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March 15, 2019


What infinite endowment from the LORD, can we undeniably declare? How will we testify GLORY TO GOD IN THE HIGHEST for and give continual, rather than temporary praise thereof for this endowment?

Pray without ceasing(communicate)53752703_2296571597044020_2367215884260343808_n (1)

Just like the heavens, we too, declare the Glory of the Lord via our Word of Testimony and our simultaneous overcoming’s—by the Blood of the Lamb.

Perhaps we could measure it via the prioritization of our moral, spiritual, ethical and general values in life via lenses, which help us discern what is fruitful and multiplied within us and upon this earth. Rich blessings from the MOST HIGH, therefore; COMPLETE us more than they COMPLEMENT us.
~the Messenger🌹

#GODchanges_not #AddsNoSorrow #MultipliesUsViaSubjectiveIncrease
#GODisLOVE #HallelujahPraise

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