Day: March 16, 2017


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O the Joy in Forgiveness…

daily-meditations2017iepmartwork◊◊◊ remembering the Joy of the Lord is our Strength, this says “How Excellent is the STRENGTH in FORGIVENESS” …the Joy of the Lord, thus helps to fulfill the Soul’s destiny. Holding grudges keeps one chained, enslaved and bound to unrighteousness…Yet we whom take up His cross daily allow the son to guide us to the freedom and are exonerated via the soul of the spirit. 

~the Messenger

 “Jesus answered them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Whosoever commits sin is the servant of sin. And the servant abides not in the house for ever: but the Son abides ever. If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed” (John 8:34-36).

“If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit. Let us not be desirous of vain glory, provoking one another, envying one another” (Galatians 5:25-26).

Forgiveness is not always easy, especially when and if we’ve been hurt. However, I have found it to not only be doable but praiseworthy when I align it with the word of God. Our Father instructs us to forgive that we may be forgiven. This is the strength of the Lord’s joy, which makes it both doable and less hardening on the heart. Forgiveness reaches deep within our hearts to find that one place of repentance where we have need of and purges us from it, thus allowing us to see the majesty and beauty of God’s love towards us.
Our Father forgives us repeatedly as we ask Him, until He has chastened us to be cleansed of all unrighteousness (no more willful sinning, that is). FATHER is so loving and just towards us that even from the beginning when it had repented Him for creating us; He found grace…something in at least one of us, which could be saved (forgiven).
Forgiveness is so much more than mere apologizing. It says I love my FATHER, and He loves me…I love myself and others like me whom my FATHER also loves. I am thus worthy of love and to be loved as I am. It reminds us that no matter what things were done to warrant us to be unforgiving; our FATHER loved us first past all of our faults and reaches inward to find a bit of hope to attach the favor of HIS mercy and grace to. HE loved us so much, that HE sacrificed HIS first begotten Son that we now share in the same love of that caliber of forgiveness.
When we find it difficult to forgive someone, perhaps if we’d look inside of us to see where we have been forgiven of the FATHER, we’d simply find 1. favor 2. mercy and 3. grace (all forgiveness) of which FATHER bestows to us daily. In Ecclesiastes He affords us time and chance for every purpose under the heavens.
  • Time represents appointed or assigned seasons and in life we will go through varying seasons; also mentioned in Ecclesiastes; as specified times to do or not varying things.
  • Chance represents seed-time-harvest that we may plant good or better seeds or pluck up (forgive) that which has been planted.
  • Purpose reminds us that we have a prize [reward in heaven] awaiting us of a higher calling of God in CHRIST (bearing the cross via long-suffering and planting the righteous fruit(s) of the spirit via worship (love & prayer) and truth (CHRIST, the word made manifest in the flesh dwelling richly in us: which helps us to forgive via compelling passion for our Redemption and Eternal Salvation~Spiritual Liberty).
When we amalgamate (combine) all these attributes together; we inner, over and understand that “forgiveness” is one of those things we should probably always equate to as “done heartily as unto the Lord” (Col 3). Why? Because God’s eyes are upon every place, seeing both wrong and right [good & evil; light & darkness] of all we do, partake, allow and/or disallow.
There is both a heavenly and earthen record, taken into account of this for our Mediator in the courts we enter via prayer. These same records I believe are the very ones from the book of Revelation’s, which will be opened and judged from. The same of which were shown to Daniel via dream (vision) ~(See Daniel 7:10 & Revelation 20:12). 
1 John 5:7-9  For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one. And there are three that bear witness in earth, the Spirit, and the water, and the blood: and these three agree in one. If we receive the witness of men, the witness of God is greater: for this is the witness of God which he hath testified of his Son.
Forgiveness; restarts the clock, cleans the slate and affords us the opportunity (chance) to do better with what we know. The next time we think we can never forgive something or someone, pause briefly to see within ourselves if there is something inside [hidden] that we have either received or need forgiveness for, and act accordingly as written.
All over the biblical cannon is there, stories of forgiveness from Genesis to Revelation; yet the most profound to me are Matthew 6:15; Colossians 3:13 and Luke 6:27-37, as it hones to the spiritual law of reciprocity (reaping/sowing), what some today note as the universal law of attraction (like attracting like). Both deal with magnetism, attracting or repelling energetic forces (spirit), whether negative or positive; but where the positive is more dominant. It’s mathematical in a sense…( Judge not, and ye shall not be judged: condemn not, and ye shall not be condemned: forgive, and ye shall be forgiven-Luke 6:37). Ergo, what we do; will be done or what we don’t do, won’t be done…regardless to the ethereal or corporeal material of substance, tangibility and or significance.  anew
Ethereally, when the energy or force of forgiveness is charged in heaven (Matt 16:19 & 18:18); it becomes recurrent on earth. Here, an idiom of sorts from earthen Miranda rights; is somewhat applicable. In that “What we say (or do) can and will be held against us in the court of law”….When we attribute that the Most High is the L.A.W (Love Adoration & Worship), and heaven His courthouse; We simply learn to enter His courts with praise and thanksgiving ~”Enter into his gates with thanksgiving, and into his courts with praise: be thankful unto him, and bless his name” (Psalm 100:4). Likewise, what is bound in heaven, loosed on earth. 17352562_429512437387339_8408322801895963786_n
This is another importance to remembering to do everything heartily as unto the Lord, and not unto men…because it’s an inherent property of sorts.
We hope this message is received as a blessing of light and understanding. As always, we ask that our audience remember that the messenger is minuscule to the profundity of the message. We likewise, encourage you to not take our word for it, yet ask that you seek the Lord on it.

♥ Shalom & Blessings!

In the Word Study16403327_406311799707403_5100197344496068099_o
Psalm 100:4; 102:20; 105:20; 116:16; 130:4 & 146:7 | Matthew 6:15; 18:18 & chapters 13 & 16-18 | Colossians 1:14 & chapter 3 | 1 John 5:7-9 |  Luke 6:27-37 | Daniel chapter 7 & 9:9 | Revelation 20:12 | Genesis 1:11-29; 3:15; 4:25;  7:2-3; 8:22; 9:9; 12:7; 13:15-16; 15:3-18; 16:10; 17:7-19; 19:32-34; 21:12; 37:7; 49:11 & 50:17 | Exodus 10:17; 28:28-32; 32:32 & 39:21 | Leviticus 4:26-35; 5:13-18; 6:7 & 19:22 | Numbers 14:19; 15:25-28 & 30:2-13 | Deuteronomy 6:8; 11:18; 14:25; 21:8; 25:9-10 | Forgiveness | Binding & Loosing | Reaping & Sowing | Time & Chance | Seed-time & Harvest | 1 Samuel 25:28 | 1 Kings 8:30-34 | Joshua 2:18; 5:15; 15:14 |  Judges 15:10-13; 16:5-11 |  Job 5:18; 6:9; 12:8; 26:8; 28:11; 30:11-18; 31:36; 36:13; 38:31 & 39:5 | Mark 3:29 | Acts 5:31; 13:38 & 26:16-18 | Ephesians 1:7 | Ecclesiastes chapter 3 & 12:6 | Isaiah 5:27; 20:2; 33:23; 45:1; 51:14; 52:2 & 58:6 |

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Colossians 3:23-24

And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men; Knowing that of the Lord ye shall receive the reward of the inheritance: for ye serve the Lord Christ. 

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Mark 11:25

And when ye stand praying, forgive, if ye have ought against any: that your Father also which is in heaven may forgive you.

your trespasses.

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1 John 1:9

If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us [our] sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness