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A Poetic Response on Bias:

The Lord has given me a message to share about a post I saw reminding people of the oppression over the decades of black people, that some may not find as inspiring. All month long He has had me studying ACCESS, especially that which is not securely gained.

I prayed about the video and at first intended to share this message attached to the video, near attempted via unsecured access to assist in the intended affliction of the devil, nicely disguised, but later was not given spiritual liberty of which to adhere (the video) to the very URGENT poetic meditation message below.

Satan, I will not assist you any further in your subtle intimidations, trying to get me to further the pain of my beloved brethren, in Jesus Yeshua Messiah Christ, name, and flee, amen.

Wondering where the poetic meditation is in this share… Simple enough exposition:


The laws need modifying and of that, there is no denying… we cannot in duplicate hurt, pain & hate, keep crying. Agreeing to stoop to the devil’s levels further disheveled…doing so keeps us beveled. Always on the edge, sloping…thinking that remorse via anger is somehow coping. With all we perceive overtime in history…still we negate the bigger picture as if a mystery. As viewed over time from place to place, humanity is the lesser race…once we put the true hue to the image of our creator’s face. It seems it matters not, of the repetitions of how we yet stay bound, shackled to the past, hung on nooses of  unforgiveness, chained to the nemesis’ design… set forth from beginning of time. Given a princedom to kill, steal & destroy by choice what and whoever while roaming this earth…What better place to start than the heart and mind, often absent confidence in YAH, remaining yet a dearth. Lacking the power, love and soundness of mind…sacrificially gifted, yet not in partiality, but to all of mankind. HE said in the beginning THE MAN (ADAM~Body) had come to know good and again evil, having to work painstakingly for a paradise forfeited…cannot believe we cannot yet get it. Placed as the head (covering) of the woman (EVE-Soul) as chavah, mother of Life…HIS WORD now is cutting like a double-edged knife. The sword, that is, of the spirit…can you hear it? The voice of the LORD walking in this cursed land… asking us to take his outstretched hand.  As children, we are fruit, representative of feet, humbled in unfeigned faith, which we should keep shod… in the Gospel of LOVE, and thus the Peace of GOD. It surpasses human understanding…but we are too busy with self, aggrandizing with unwise demanding. We cheat on our spiritual diets…sinning in anger, all nationalities, after thousands of years still forming senseless riots. Blinded to the true target, often missing the mark of the higher calling, rarely in unity pressing…instead just mounts of biased distressing…as the call to work out our salvation never lessens. The faithless and some of faith, which they feel is thus full…incessantly fall for the bull of the wolves ravenous in falsity of sheep’s wool. YAH said because of disobedience and rebellion, of the tree of life shall we acknowledge and consume twelve essential fruit, dare I make mention…Perhaps the following will draw your attention. Line upon line, precept by precept, here & there yet a little… It is clearly spelled out and HE said none of which will be left undone, not one jot or even a tittle. HE said I gave you the one middle…and even in parable, the message is no riddle. A mediator whose name excels above all…who welcomes those who will simply answer HIS call. L.I.F.E. is not a game, yet the enemy is having a ball, playing with and taunting us mind, soul, body, and all, stealing, killing, and destroying…yes, but he is not toying. Instead of being against one another pushing each other toward an early casket…we should be more concerned with what is in our spiritual fruit basket. Nevertheless, since we have not so learned Christ we forget of it, even amiss in repetitious asking…making the promise seem more taxing. I could go on but meditating on this should be a lot more relaxing. Especially when realization of effectual and fervent prayer, repentance, praise, worship, and study…become your new weapon before things, once again become bloody.

(Written by La’Sonya Canfield, shared with permission).


Forgotten First Fruits (tithe): For the storehouse of our heart, mind, & soul…  

  • Grace & Redemption

  • Love

  • Joy

  • Peace

  • Long-suffering

  • Goodness

  • Faith

  • Meekness

  • Temperance

  • Spirit of wisdom and understanding

  • Spirit of counsel and might

  • Spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the Lord

#IAMNRU #ReapWhatYouSow

Above I shared what the spirit is uttering about divine tithing and some often overlooked or forgotten First Fruits:

Now the Sowing of Faith seeds, which is this:

  • Your money is unnecessary in heaven.

  • Everything there is already provided for.

  • There will be no purchases necessary in the new spiritual heaven,

  • IT is ALREADY PAID at the cross.

For the storehouse of our heart, mind, and soul we must however, first seek HIM (Kingdom Living) & HIS righteousness (tsedaqah: G 6666) and all these things (fruits of the spirit, living water, and bread of life, prosperity & health) will be a lovely addition.

Here on earth, we too experience a piece of “heaven” because…

  • HE gives us Power (capability to work towards manifested dreams by faith and diligence)

  • Love via HIS WORD (Himself)

  • Sounder Mind (Holy Spirit) on the increased faith in what we either sow or ask for such as…


Gifts, new mercies, loaded benefits, wisdom and understanding to get spiritual & monetary wealth, enough to provide all things necessary to HIS flock.


Not one sheep gone astray is forsaken because He knows and is the love in saying, that none should perish in HIS sheepfold.

  • He guides us into all truth,

  • HE fights our battles for us,

  • HE consoles, counsels, and chastises us too.

I will not preach money to you all because it should be a given… that in a monetary system of government of which we dwell, it is vital to have some for comfort beyond the pleasure and gift of basic essentials of which, HE carefully sees through its provision, Provided HIS FLOCK be fed properly.

Okay, so what are we fed?

  1. Manna (Chief Bread of heaven)

  2. Living water (Fountain of the Water of Life Freely) 

  3. Spiritual Meat (YAHWEH) via The Holy Bible 

  4. Fruit (YESHUA) HIS Righteousness

“And he said unto me, it is done. I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. I will give unto him that is athirst of the fountain of the water of life freely”

(Revelation 21:6 KJV)

I will not elaborate on them here because it would take all day. The Holy Spirit says, “Seek, you’ll find it, Knock, it will be opened unto you, Ask, it will be given” (KJV).

Some of those believers HE blesses have hardened their hearts, allowed unsecured access to greed, pride, vainglory, idolatry, and even blasphemy, falling short of glory and in erring, forget the “N.O.O.T ~Natural Order of Things” (Canfield, L, 2013)…..
Satan eats the dust on his belly until finally entering into his home in hell. There is a great deal of discovery in the spirit with this Genesis 3, passage on Satan’s lineage or genealogy, but again, seek for manifestation.

“And the Lord God said unto the serpent, Because thou hast done this, thou art cursed above all cattle, and above every beast of the field; upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy life: And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel”

(Genesis 3: 14-15 KJV)

We as descendants of the covenant to MAN , must work, and till that very ground which has many thorns and thistles, seeking for the fertile soil of which to ferment our seeds of faith, love, peace, long-suffering, gentleness, meekness, temperance, goodness, joy, etc.

“And he humbled thee, and suffered thee to hunger, and fed thee with manna, which thou knew not, neither did thy fathers know; that he might make thee know that man doth not live by bread only, but by every [word] that proceeds out of the mouth of the LORD doth man live”

(Deuteronomy 8:3 KJV)

Some say they know the SECRET to wealth but there is no privacy of its interpretation.


HE again says, sow and ye shall reap, whatever is thus sown, thought, or petitioned via faith. Faith is the operative once again, in order that a manifestation arrives. We are all under grace and therefore, the labor or employment of these has been done (fulfilled) at the cross. However, our salvation is the work we have been told to work out subjectively.


“But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, [even] to them that believe on his name”

(John 1:12 KJV)

The Holy Ghost (Spirit of YESHUA) guides us into just how to do so. By grace and redemption, we are afforded the spirit of wisdom (the beginning of knowledge) understanding (knowing Christ), of counsel (prayer and fellowship) and might (the WORD, GOD alone), the spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the Lord (trust, unfeigned faith, rest, and confidence in both the love and wrath of GOD).

For More Scriptural Study…

Colossians 1:16 | 2 Timothy 3 | Matthew 24:35-45 & 26:40-43 | Isaiah 10:3 | John 3:19 | Proverbs 16:13-15 | Psalm 90:10 | Proverbs 3:30-32 & 13:12 | Genesis 2:9; 3:4-5 & 22 | Proverbs 13:12 | Revelation 2:7; 22:1-18 & 20:12 | Philippians 2:9 | Ephesians 4:27 | John 14:15 | Isaiah 61:3



All images, cited sources, and their rights belong to original photographers, publicists, creators, or the like. We take no credit for said creations. We are merely sharing as a show of respect of/towards a perspective on the education, dedication, and love to support our views on how to survive through Christ by breaking barriers via coping, marital & family issues, faith and favor, brand new mercies, politics, promise and purpose. We shared in respect of fair use laws from public domain.


Works Cited

All Biblical References are from the Holy Bible King James Version unless otherwise noted.

Text Quoted Acronym N.O.O.T, with permission. From “Axioms & Acronyms for L.I.F.E. ~Living In Faith Everyday” by LaSonya Canfield



Copyright Law of the United States of America and Related Laws Contained in Title 17 of the United States Code § 512. Limitations on liability relating to material online11. Retrieved on 02/22/2013, from

Test quoted… mother of life (chavah) Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance 2332 from Public Domain. Accessed via  Retrieved on November 28, 2014, from

Text Quoted righteousness (tsedaqah) Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance 6666 from Public Domain. Accessed  Retrieved on November 28, 2014, from



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