Day: November 14, 2016

When In Doubt…Examine Ourselves

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We must first understand that the Word via scripture, is inspired by God, profitable for doctrine, reproof, instruction, teaching, inspiration or the like; towards “righteousness”.

To overstand: “One must realize that without self examination, study, and discernment according to unadulterated truth is to position ourselves to accept another’s”
~the Messenger in-the-word-study

To inner-stand: As a believer, we must not deny the very accompaniment and/or nature of science to said proven and held good of those truth(s).


“Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear” (Hebrews 11:3).

The beauty of God, is that no matter how or what we determine as truth, the Sovereign truth governs all and is just. The Most High does not force our hands, hearts, minds, or souls to accept TRUTH; nor does He wish us to be in an ungodly state of confusion regarding it. Although, with that free will, we must know and not forget that salvation is a subjective work, and judgment awaits all as to whether there is an abominable false balance in our duty to holiness.

Considder Thy Ways

“For we can do nothing against the truth, but for the truth” (2 Corinthians 13:8).

#LiteAsAFeather #FreeSettingTruth 


In the Word Study

Genesis 1-3 | Deuteronomy 28-33 | Zechariah 8:16 | 3 John 1:3-8 | 2 Corinthians 7:14 12:16-17 & 13:8 | 2 John 1:1 | Isaiah 65:16 | John 8:4-45;16:13;17:17-23 & 18:37 | Proverbs 22:21 | Job 9:2 | Galatians 4:16 & 5:7 |1 Timothy 2:4 | 2 Timothy 2:8-15 & 3:7-17 | James 5:19 |1 John 1:8; 2:21 & 3:19 | 2 John 1:2-8 | 3 John 1:3-8 | Psalm 33:4-9; 111:8; 119:30-151 | 1 Corinthians 6:6-10 & 15:22 | Matthew 12:31-32; 19:4-6; 10:6-9; 14:33 & 23:35 | Luke 11:51 | Acts 7:51;15:45;13:38-39 & 20:35 | Romans 5:1-18 | Ecclesiastes 3-6 | Hebrews 11:3 | James 2:6-7 & 5:19 | Mark 3:28-30 | Zechariah 8:16 | 2 Chronicles 2:12 …more