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Chapter 8 of the TRUTH!

The TRUTH About the
and National Emergencies!

This chapter ties in with the chapter on the 14th Amendment. They go hand in hand. As we learned there, the 14th Amendment applies to artificial persons called U.S. citizens (corporate property), created by the federal government, and subject to it’s jurisdiction.

The 14th amendment applies to ‘persons born or naturalized’. Can property be born? Were slaves (property) born? In the early days of this country, when you were born, your birth was recorded in the family Bible. This showed you were under the jurisdiction of God, your creator. Starting in the 1930’s, when you were born, you were issued a birth certificate from the state, and this certificate was recorded in the state records. After your birth certificate is recorded, it is sent to the Department of Commerce. Why there? Because the government is creating an artificial person and is just recording the birth of their property, that they will control and use for generating tax revenue. This is done to create an employee of the United States corporation to help pay off the national debt, since it is not legal to use private property to pay public debts. When you are bankrupt, you can use all the help you can get, or create!

The U.S. Constitution Art. I Section 8 says that one of the powers of the United States government is: To regulate commerce with foreign nations, and among the several states (50 states), and with the Indian Tribes;

So, if your birth certificate created some corporate property (artificial person) of the federal government, ‘resident’ in one of the 50 states, ‘regulated’ in commerce, does the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) apply to you?

U.S. Constitution Art. IV Section 3. The Congress shall have the power to dispose of and make all needful Rules and Regulations respecting the Territory or other Property belonging to the United States;

via Chapter 8 – United States Government Bankruptcy

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