You Are Invited and Most Welcome to Join Us via Prayer & Intercession One for Another…

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Join in on our prayer sessions, shares, and testimonies of good report concerning the answers to our petitions. Please visit the SURVIVOR’S THRU CHRIST PRAYER CLOSET or email your prayer requests and/or messages of encouragement to our new prayer by Email at Please note at some intervals you will get the following message, but do not be dismayed, we are but a click and/or phone call away. Phone number provided via either the Prayer Closet or within the Away from our desk message below (viewable only per email request(s) for prayer.

Greetings Brother and/or Sister(s) in Christ Jesus:

We at Survivors thru Christ-Transcendental Support Group, thank you for your request for intercession and/or fellowship. We extend our apologies in advance for our absence. Your prayer needs are important to us….Please note all prayer requests are gathered on the 7th day of each week and given to our prayer team member(s). We share this earnest prayer in the meanwhile:

“Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever…
Father God We thank you for the opening of many doors in our lives towards your divine will and purpose for our lives. We thank you for every blessing and education on life including its effects per experience and/or influence. We come to you asking and decreeing by the authority of your solemn WORD, in, upon, under, and by the authority of power, love, and sound mind. We do so asking that you visit this dear one’s need(s) and desires according to your will and purpose, with expedience, according to your best wish above all that he/she/they may receive spiritual prosperity and healing in every area of life by our faith in your only begotten son, Jesus’ name. We speak love, joy, comfort, peace, hope uninterrupted, health, strength, courage, boldness, recovery, restoration and victory over all issues of their lives, mind(s), soul(s) and/or spirit(s). We decree any and all unrighteousness in weapon formation non-prosperous by the authority of Your Word in Isaiah 54:17. Father we confess our faults and pray your forgiveness for any and all unrighteousness for which we are godly sorrowful and ask that you work it for their and our good as promised in Your Word in Romans 8:28. We seal this petition in the name and pleading the blood of the lamb and shout glory hallelujah in advance for the manifestation of your glory in all by the word of our testimony, by which we overcome according to Your Word in Revelation 12:11, again thank Yah Lord hallelujah and Amen”.
Believer(s) & Children of the Most High God

If there is an urgent matter in request please visit the Survivors thru Christ Prayer Closet Group on Facebook at for immediate attention.
The group is closed to public viewing of prayers, but is viewable to all members unless you forward your request in the inbox on the site. Please mark it private if needed. Otherwise the team of prayer warriors will pray with and/or stand in the gap with you concerning your intercessory assist. We are not affiliated with any religious organization and are believers together for the Glory of the Lord via the gifts of calling without repentance.

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