An Itinerary of Kindness

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An Itinerary of Kindness

Daily Meditations Wake UpShare a smile or hug with someone today…Kindness brings spiritual rewards.

  • Ever been so bogged down with forces of daily living and there seems to be no end in sight?
  • Ever been ready to throw in the towel, overwhelmed in the daily flow of mundane routine?
Sometimes the people we meet along the path of daily living may be having “one of those days”. Did you know a simple hello with a smile or hug could be the very blessing “you need” to get things percolating in your own life?


The order of blessings begins with the gift of giving. We cannot beat God’s giving, no matter how hard we may try. The next best gift anyone can give to another is love because in doing so, we first give them the best gift giver –God, a good and perfect gift that keeps on giving year round without occasion. Next “we fulfill his joy, the law and the prophets. We sow love, we reap love. Love can’t be bought and therefore is priceless. Love covers a multitude of sin and does not boast of itself, is long-lasting and requires much humility. To whom much is given, much is required, right”? (Paraphrased Scriptures, KJV)
There is an old cliche that comes to mind about how ‘an apple a day keeps the doctor away‘. When and after I thought and prayed on it …I realized how sinister that could be in some spiritual aspects.

Regarding “Apple”…

  1. Most people consider an apple to be representative of the so-called forbidden fruit of the bible, of which believers in Christ know to actually have been sin via disobedience, and not an actual fruit. Apple is however, referenced in the scriptures, but not as the forbidden fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil from Genesis 3, as some believe. (i.e. See Song of Solomon 2:3/Prov 25:11/Psalm 17:8/Joel 1:12/ ….)
  2. Who is the greatest HEALER (physician) known to all of mankind, humanity or of the living? Exodus 15:26; 23:25,26| Psalm 103:3 |Jeremiah 30:17 | Deuteronomy 7:11-15 | Isaiah 46:10-:11 | Titus 1:2| Ezekiel 12:25 | John 14:15 |
  3. Metaphorically speaking; If we take a bite of sin each day, we do perhaps in this respect keep the “healer of all things” doctor away. Please research Pharmakeia ; Strong’s Concordance 5331/5332/5333/5328/5329/
Therefore, I thought what a nicer sentiment to share a hug or a smile along with a friendly hello. A smile is sometimes contagious as one usually will smile back at us. Next, a hug (not recommended w/o spiritual covering however) says I may not agree with what you’re facing or going through, but it sort of seals the deal that “I care” that you’re hurting, while offering the simplest of help…ergo love.
Sometimes we don’t have the tangible resources or answers another needs to deal with pressing circumstances. Yet, to know that another is moved to express care, concern, i.e. love; is sometimes the exact motivational ticket to spark that person’s momentum to pass it on.
I think this is similar to us greeting one another with an holy kiss. [2 Cor 13:12 & Rom 16:16]…meaning something unexpected, different, set apart (holy).


God Makes It Good!!!
Bob is having a rough time [bad day] with something that seems extremely overwhelming to him; yet after sharing the situation or feeling with Jill, she feels or assumes it as minuscule or unimportant, maybe even foolish to be stressing over, saying “what do you want me to do with all you have disclosed”? Bob, replies, Nothing, I am really just venting, or perhaps just need a hug. Jill replies with a big negative sigh (knowing that she has issues she is facing, of which in her mind are more pressing than Bob’s) and walks away.
Later, Bob is even more distraught and can’t seem to find peace, until he runs into an old friend, Jane who greets him with a smile, hears about his day and offers him a hug. In that moment she explains, “I don’t fully know what to do or how to respond to what you’re going through, but I empathize with your hurt”; then offers Bob prayer.
Bob feels a sense of relief, and optimism kicks in and he is comforted. [healing].
Meanwhile, Jane having never disclosed to Bob that she was battling illness, debt, and brokenness, later runs into a dear friend Maria, who pops by unexpectedly. “Hellos & hugs” are exchanged and Maria invites Jane to an excursion for the day filled with dinner, movie, prayer, laughter, love and gives her her a large monetary gift, enough to cover her medicinal needs or debt “no strings” attached, never knowing of Jane’s hardship. Jane is humbled, thanks the Lord for Maria…..they say there goodbyes with prayer, hugs and smiles.


In the spirit realm, there is always an assignment given each of us and particularly most assignments are tied to our prayers, whether past, present or future. The answers God gives us in prayers for blessings are always tied to our giving. (more blessed to give…when we give we get good measure pressed down shaken together and running over, given unto our bosom by others…we reap what we sow…to whom much is given much is required…God is a spirit and we are required to worship him in spirit and truth…and so forth.
Going back to our original thought concerning “an apple a day“, we find that the fruits of the spirit bring more healing than per se the apple with all its tangible or healthy nutrients.

“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, long-suffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law. And they that are Christ’s have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts. If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit. Let us not be desirous of vain glory, provoking one another, envying one another”(Galatians 5:22-26 KJV).

Fathers Hug Your Sons, Mothers Hug Your Daughters, Friends & Neighbors Hug One Another and greet one another with an holy kiss, for love covers a multitude of sin (i.e the proverbial apple) and fulfills the law and the prophets.


God protects His pupil; [apple of His eye] God protects Israel ….

“The Lord’s portion is His people. He found him in a desert land, and in the waste howling wilderness; he led him about, he instructed him, he kept him as the apple of his eye” (Deuteronomy 32:9-10 KJV).
“The Lord is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart; and saves such as be of a contrite spirit. Many are the afflictions of the righteous: but the Lord delivers him out of them all. He keeps all his bones: not one of them is broken”
(Psalm 34:18-20 KJV).

In the Word Study

A kiss Strong’s Greek 5370. philéma :– [a kiss] to show respect or affection between friends – i.e. people sharing a deep (common) bond. Strong’s Greek 5368. phileó to love; – properly, to show warm affection in intimate friendship, characterized by tender, heartfelt consideration and kinship | 2 Corinthians 12-13 | Romans 16:16-27 | 1 Corinthians 16:20-22 | Matthew 5:47 & 10:37 | John 11:3 & 12: | Job 5:8-19 | Luke 5:31 | 1 Thessalonians 5:25-27 |
Works Cited/References
Text Quoted Philema (n.d.). Strong’s Concordance philéma: a kiss. Retrieved from
Text Quoted Phileo (n.d.). Strong’s Concordance phileó to love. Retrieved from
Text Quoted Definition search for Apple (n.d). KINGJAMESBIBLEONLINE.ORG. Retrieved from…

One thought on “An Itinerary of Kindness

    […] my hands dirty?…Am I doing things heartily as unto Yah? Do my feet run to mischief or peace? Do I mind the stance of my feet? Do I know the importance of the footstool? Am I hot, […]


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