot close them! Thank you Lord!
  • No monetary value can surpass or displace the clarity of sight I have received through my spiritual specs. For that which I seek…I find.
  • No monetary value or system can provide for me the riches untold in which increase my vivacity for life; for what I ask and believe in faith (working towards), he freely gives via charity and love.
“Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you:” (Matthew 7:7 KJV).

The journey has shown me that karma exists and that if I put out the things I destined or desire, those things will I gain be it bad or good. If knowing this is not enough, I have learned that AGAPE (Godly love) encompasses all fallacious replicas of love in my life. I am equipped and the shoe fit… truth of my life is GOD’s GOT IT!



Canfield, L. R. & White, A. N. (Edited June 27, 2014 |February 8, 2011: Original submission 2:40 p.m.). “GOD’s Got It” [Personal Communication| An edited Excerpt from “Whispers My Journal of Poetic Meditations” (White, 2012)].

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