Humility Before Honor

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Character begins at the ignition of integrity. Only if those who knew us; knew us as HE who  created us, knows us best. Obedience is better than sacrifice because sometimes we may sacrifice the wrong things for presumably right reasons, thus compromising our good moral character.
truth-compassion-good-moral-characterYah God made us beautiful in His time, fearfully fashioned with all the good stuff. The only way we can get the GOOD stuff is to seek first His kingdom within ourselves and His righteousness; the anointed Christ [Word made manifest in the flesh] dwelling RICHLY within us and all these things [good stuff] will be added.
Anything else is next best. Worry seldom crosses our mind when we seek to do all things decent and in order. It’s not until we try to take short cuts, that we miss the mark of the High Calling of Yah.
When Yah calls us….yes, we had better answer; because that’s the one call we won’t want to miss ◊ Because “whom he calls he also justifies”. Never forget …”God’s eyes are in every place…”–Romans 8:30 & Proverbs 15:3.
~the Messenger

#AFaithPerspective #HaughtinessComesbeforeDestruction #IntegrityBuildsCharacter #GoodbegetsGood




♥ Shalom & Blessings!

Proverbs 10:9
He that walks uprightly walks surely: but he that perverts his ways shall be known
Hebrews 11 | Romans 8:30 | Proverbs 4:7; 6:16-19; 9:10; 10:9; 15:3; 21:4 & 27:2 | Galatians 6:7 | Matthew 13:39 | John 4:36 | Revelation 14:14-20 | H 7114 Qatsar: reap 

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