The Beast & Its Historical Mark

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The Historical Mark of the BEAST & The Unfinished Business with The Most High

Daily Meditations Wake UpDaily Meditations

We get so confounded in trying to identify the person of the beast that we negate the number of the beast.

A Subjective Position: The  B.E.A.S.T: “Betrayal & Bondage, Deterring Exile of the Elect into Kingdom of God via Aversion & Satiation of Misconceived Truths”

Whose truth? Yours, mine and/or ours? There is plentiful deception deeply embedded in the historical records regarding factions of belief and/or credence. The misconception lies with the deceiver of the world. First one has to be conscientious of choice or free will. With this said,  is there still unfinished business with the Most High? Since our Creator is not in the business of corruption or deceit; the right to the blessings of heaven were bestowed upon all, some past, present and even future. When God speaks it is with finality, and authority of truth. He doesn’t break promises.

Through outside sources, we heard there is an extremely essential matter of unfinished business with the Most High concerning the blood covenant of the Torah & His Elect…

Are we to understand as the Elect, that the occurrences of today’s blessed and cursed activities are the absolute promises told us or rather our forefathers of old? Let’s look at this a tad closer…

Believers often reiterate the blessings of God, while in strong negation to the curses prescribed. The blessings and curses, both require much of hearing as well as obeying his laws or statutes.

  • What were they?
  • How have we misconceived them?
  • When were they declared, how long were they for?

Unlike today’s covenant “the Gospel of Jesus Christ,” written on the hearts of all, the Old Testament laws and those of the Torah were specific in nature to the people of God, [Jacob, Israel], future rulers of the final kingdom.

These particular statutes take place around 1410 B.C.. Incidentally, they were concrete in reprimands consisting mostly of slavery [Egypt; bondage] until death for continual disobedience via idolatry; or annulled via sacrifices and offerings to God for atonement, repentance; returning to the first love, and in obedience to the original agreement…

This is where some today confuse the blessings of the Lord upon themselves, ergo the peculiar people, elect or chosen of God. Yes the blessings are great and wondrous but contingent on observance and obedience to all commanded that day even for future generations, i.e. today, 2016 – Deuteronomy 28:1-2, Zechariah 1:6.

“Thou believes that there is one God; thou does well: the devils also believe, and tremble” (James 2:19)

  • How did we miss this part? The deceiver of the world has taken the very essence of the breath and word of God for usury against the very elect, causing them to assert Mammon’s tangible gifts as blessings [Luke 11:13-14; James 2:19; Matthew 24:24; Ephesians 6:8; ] when the Lord clearly promised them ROYALTY, ruler-ship of the promised Kingdom.
  • Where did we lose sight?  It began in the origins of church, religion, politics, and powers struggles [wars] via vainglory long ago.
  • Was there an end to such long-suffering…How did or does it end? trythespirits

Yes, by keeping all the commandments which were commanded that day – Deuteronomy 27:1, Joshua 22:5.

“But now in Christ Jesus ye who sometimes were far off are made nigh by the blood of Christ. For he is our peace, who hath made both one, and hath broken down the middle wall of partition between us; Having abolished in his flesh the enmity, even the law of commandments contained in ordinances; for to make in himself of twain one new man, so making peace; And that he might reconcile both unto God in one body by the cross, having slain the enmity thereby: And came and preached peace to you which were afar off, and to them that were nigh” (Ephesians 2:13-17)

It (Torah) included some of the following specific stipulated ordinances, but not limited to those we’re more familiar with today, such as the first four books of the Law of Moses concerning Feast Days, The Ten Commandments, Sin Atonement,  Offerings and/or Sacrifices, more. Our focus today is the fifth book of the law; Deuteronomy, as it relates to the sufficiency of grace.

  • Judges & Judgments –Deuteronomy 16:18-22
  • Divers Instructions Against Abominable Behavior; for Breaking of Covenant, & Choosing Rulers–Deuteronomy 17:1-20
  • The Portion of the Tribe of Levi: “For the Lord thy God has chosen him out of all thy tribes, to stand to minister in the name of the Lord, him and his sons forever” (Deuteronomy 18:5).
  • Warnings Against Heathen Rites or Traditions – Deut 18:9-14
  • A Prophet is Promised to be Raised – Deut 5:28; 9:10 & 18:15-22 | see also Exodus 20:19; John 1:45 & 4:25; Acts 3:22-23 & 7:37; Hebrews 12:19; Matthew 17:5; Jeremiah 2:8 & 28:9;
  • Places of Refuge – Deut 4:42; 12:29; 13:8; 17:9-13; 19:1-21 & 21:5 | see also Matthew 5:38; Psalm 27:12 & 35:11; Exodus 23:1; Hosea 5:10; Joshua 20:7; Genesis 15:18 & Numbers 35:12
  • Laws on War & Its Crimes –  Deuteronomy 20:1-22:12
  • Chastity Laws – Deuteronomy 21:14-22; 22:1-30; 24:1-3 | see also John 8:5; Matthew 1:18; Exodus 22:16 & 1 Corinthians 5:1
  • Congregational Exclusion – Deuteronomy  4:37; 10:19 & 23:1-8 | see also Nehemiah 13:1-2; Obadiah 8-16; Leviticus 19:34
  • Cleanliness or Sanitation – Deuteronomy 23:9-14 | see also Leviticus 15:5-16 & 26:12 & Hebrews 13:11
  • Human & Domestic Relations – Deuteronomy 23:15-24:13 & 25:1-16


“For all that do such things, and all that do unrighteously, are an abomination unto the LORD thy God” (Deuteronomy 25:16).

  • First Fruits & Tithes Offerings – Deuteronomy 26:1-19
  • Building an Altar at Mount Ebal – Entrance of the Covenant: Declaration of Blessings of Obedience with Strict Guidelines & Curses and Consequences for Disobedience of the Covenant – Deuteronomy 27:1-28:68
  • Exhortation to Obedience–The Conditional Covenant for the children of Israel [Abraham, Isaac & Jacob]; Restoration, Blessing, Ark of the Covenant;  Deuteronomy 29:1-30:20 & 31:24; 30:1-34:12
  • Commission of Successor (Joshua) – Deuteronomy 31:1-23
  • Song of Moses – Deuteronomy 32:1-43
  • The Tribes are Blessed by Moses -Deuteronomy 4:32-37; 9:3-5; 33:1-29 & 32:11-15 | See also Psalm 90:1 & Psalm 2:6; 4:5; 47:4 & 66:3; Habakkuk 3:3; Judges 5:4; Daniel 7:10; Leviticus 10:11 & 16:12; Revelation 5:11; Genesis 27:27-28 & 49:3-21 ; 2 Samuel 24:23; Ezekiel 19:2-3 & 20:40; Job 29:6; Joshua 19:47 & 22:1-3; Numbers 34:14; Isaiah 2:3 &  60:5; Exodus 3:2-4 & 15:11-17

“For it is not a vain thing for you; because it is your life: and through this thing ye shall prolong your days in the land, whither ye go over Jordan to possess it” (Deuteronomy 32:47)

“And Moses and the priests the Levites spake unto all Israel, saying, Take heed, and hearken, O Israel; this day thou art become the people of the Lord thy God. Thou shalt therefore obey the voice of the Lord thy God, and do his commandments and his statutes,which I command thee this day” (Deuteronomy 27:9-10)

  • Oppression of Servants – Deuteronomy 15:10 & 24:14-22 | see also Malachi 3:5; Proverbs 22:22; Leviticus 19:9;  & Psalm 41:1
  •   A Call to Remembrance on the Blotting out of Amalek – Deuteronomy 25:17-19 | see also 1 Samuel 15:1-3; Exodus 17:8-14
  • The Death of Moses – Deuteronomy 3:27; 32:50 & 34:1-8 | See also Numbers 12:7 & 27:12; Jude 9 (grave site); 2 Chronicles 28:15; Genesis 12:7; 26:3 & 50:3-10 & Joshua 4:19

“So Moses the servant of the Lord died there in the land of Moab, according to the word of the Lord” (Deuteronomy 34:5)

  • Joshua Succeeds Moses – Deuteronomy 7:19; 18:15 & 34:9-12 | See also Exodus 33:11; Numbers 27:18-23; Isaiah 11:2

Considering our so called history, there is somewhat neutral regard, yet without specifics as to what has been, will be, is or is not being adjusted, added and/or removed about it…In this sense, history has already been morbidly suppressed from the beginning. It doesn’t matter how much they  i.e. powers, principalities, rulers of the darkness of this world, and spiritual wickedness in high places (Para Eph. 6:12); try to change our seed roots; because the seed always bears the same kind. breaktheyoke

  • “For I am the Lord, I change not therefore ye sons of Jacob are not consumed” (Malachi 3:6)
  • “We shall not all sleep but we shall all be changed” (1 Cor 15:51)
  • “And God said, Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb yielding seed, and the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind, whose seed is in itself, upon the earth: and it was so. And the earth brought forth grass, and herb yielding seed after his kind, and the tree yielding fruit, whose seed was in itself, after his kind: and God saw that it was good” (Genesis 1:11-12)

Our mouths get us into hot beds of which we ourselves are first to fall into – Eccl 10:8 / Prov 26:27. It’s not what goes in, but what comes out which defiles [] Matt 15:11 / Mk 7:20 / [] death & life in the power of the tongue [] Prov 18:21 [].

What’s more interesting is that according to Deuteronomy 30:15-19, life being good and death being evil, the Lord said he ”set them before us, against us as a choice. In choosing life, the seed lives on Para Deut 30:19; as in “Now the parable is this: The seed is the word of God Luke 8:11 and Rom 9:8 says, “That is, They which are the children of the flesh, these are not the children of God: but the children of the promise are counted for the seed“.

Therefore as watchmen, may we continue to watch and pray, be thankful in all things, judging nothing before the time…as the Lord will reveal (Para 1 Cor 4:5)

~the Messenger

Mark of Bondage:  Evil, Wickedness, Sin, Wantonness, Deceit, Fear, Confusion & Delusion… Don’t Be Reckless with Truth

“Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six” (Revelation 13:18)

Revelation 13:18 tells us here is wisdom… Proverbs 4:7, tells us wisdom is the principle thing; therefore get wisdom and with all thy getting get understanding and goes on to let us know the fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge; knowledge of the holy is understanding Prov 9:10. Now there is plenteous feminine allegory related to wisdom contrasting to virtue…the ones we found most relative to this topic study on Revelation 13:18, is Proverbs 9:18, about the invitation to virtue of wisdom and avoiding the foolish woman -see verses 1-18, see also Proverbs 7:27-the wiles of an harlot [i.e. the Great Whore of Babylon (i.e. way of confusion)] and the chambers of death (Sheoul).  This ties in to the adultery and fornication of the bride-groom of Christ (many members of the body–church), going after other gods and partaking in the lusts of this world and pride of life as relates to worldly traditions and the forsook relationship with God. See Proverbs 31 for more on virtuous woman.

  • “But he knows not that the dead are there; and that her guests are in the depths of hell”  (Proverbs 9:18).
  • “Her way is the way to hell, going down to the chambers of death” (Proverbs 7:27). 
  • “Stand in awe, and sin not: commune with your own heart upon your bed, and be still. Selah” (Psalm 4:4)
  • Be ye angry, and sin not: let not the sun go down upon your wrath: Neither give place to the devil (Ephesians 4:26-27)
  • “Sacrifice and offering thou didst not desire; mine ears hast thou opened: burnt offering and sin offering hast thou not required. Then said I, Lo, I come: in the volume of the book it is written of me, I delight to do thy will, O my God: yea, thy law is within my heart (Psalm 40:6-8) WineOfTheWrathofGod

In the Word Study 

Proverbs 1:12-17; 4:4; 5:5; 7:27; 9:1-18; 31: | Revelation 13:18; 14:9-11 & 19:1-21 | James 2:8-14 | Luke 11:13-14 | Isaiah 55:1-2 | Matthew 22:1–13; 26:29 |Revelation 19:1- | Ephesian 4:26 | Psalm 4:4 ; 40:6-8 | Leviticus 1-7 |

“The curse of the Lord is in the house of the wicked: but he blesses the habitation of the just” (Proverbs 3:33)

In the Word Study

Proverbs 2:18; 4:7; 7:27; 9:10-18 & 12:10 | Deuteronomy 11:28 & 30:15-19 | Revelation 13:18 | Luke 8:11 | Romans 2:1-7 & 9:8 |  Job 8:6; 12:7 & 18:3 | Psalm 49:12 & 73:22 |  James 3:7 | 2 Peter 2:12 | 1 Timothy 1:17 & 6:16 | 2 Timothy 1:10 | 1 Corinthians 15:53-54 | Hebrews 10:32 |  Genesis 43:9|

Evil conduct precedes an evil heart…Sometimes we get so full of self; there is hardly room for anything or anyone else, namely God.


Q & A

Since the word is alive in alerting, loving, instructing, informing, vindicating; as well as embodying and embracing us (Hebrews 4:12); What has the old unconditional Abrahamic covenant informed us about the aforementioned conditional covenant in comparison to the new covenant?

Remembering our first declarative, that one has to foremost be conscientious of choice or free will…Is there a choice in the receipt of blessings or curses throughout the biblical canon, particularly to those declared per covenant(s)?

We look now at the choices and free will to repent to God (He 12:7); non-repentance or willful sin (He 10:26), justification by faith (He 11:1-40) and the new covenant (He 8:6-13).

Has God has supplied us with an everlasting covenant (He 10:18) through the blood of Christ; by the grace  of  God, via our faith, according to the book of Hebrews? — (undisclosed authorship between A.D. 68-95).

In this text, Christ (He 1:1-3) is considered the minister and High Priest of the new covenant, after the order of Melchizedek (He 7). Faith is introduced, explained and contrasted with old covenant laws of the Levitical system,  Judaism, and Apostolic Christianity (He 9:1-10:39).

“For ye have need of patience, that, after ye have done the will of God, ye might receive the promise. For yet a little while, and he that shall come will come and will not tarry. Now, the just shall live by faith: but if any man draw back, my soul shall have no pleasure in him. But we are not of them who draw back unto perdition; but of them that believe to the saving of the soul” (Hebrews 10:36-39 KJV)

This book reports a resolve for the reverting back to ways of Apostasy. Some believe the ways of Pagans was the original; while others still believe in Torah Laws, Levitical System, Judaism, and Apostolic Christianity. Yet, today there are even more belief systems in practice, some of which do not even declare Christ as God, or any God. What this resonates is a strong force of confusion still at play. So how do we choose correctly? What of our free will, will we still be held accountable for?salvation is subjective Phil 2_12 KJV

The best answer we could come up with is God never repents on his promises – Genesis 6:5-7; we as believers should via faith, trust and confidence in God, seek the LORD our God on the matters of our hearts concerning all truth, pray incessantly as it is our divine communication and direct link to the revelation of truth, being that God is a spirit and likewise should be our relationship. IEPM_STCBNM_Salutations_11112014BczyoukeptthewordofPatience_Rev3.10KJV

God is not a man that He should lie, neither a man that he should repent, thereby being truth (Numbers 23:19); we should thank Him in and for all things to His glory, for nothing was made without him nor does anything exist.SeekToOpenPrayer_Summer2016_IEPMSTCTSGImageQuotes

  • According to Matthew 5:16, good works follow the meek, who humbled in the omnipresence of the LORD; allow the light of salvation to shine forth, glorifying our Father which is in heaven.
  • According to Hebrews 11, a deed of faith is being assured in the word of God of our eternal dwelling in the selfsame.

Faith is believing the testimony of the Holy Ghost that in observance and obedience of His commandments; with his laws written into our hearts and in our minds; he will remember no more our iniquities (Jeremiah 31:34).

the air I breathe FAITH
 Faith comes by Hearing and hearing by the Word of God.

FaithGrafitti2015_IEPM - Copy


In the Word Study 

Genesis 6:3-8 & 12:1-3 | Hebrews 1:14; 2:1-18; 3:1-18; 4:1-16; 5:1-14; 6:1-20; 7:1-28; 8:1-13; 9:1-28; 10:1-39;  11:1-40;  12:1-29 & 13:1-25 | Deuteronomy 4:30 | Psalm 2:7-8; 8:4-6; 45:6-7; 18:2; 22:22; 51:1-19; 102:25; 104:4; 110:1-4 | John 1:3, vv14-17; 7:27; 21:3-17 | Philippians 2:7-10 & 3:1-9 | 2 Samuel 7:14; 11:1-27 & 12:13 | Colossians 1:16-21 | Isaiah 8:17-18; 12:2 & 34:4 | Romans 3:20; 8:17; 10:1-4 & 11:25-36 | Numbers 15:30 | Acts 2:22, v33 & 17:30 | 2 Peter 1:23; 2:2 & 3:13 | 1 Corinthians 15:25 | John 3:16  | Luke 1:74&  Hebrews 2:15; 4:15; 6:1-6; 7:21 & 12:16-17 & John 4:10 | Matthew 5:16; 7:21-23; 25:69-75 | Mark 14:3-9 | Ephesians 2:1-9 & 5:26 | 2 Timothy 2:15 | Galatians 3:2-5 | Revelation 20:11-15 |

Our Father reminds us foot soldiers to look ALIVE via our nurtured faith and admonition of the Lord Ephesians 6:4


We need not worry, because I hear the Almighty has a way of making crooked things straight. If someone is amused by our calling on life to be indifferent, know that it stems from an innate fear to reconcile with the daring difference of which we choose to embody. A difference which is like trying to force a square peg into a round hole. All the while the difference we embody circles the square, encompassing truth, separating from weapons of mind destruction via cunning deception.LordofHosts

“And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually” (Genesis 6:5).

WakeUp  Laugh now (then/now)…Cry later(now/later)…
When death took control of the lost, when minds forfeited its cost
When seasons changed, minds became deranged
When wantonness became their new wine, as they became a kine
When lost as ignorant chattel, they continued to lose the battle.
~Ethereal Mind of the Messenger

#WakeUp #Loveharder #IAMNRU #GODisLOVE

“If ye love me, keep my commandments (John 14:15)

“My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children” (Hosea 4:6 )

“Woe unto you that are full! for ye shall hunger. Woe unto you that laugh now! for ye shall mourn and weep” (Luke 6:25).

“If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land” (2 Chronicles 7:14).

It is our hope that our readers visited the scriptures shared within this commentary as they have profundity of promise for both the blessed and the cursed. Even though God granted us grace and mercy, He is still the same God of whom said “Not one jot or one tittle of His word would go unfulfilled”. With this is mind May we not replicate the same mistakes as our ancestors in forsaking the covenant law(s), our first love, hearing and obedience to his ordinances and word; and our duty of servitude one to another.

As always we remind our audience not to take our word for it; yet, to seek the Lord on it. Remember the messenger is minuscule to the profundity of the message. 

In the Word Study: Comprehensive (for the hearer & doer) WakeupLoveHarderIAMNRU

Luke 4:18-33; 6:18-49; 8:23,33; 9:22; 9:38-42; 10:17; 11:14; 17:13 & 18:13-14 | Revelation 13:18 | Deuteronomy 3:19; 26:16-19; 27:5-26; ch 26-31 & 32:17 | 1 Chronicles 5:21 & 21:5 | 2 Chronicles 2:2-18; 7:14; 11:15; 29:7; 30:24 & 35:8-9 |Job 42:12 | Psalm 4:1; 6:2; 32:6; 75:1; 145:18 & 106:35-37 | Judges 9:23 | Leviticus 17:7; 18:22; 25:35-44 | Matthew 1:1; 4:24; 8:16-34; 9:32-33; 10:1; 12:22-45; 15:22; 17:14-20; & 25:4 | Mark 1:23-25; 3:11-26; 5:2-20; 6:7; 7:2; 9:17-38 & 16:17 | 1 Kings 22:23 | 1 Samuel 16:14; 18:10 & 19:9 | Acts 5:3 19:13-16 |John 4:46-47; 10:20; 13:2 & 18:2 | Ephesians 2:2; 3:13-21 & 6:1-23 | James 2:19 | Revelation 9:20 & 13:18 | Jude 1:6 | 1 Peter 2:4-18 | Ezekiel 8:6 & 34:17-22 |Numbers 31:32 & 32:4 | Romans 8:4 | Exodus 9:4-6; 19:5-7; 20:1-11; 21:1-36 & 48:10 | Deuteronomy 4:7-29; 14:2; 26:18 & ch 26-31 | Titus 2:9-14 | Genesis 1:1-29; 13:7; 30:32-41; 31:10-18; 32:26-28 & 47:16-17 | Isaiah 7:25; 12:6; 26:9; 45:19-22; 46:13; 49:8; 55:6-13; 58:9 & 65:10-24 | Daniel 7:10 | Colossians 4:1 | Galatians 3:28 | Jonah 4:11 | Hosea 4:6 |1 Samuel 13:2


Works Related/References

All Scriptural shares are from the subjective study in our Personal  King James Version of the Holy Bible with some hyperlinks to online source for ease of access for further study.

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2 thoughts on “The Beast & Its Historical Mark

    The Beast & Its Historical Mark | IEPM said:
    July 3, 2016 at 10:36 pm

    […] Source: The Beast & Its Historical Mark […]


    In the Name… – Survivors thru Christ said:
    November 29, 2016 at 1:00 am

    […] word also instructs us to obtain wisdom of God’s will, so that we can silence the ignorance (not knowing) of foolish men. Could these be the false prophets, like those mentioned throughout […]


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