Survivors thru Christ Prayer Closet

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e9c599f4bd72e57c5a3fb2fe6190f973[1]GREETINGS BELOVED of the MOST HIGH…❤ SHABBAT SHALOM & BLESSINGS TGIF!! 🎉

A set apart time for rest in our LORD.

May it reveal gratitude for the past week’s answered prayers and the receipt of our heart’s desires. May it usher in more via brand-new mercies and daily loaded benefits such as perfect peace, a supernatural strength of resounding joy via family-friendly enjoyment of both remembering and creating cherished memories; full of beautiful laughter & a plethora of GOD’S LOVE. May we understand that to rest signifies a surrender from this present world’s tedium, demands & unnecessary anxieties to focus on the Holy Ghost’s motherly/nurturing guidance of us in FATHER’s will towards a prevailing soul sanctification by the truth of life. May we remember L.I.F.E. is “Living in Faith Everyday”… Faith is evidence of the hidden things being made manifest from our hope’s soothing substance. It is God’s fortification towards us for our hearing and obedience. May we reflect on how more to be a blessing towards one another absent fear via this gift of power, love and sound mind, this we pray in Christ’s name, Amen.

~the Messenger 

#IAMNRU #SpreadLovePeacePositivity #LoveHarder #BeAtRest #BeHoly #SanctifyYourself #UniversalHealing

“And the LORD said unto him, Peace be unto thee; fear not: thou shalt not die. Then Gideon built an altar there unto the Lord, and called it Jehovahshalom: unto this day it is yet I’m Ophrah of the Abiezrites” (Judges 6:23-24).

In The Word Study:16403327_406311799707403_5100197344496068099_o

Mark 2:27/ Exodus 14:14; 17:15 & 20:8 /Hebrews 4:9 / Judges 6:11; 6:23-24 / Lamentations 3:22-23 / Joshua 1:8 & 18:23 / Tribes of Gad & Manasseh / Populus candicans / Genesis 31:47/ SHLKJV-H7965 shalowm

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