Testimonial: Perfecting Faith

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I am so thankful to know who I am in the Lord. One can’t imagine the hell another may have to endure with each new level walking in the spirit of the LORD. God has shown me how to to be serious about my soul.
~the Messenger 
In Thought Quotes: 
When the bible mentions “the trials of our faith working patience”….wow! Patience via man’s tradition is an undisclosed; sometimes incessant, waiting period.

Subsequently, spiritual patience however, is submissively trusting and confiding everything in and to the MOST HIGH GOD. The same POWER via love that sits us down also always picks us up.

Fear the Lord & His Wrath
“But God is the judge: he puts down one, and sets up another” Psalm 75:7
“I the Lord do all these things…. resounds right along with nevertheless His will be done because the earth and all in it belongs to Him. #Elohim [Isaiah 45:7 & Genesis 1-2:4]
Yah has reconfirmed the beauty of His holiness in my life in the past year. Things I took for granted of myself have been reformed…with more work-in-progress because we strive for perfection of our faith…

For by one offering he hath perfected forever them that are sanctified” Hebrews 10:14

Considder Thy Ways

…this for me became serious when meditating on the work of my own salvation. God has confirmed for me that darkness was created that the formation of light may guide our feet.  I have learned more about myself via Yah’s truth.

Perhaps in some instances; it has been more than I cared to know, but it has changed me for the better. I am still partly human due this vessel called flesh and therefore susceptible to inferiority of varying kinds


Everyone has their own path to journey. I respect that! My journey has led me toward trusting God in areas I had or even still have trouble trusting myself #humbled

The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord: and he delights in his way

Psalm 37:23

Here’s what I come to know:

  • Pain, a difficulty but GOD
  • Loneliness, a difficulty but GOD
  • Discomfort, a difficulty but GOD
  • Unemployment, a difficulty but GOD
  • Relationships, a difficulty but GOD
  • Hunger, a difficulty but GOD
  • Fear and or doubt, a difficulty but GOD
  • Sorrow, a difficulty but GOD
  • Poverty, a difficulty but GOD
  • Abuse, a difficulty but GOD
  • Faith, a difficulty but GOD…

“God having provided some better thing for us, that they without us should not be made perfect” Hebrews 11:40


I have found out the importance of hearing the gist of matters out, fleeing wrongful chatter as much as possible, and acknowledging the LORD in everything I do. We hear people say “the devil” pertaining this, that and/or the third on some of everything. Truth be told is the flesh [darkness] that surrounds my soul and spirit [light] is the biggest devil I have had to face, confront and/or fight. Jesus [Yahshua] the Word made manifest in the flesh, the same of which, dwelt among men; met and conquered death, has  been grafted on and become the formed light of my heart, mind, soul and spirit. Matt 5:14-16 John 1:1-34; 8:12 |1 Timothy 3:16 

“Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven” Matthew 5:16 

Howbeit, plenty of people have tried to dissuade me from letting my light shine: They say don’t talk to me about god, don’t preach god to me, don’t mention god every other sentence, can you talk without mentioning god in everything? I was guilty of the same error myself once, too. Yet, I have learned that what comes out is what’s within. I am not perfect nor ashamed No…not  perfect, no one is. Yet, this confirmed for me of how much of me, Yahshua consumes or utilizes. Again, but GOD! Hallelujah.  2 Timothy 1:12 | Romans 1:16 . 

People everywhere who have obtained anything in life, have had to perform some task [work] for it. The believer’s work is their faith…

Faith in asking, believing, receiving and proclaiming the glory of Yah for and in all things, which are HIS

In the Word Study: in-the-word-study

Matthew 5:14-16 & 15:1-20 | Galatians 3:13-15 | 1 Corinthians 10:26 | Psalm 24 & 75:7 | Micah 7:8-13 | 1 Timothy 3:16 |Isaiah 45:7-8 | 2 Timothy 1:12 | Romans 1:16 | Luke 7:36-50 & 12:48 | Hebrews 6:15; 10:14; 11:26-40 & 12:2-28 | Philippians 2:5-11 | Ephesians 4:12 | John 1:1-34; 8:12; 10:17 & 12:27 | Deuteronomy 21:23 | H430 elohim: God, god | Jeremiah 29:11 | Acts 20:28 | Colossians 3:23-24 | 2 Peter 1:5-8 | Genesis 1:3

1 Timothy 3:16

 And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness: God was manifest in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels, preached unto the Gentiles, believed on in the world, received up into glory



  1. Try the spirit by the spirit…1 John 4:1-5
  2. prove all things…
  3. hold to that which is good…1 Thessalonians 5:21
  4. consider thy ways…Haggai 1:2-5
  5. hear the whole matter…Ecclesiastes 12:13
  6. Judge not, that ye be not judged…Psalm 37:33Job 9:15 | 2 Chronicles 19:6 | 1 Samuel 24:12 | Judges 11:27Deuteronomy 32:31 | Matthew 7:1-29
  7. Yah takes good care of His…Philippians 4:19 | 1 Corinthians 9:9 James 1:27

  • Make notes to self:reminding ourselves that if we forget what sat us down,chances are we may stumble again, but if we choose to acknowledge truth of said things, the weight of them becomes less burdensome to bear #redeemed
  • The adversary may accuse a believer of throwing pity parties when they may be  testifying of where the LORD has brought them from.#mercy
  • There is a firm difference in waddling in self-pity and proclaiming glory to Yah for what has transformed in their new walk.#gratitude
  • If in fact it does seem that the brethren are crying out, it is not in any way an invitation to mistreat that one with guile, disregard,belligerence or condescension. Yet instead it is opportunity for children of the Most High to receive a blessing by being a blessing by lifting that one up in the esteem of God…remember love works no ill.  #theWillofGod 

There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear: because fear hath torment. He that fears is not made perfect in love

1 John 4:18

1 John 2:1-29 & 4:7-12  | Philippians 4:8 |Matthew 5:46-48 | Ecclesiastes 9:1 | John 10:32 & 14:23 | Mark 12:33 | 1 Peter 1:22 | 1 Thessalonians 4:9 | Hebrews 10:4 |



♥ Shalom & Blessings 


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