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to stand, touching, agreeing and decreeing
A Battle Formation & Prayer Call:

Hallelujah I thank Yah for your blessings and glorious face shining upon us.

Don't be overcome with overwhelming troubled waters filled with chaotic despair, and/or sense of hopelessness...Yet remember though the waters fall and seem troubled on every side, Yah stills the peace and calms the storm. Moreover, we must keep in mind the battle is already won. We have overcome them by the redeeming and saving blood of the Lamb. May we speak His love via the word of our testimony, declaring Holy Holy Holy Lord God Almighty which was, which is and is to come. Shout Hallelujah for our covering in as the billows and waves blow over!
Don’t be overcome with overwhelming troubled waters filled with chaotic despair, and/or sense of hopelessness…Yet remember though the waters fall and seem troubled on every side, Yah stills the peace and calms the storm. Moreover, we must keep in mind the battle is already won. We have overcome them by the redeeming and saving blood of the Lamb. May we speak His love via the word of our testimony, declaring Holy Holy Holy Lord God Almighty which was, which is and is to come. Shout Hallelujah for our covering in as the billows and waves blow over!

Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever….

Heavenly Father I intrigue your favor to remember us, you are our light and salvation, in the name and pleading the blood of Jesus, we declare, proclaim, decree, ask, renounce, rebuke, bind and loose these things as followed:

I am redeemed, set free, justified, and protected form all manner of evil stronghold and weapon via any formation of sorcery, demonic assignment, attacks, wickedness in the name and pleading the blood of Jesus.

I decree the sceptor of your kingdom annihilate every arrow and snare meant to cause me harm in the name and pleading the blood of Jesus.

I decree that I am loved, healed, cleansed, sanctified, and via and in the name and pleading the blood of Jesus.

I decree I have overcome all forces of darkness which attempt and/or which have gained any access to me thru any ungodly soul ties, weakness, or other forms of transference or access in the name and pleading the blood of Jesus.

I renounce any unrighteousness, self-willed unrepentant sin or unknown disbelief or wavered faith, selfishness, covetousness, envy, pride, malice, or unknown ancient unrighteous and unfruitful covenants vows via generational curses or otherwise in the name and pleading the blood of Jesus,

I bind and rebuke all evil and ungodly deities, night spirits, and demons operating via the sun, moon both day and night, dark rulers and the principalities, minions, imps or other powers of hell as advocates of the prince of the power of the air, leviathan spirits from the deep water, and all hellion, incubus, vampire, and succubus spirits in, upon, above and under the earth in the name and pleading the blood of Jesus.

I decree in the name and pleading the blood of Jesus that I am a new creature, crucified with and blessed spiritually, chosen, quickened, seated in heavenly places, speak with boldness and authority of the power, love and sound mind vested within, and the hope of glory both dead and risen with Christ.

I release the sword of the Lord and sword of deliverance, send your sharp arrows against mine enemies and let them be pierced through and vanquished in the name and pleading the blood of Jesus.

I release the two-edged sword against my persecutors and decree that mine enemies shall flee in the name and pleading the blood of Jesus.

I am not afraid of the arrow by day nor terror by night, may the evening tide trouble the enemy in the name and pleading the blood of Jesus.

I bind and rebuke the pestilences by night, and decree my meditation and your knowledge be received in new mercies and daily load of benefits in the name and pleading the blood of Jesus.

I decree that I am redeemed from the curse of the law, I break all generational curses of pride, lust, perversion, fear, confusion, rebellion, witchcraft, idolatry, rejection, death, destruction, idolatry, poverty, and or addictions in the name and blood of Jesus.

I command all generational spirits that came into my life during conception, in the womb, in the birth canal and via the umbilical cord to come out in the name and blood of Jesus.

Oh Dear & Gracious Heavenly Father, in Jesus Christ’s name, I approach Your throne of grace and ask for your help in my time of need. Protect me and deliver me, Lord, from every evil spirit and evil influence afflicting my life. I humbly ask and seek your presence, and pray for the wisdom and power of your Holy Spirit, and the presence of your holy angels to help in this matter. Illuminate my mind with the truth of my situation, and teach me to war against this evil intrusion, Lord, and lead me into the victory of your precious Son, Christ Jesus, Whose blood was shed to deliver and set me free from the power of sin, Satan and his kingdom of darkness.

I plead the blood of Jesus Christ on my life right now, for I am saved, redeemed, justified, cleansed, and sanctified by the shed blood of Jesus Christ.

I place my trust wholly in You Lord, in your grace and love in the name and pleading the blood of Jesus. It is You, Lord, Who causes us to triumph in Christ Jesus, for your Word says, “you are able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us..

I choose to stand on your Truth in faith Lord, strengthen me where I am weak and let my lips praise you all the days of my life. I confess and believe, Heavenly Father, that all of Your promises in him are yea, and in him Amen, unto the glory of God by us in the name and pleading the blood of Jesus. We Thank YAH in advance for the power and manifestation, thereof, Amen

James 5:16 | Ephesians 6:12-24 | Isaiah 56:7 | Colossians 2:20-24 | Psalm 139 | Isaiah 56:7 | Matthew 26:41 | Genesis 30:27 |

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