Mindful of the B.R.O.K.E.N…

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daily-meditations-wakeup2016_2017Many times things in this world’s version of life can bring us down in spirit. Especially talebearers who act as busybodies, meddling in another’s soul salvation concerning their heartfelt issues. God sees us. When someone takes their very valued time to confide in us regardless to whether implied in strict confidence; we should always seek the Father on what we allow in our spirits. Among people, there are secrets, but with God nothing is hidden that shall not be revealed. We just have to maintain that God’s timing differs from ours. We must be mindful of our own and yes other people’s business. I made the mistake of discussing a matter with a friend once concerning a close relative of theirs just after receiving word from the holy ghost in regards to a similar issue or feat. Yet, because I hesitated on sharing the anointed word with that person first and delivered their relative’s take on it, I lost a friend. This happens to the best of us. That taught me well because God confirmed it (my error) for me via scripture. I asked for forgiveness and enlightenment as I repented for any harm caused. I have since tried to be more empathetic with my ear and flood gates. We never know how far to the edge another may be towards falling away; and this is dangerous for all involved, more so for the one who places a stumbling block before another. Be mindful of the b.r.o.k.e.n…. “Building a Relationship of Obedience, Knowledge and Empathy on the Nature/Nurture of the Most High

~the Messenger  


Building could be indicative of the strengthening of one’s office in the spiritual body as well as their subjective worship.  Just because we see other’s in a fault does not mean we ridicule them or cut them down. Especially without hearing the gist of the matter; and even then, Yah commands us to respond in love and of righteous judgment.

When a true believer realizes that we are all connected in this body, is when he/she realizes how much it pains the Most High, that we do not exercise the sound mind, or power via love given us towards one another, seeing we’re in the same unit (body).

  • The word tells us that grievous words stir up strife as does the lips of a fool, which could inadvertently bring upon various other dangers. Such as contention and unrest, sometimes calling for the rod of correction (strokes) or open rebuke. Corrupt communication can be destruction for us becoming a snare for our soul [i.e. a web of mischief via unrighteous gossiping].

Sometimes because we have become accustomed to the traditions of this world, we can’t even see in the spirit, how detrimental an affect this [backbiting/busbodying] could have on us.

  • It is boastfulness, vainglory, and a rapid spreading malignancy.


Well just think for a minute how twisted a tale can become after it’s been relayed over time and people who add and/or take away from its origin. Now where have we heard this before?

  • Yes, the word itself, tells us add to nor take away nothing from the book of the law.

But wait a minute, haven’t the authoritarians done this already?

  • The word even tells us to obtain (buy) the truth and keep it (sell it not). Again the word tells us to search a matter out, proving what’s good or right and holding to that truth.

Finally, it instructs us to let our yeses and no’s be yes and no. [nothing added or taken away], right? Well why is it that we still do the opposite?

  • It’s because of entanglement via spirit of distraction to keep us from seeking the Father with the time and chance given us, as He tries our heart’s reigns and searches us out to teach us the way of a righteous life. (Ezekiel 34:6-11).

This brings us towards a relationship with our Father via Jesus Yahshua, the anointed Christ and guidance into all truth by the holy spirit as we are comforted via the Holy Ghost.

Proverbs 18:2 

A fool hath no delight in understanding, but that his heart may discover itself


Relationship is self explanatory, in that it means we know someone and they know us.


There are many facades in the world today, which masquerade as relationship simply because most people rarely take the time out to know of someone based on their own perception. We pretty much size people up based on accumulated perceptions of others. Again, there are also dangers in wrong relationships. For instance, first and foremost, a wrong relationship with Jesus Yahshua, the anointed Christ, could be the difference between us entering heaven or hell.

Romans 14:10

But why dost thou judge thy brother? or why dost thou set at nought thy brother? for we shall all stand before the judgment seat of Christ.

The word frowns on cheating, adultery and disloyalty. So why do we not base all of our relationships on fidelity? Furthermore, how or what do we ascertain one’s fidelity?


  • From the believer’s standpoint; fidelity is representative of our obedience and faithfulness to our creator and Father, which art in heaven.


  • We often misappropriate loyalty and/or fidelity via fad or due sought popularity. This shows its ugly head in vanity across varying reaches like a stigma. We gallivant everywhere trying to make a so-called name for ourselves; but through much pretense, because we seldom are our truest selves around others. If who we are offends others, then we or somebody else; will find, or have a problem with it.  [accusers].
  • Why do we have to be someone other than ourselves to fit in this world? Perhaps this is a stronger cogitation which aligns with God’s will for us to transform. For instance, it matters not at the beginning of the day, the many proverbial hats one wears… because nonetheless, Yah God sees the naked self [our discernible heart’s intent]. We act just like Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden, hiding ourselves via repressed or oppressed shame…when God is perhaps thinking, “I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot: I would thou were cold or hot“(Rev 3:15).


Men and woman alike, will go through painful physical alterations for the sake of some grandiose validation via strong spiritual identity crises based on what another woman or man expects of their validity to exist …and for what? We were born beautiful from a superb nature, fearfully and wonderfully made by someone who knows the number of hairs per our head [yes even under all the wigs & weaves]; who knew us before our earthly parents knew us. Luke 12:7-8; Matthew 10:30-40;Psalm 139:14;Ecclesiastes 3:11-22

Then why are we so broken?

It is essentially because of disobedience to our Father’s will for us to love Him because he first loved us and to love others as we love ourselves. The problem exists in the latter, as we haven’t yet come to truly loving ourselves as God created us. When He says or as it is implied change, become anew, it didn’t mean change our physical appearance per se. Such as via unfounded cosmetic surgeries, implants, tattoos, piercings, wigs and bohemian adornments to name a few and especially if not culturally founded in the love of Christ, the anointed. “Ye shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, nor print any marks upon you: I am the Lord” (Leviticus 19:28) or 1 Peter 3:3-5 or 1 Timothy 2:9-10.the-love-of-christ

1 Corinthians 3:16

Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and [that] the Spirit of God dwells in you?

I think this is because it distracts us from who we are innately. How many times have we heard people defending trivial things via falsity, in claims of their authenticity as astute leaders rather than follower’s? [i.e. stereotyping, profiling, bullying, more]. Some are even forfeited employment via some self-expressions. This has much to do with obedience than we care to know.


Obedience means we submit to doing what is told or shown us whether voluntarily or no to some right or wrong authority. hearandobey

For instance, under some governments; laws are put in place to govern and protect our civil liberties and rights, while others dictate our livelihood. As citizens we either obey or disobey said laws, right. It has everything to do with the integrity of the upholder or keeper of the law.

2 Corinthians 2:9 

For to this end also did I write, that I might know the proof of you, whether ye be obedient in all things.

Speeding is a small example to associate here. When we feel urgency about something, sometimes all those laws may suddenly or spontaneously, take a backseat…ignoring signage along the path, road or highway, pointing to certain limitations.

  • We don’t slow down while paths are under construction nor yield for oncoming traffic.
  • We ignore traffic lights, caution, stop and detour signs never considering imminent danger(s), which may be ahead or that may cause minor and sometimes fatal accidents…all because we’re in a hurry to get to some place for subjective and sometimes selfish reasons.

This is especially true if we live in a country town, where police are scarce and hardly anyone else is on that road. Yet, does it make it right and does it make us obedient?  No.


It’s the same in the body of Christ. We either avoid, ignore, or omit Yah’s statutes. Christ. himself tells us that he did not come to abolish the law [the whole Old Testament]; but to fulfill. Exodus 20 or Matthew 5:17-20.

 God is a jealous God who visits our iniquities, and will not hold us guiltless who vainly take [use] his name [the law of love]. This brings us to knowledge’s importance; for how can one be obedient to something or someone they know not.


god-is-everywhere-we-lookKnowledge is more than knowing…it is a state of being.

There is no such thing as common knowledge because not all things are common to all, simultaneously.

Based on the aforementioned…we now know that Our Father which art in heaven governs all we even think to know. There is a plethora of things we may never fully know in this life time…but when one chooses to exist is when “knowledge” not only hears our yearning; but answers us in truth, according to the level we can properly handle it, setting us at liberty to “BE”[Become Ethereal]. The “natural” (Greek psychikos) old (former) man, is juxtaposed with the new man who is “spiritual” (pneumatikos) [Para, RSB, n.d.]. Spirit and Truth

1 Corinthians 2:13-15

 Which things also we speak, not in the words which man’s wisdom teaches, but which the Holy Ghost teaches; comparing spiritual things with spiritual. But the natural man receives not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned. But he that is spiritual judges all things, yet he himself is judged of no man.

Empathy  ◊♦  Nature  ♦◊  Nurture

The more ethereal we become the more Empathy we experience about the Nature and Nurture of the Most High… give-light-and-understanding


Be mindful of the b.r.o.k.e.n…. “Building a Relationship of Obedience, Knowledge and Empathy on the Nature/Nurture of the Most High

~the Messenger  

In the Word Study in-the-word-study

Joshua 1:8 | Matthew 5:22; 7:14-21 & 10:30-40  | Titus 1:1-7;  2:10 & 3:1-11 | Proverbs 1:7; 3:5-35; 14:7-9; 18:2-7; 25:2; 26:3-19 & 29:29 | Exodus 20-23 | Numbers 25:18 | Ezekiel 34:6 | Job 8:8-9 & 13:9| Psalm 64:6 & 139:14 | Daniel 7:28 | John 5:39; 14:15-21 | Luke 5:1-39;  6:16 & 12:7-8 | Deuteronomy 25:3 & 30:1-20 | Isaiah 1:19 | 2 Corinthians 2:9; 11:23-33 & 12:1-9| Leviticus 19:28 | 1 Corinthians 2:13-15; 6:19-20 & 10:31 | Ecclesiastes 3:11-22 | 1 Peter 3:3 | Romans 1:1-7 | Philippians 1:1-3 | Galatians 6:17 | G4742 στίγμα, ατος, τό stigma: a mark or brand | Revelation 3:15 | 

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