Black History

The Twelve’s Are of Significance In This Twelfth Month

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I recently had an epiphany about the significance and possible relativity of the numbers 12 and 3. While working on an art piece, I had a premonition of this almost ominous cluster of clouds. It was like darkening hues of greys, opening like a gate or curtain. Once the clouds began clearing, there was a luminous type, very golden light full with rays that was escaping almost.

Coincidentally, the piece I was working on had to do with the twelve gates of man or to others, the Chakra systems. What’s relative here is that when I think 🤔 about the vision; it sort of resembled how one would explain per prism, the eighth through the twelfth Chakras: “Soul (Shaman); Luminary; Earth; Supernatural and/ or the Neter, and finally the Auric” (Para, Cyndi Dale & Daniel Ferrara, August, 2019). Most often my drawings are an inspiration from my dreamscape travels, so this was not surprising, except that I’ve never thought about the Chakras in the same light as previous studies and commentaries that I’ve either written or read.

Moreover, as a firm believer in fated accounts, I knew it was significant that I was brought back to the number twelve, which deduces to three, which divisible by itself is one. One is a very important number, as it represents source or beginning of all*.

On another note, I have been getting downloads of info lately via varying forms. Just last night during a podcast, there was mention of at least three topics, which were resonating with strong confirmation on the binary one or source, the Kabbalah °esoteric teachings, and the Pranav °Om, I AM, LOVE. Here, it’s a tiny scope into a gravitational or energetic presence as the Sun (Soul, Ra or Son) of man. Subsequently, man the Adam, Odom–e.g. son in law or elsewhere, the first. They’re all full of cell (soul) food. 😉. Funny thing as I am typing this, feeling a bit famished, I looked up at my phone’s clock and I noticed the time at 12:21. It’s the synchronicities for me🔥🔥🔥. Now how binary is that! It’s like looking at twelve in two ways or sides. of things. 1221, showing up can hone to positivity and balance

*Sidenote: Binary is defined as, “a binary star is a system of two stars that revolve around each other under their mutual gravitation” and secondly, the data processing of per se, information, according to the Merriam Webster..

Recently, I’ve been paying attention to the Lunar and Planetary Placements and transits. Specifically of the two supermoons and lunar eclipses from 2022’s twelve full moons, which subsequently, can point to or is suggestive of the ninth Chakra or gate of man. Without going radically deep here, I’ll just say there’s much to be said about the proverbial ninth gate, when attributable to religious histories. Now isn’t the time for that quantum leap. Therefore, back to the luminary chakra, which, according to Cyndi Dale, “is at arm’s length above the head or Crown Chakra, is gold in color and synonymous with the connection of divine space and greater spirit as being the proverbial seat of the soul” (Para, Dale & Ferrari, 2019).

A quick sidenote about “Gold 🪙” According to scriptures, the first record of gold occured in the book of Genesis, chapter two, verses eleven through twelve {Genesis 2:11-12, numerically would look like 121112}. Here it’s recorded that the first of four riverheads, Pishon, covering the cast land of Havilah; which today is located in either East Africa, North Central Arabia, East of Israel, according to which source one used. To answer what Pishon is metaphysically, Charles and Myrtle Fillmore wrote: [What is the meaning of Pishon?Pishon (A.V., Pison), pi-shon (Heb.) –great outpouring; full flowing; fully diffused; spread out; real existence; perfect substantiality; being, carried to its highest degree. One of the four rivers of Eden (Gen. 2:11)](TruthUnity Ministries, This is very fruitful article, go check it out.

Remember my prior statement, “One is a very important number, as it represents source or beginning of all”… Well, see how it took me to Genesis (known for or as the beginning). Stay with me, I’m headed somewhere. It’s interesting that the number one’s synonymous association with the start of all things is another of subjective confirmations, which I recall from another recent source via the conscious community. Let us be honest here, most historically traditional Christians will, would have and still do, shun, avert, and deject anything outside of r.e.l.i.g.i.o.n.. <remaining entrapped, locked in growing ignorances, oppressing nurture>. Nurture, being a personal development. To be CHRIST like, is to have a different (separate aka*Holy) mindset.

*Sidenote: All over the biblical teachings, we’re instructed to become New, be Transformed mentally via exercise of our minds inasmuch as we nurture our physical health. We are instructed, inspired and illuminated on the importance of Soul Health, which is a combination of Mind Body & Spirit. I like the Fillmore’s spin on the I Am, where they infer “The I AM can also be explained as the metaphysical name of the spiritual self, as distinguished from the sensate self. One is governed by God; the other, by self. Christ is the Scriptural name for spiritual I AM. Jesus called it the Father” (TruthUnity Ministries,

In a recent conversation with a self proclaimed atheist, I learned that phobias or fears of the unknown or misunderstood reasonings, is what keeps them (non believers) on the proverbial fence, ever evolving and searching outwardly for answers, which are innately programmed in our DNA or RNA, which are our cellular body’s makeup.

Together, these ribonucleic acids are the best known sources accountable for storage and process of information on preservation of life, regardless if rarely mentioned. The MOST HIGH is beautiful in this sense, as it guides, teaches, warns and even unlocks the mysteries of self. A scripture I’d refer to with this point is the one which states that the flesh wars with the spirit in Galatians 5:17-26. Hahaha, right there, this is how synchrony shows up for me, see how 51726, deduces to yep, 21, which deduces to three, as we are currently speaking on the Holy Trinity; for most as Father, Son and Holy Ghost. But a metaphysical eye would say it’s mind body and soul (SPIRIT). Across denominations, idioms and numerous coteries of belief, this can go on and on; but I digress.

What’s All That Have to Do With 12?

As I just mentioned twenty-one deduces to three, well so does twelve. We’re speaking 🗣️ on the metaphysical Trinity of mind, body and soul (SPIRIT), as it relates to a recent vision I had about the opening of the Luminary chakra (the proverbial seat of the soul).

Additionally, in numerology, 1221 is a good representation of completion, pointing to inner peace and harmony. It’s deduced number is that of man, six according to biblical teachings. If we pay attention to the cylindrical energy, we’d see how everything goes back to one. Whether spiraling up (above) or downward (below); there’s a present duality of polar opposites of the self, whether enlightened or not. This astrologically, points again to the binary star ✨⭐ system, or metaphysically, the auric or auras; biblically, the inner man and quantum physics would perhaps say our universal self. All again which are great examples of the correlation between the Oracle message from SPIRIT on the necessary interdependence of all things, one to another. It’s the proverbial all spark, which gave the transformers life and an equivoque of the all knowing, omniscient or all science of things.

The twelves are everywhere, in everything from the twelve gates of heaven, twelve tribes of Israel, twelve zodiacs or duodecad, twelve vedic houses, twelve chakras, twelve links of dependent origination, twelve lunar transits, twelve telescopically visible planets, twelve classifications of demons, twelve archangels, twelve legions of angels, twelve stones of Israel, twelve signs of the apocalypse, twelve steps to addiction recovery, twelve day hours and twelve night hours, etc. You just have to open to change, open to learning and open to the MOST HIGH.

“For the LORD most high is terrible; he is a great King over all the earth”(Psalm 47:2)

“Thanks thou that I cannot now pray to my Father, and He shall presently give me more than twelve legions of angels?” (Matthew 26:53)

Holy Bible KJV (n.d.).

LaSonya Canfield the Messenger

IEPMSTC copyright ©️ 1995-2024


Anderson, Ken (1996). Where To Find It In the Bible. Anderson, Ken ISBN 0-7852-1157-8(pb): USA. Thomas Nelson Publishers, Nashville; Atlanta; London & Vancouver.

“binary,” Dictionary, Accessed 12/5/2022.

Dale, C. & Ferrara, D. (August 22, 2019). “Meet Your Subtle Body: The 12 Chakras“: Public Domain. Web Article.

Fillmore, C.;Fillmore, M. & Hicks, M. (n.d.). “Metaphysical meaning of Pishon (mbd)“. Web Article. Retrieved from Public Domain:. TruthUnity Ministries.Net: A Fillmore Fellowship of Metaphysical Christians.

Fillmore, C.;Fillmore, M. & Hicks, M. (n.d.). “Metaphysical meaning of Soul (mbd)“. Web Article. Retrieved from Public Domain:. TruthUnity Ministries.Net: A Fillmore Fellowship of Metaphysical Christians.

Fillmore, C.;Fillmore, M. & Hicks, M. (n.d.). “Metaphysical meaning of I Am (mbd) I AM“. Web Article. Retrieved from Public Domain:. TruthUnity Ministries.Net: A Fillmore Fellowship of Metaphysical Christians.

Holy Bible KJV; NIV & NKJV Versions. (n.d.).

Merriam-Webster. (n.d.). Binary. In dictionary. Retrieved December 5, 2022, from

*Any uncited imagery is above is generally subjective and privy to is original Owners, if not the expressed property of IEPMSTC Products and Svcs.


Copyright Disclaimer: Material, information and imagery shared for educational purposes and without intentions of infringement of copyright or intellectual properties according to FAIR USE CLAUSE under Section 107 of the Copyright Act of 1976 ; modified December 27, 2020.

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Sharing A Call to Action re: Kenneka Jenkins Case – Killers found

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Reparations Project

Kenneka Jenkins FOIA Demand

Please view the link(s) below to grasp a small visual of the missing organ from our young sister’s body per police report, the project site for sending letter, etc….

Thymus+Gland+Located+beneath+the+sternum,+between+the+lungs. (1)

via Thymus+Gland+Located+beneath+the+sternum,+between+the+lungs..jpg (960×720)


Defining & Getting An Understanding About the Thymus Gland

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A Subjective Word From Us….

Most barriers are rooted in fear and fueled by worry, regret, or complacency. As a survivor through a number of barriers over the last three decades, I have learned via some difficult times that each barrier were representative of the trials (tests) of my faith that led and is leading me towards the promised victory through Christ Jesus.

The thing about fear, worry, regret, complacency is that each are scriptural vexations of the wrong spirit and wrong heart. Our Holy letter from GOD instructs us on how to fight through faith to combat these barriers. Consequently, in order that we win, we have to hear HIS voice because it is how we receive faith initially, and then after hearing from HIM (WORD) we must utilize our weapons of warfare to pull these barriers, known as strongholds, down.

Without solemn faith (working confidence) it is difficult. I relate this to just as without faith we cannot please GOD, without it we can’t petition HIM fervently and effectively and GOD has an order to divine message(s) for us.

The Above: Excerpt from our Barriers Section via this website….


We are asking any and everyone in the human society, who has both an ear; to not only listen but to hear this baby’s voice crying for justification and likewise, who has a heart of compassion, to not turn away from the tasks being presented us all (We, the so-called people)…to subdue change, which cannot be successful without a loving, powerful, and sound confrontation. 


The young Dr. Ali is showing an exemplary courage towards this case as well as firm soundness.  When is the last time any of us put our shoes of peace on or raised our swords to actually fight for authentic justice? An importunate request has been placed upon us to now take hold of this moral opportunity to have a credible voice for our repressed history’s sake and to positively affect our future in a different manner than prior or previous protest(s) via marching. 

Love Yah, Self & Others

I had recently learned of this tragedy because I don’t normally engage in social media posts, entertainment, news, or television outside of my subjectivity in choice. Therefore, it is understandable or probable that some of the more brave citizens of society, as was I in the dark; who haven’t even heard of or know as many details about Kenneka’s case as have been  presented globally over mainstreamed social media and via nationally headlined television.


Subsequently,  there hasn’t been as much or such a magnitude via corroboration of PUBLIC EVIDENCE, as is with this case. It is too much to be swept under the rug and we the people more effectively gather that its high time that we start enforcing some of what is left of our inviolate, sacrosanct or inalienable rights, if any.  DUTY is upon us! Dr. Ali is only petitioning us to be responsive via letter; a unified constructive and legal effort towards a more non-violent action, stance or protest.

We the people, together, can finally utilize the preamble of this government’s constitution towards an indispensable matter, we for so long refer to as justice. Paraphrased with added emphasis——ours, and according to the Constitution of the United States of America:

  • We now have a perfect time and chance to form a more perfect Union,
  • To establish Justice (For all the Kenneka’s, just as with Emmett Till so very long ago)
  • Perhaps via Unity, fighting for a Just Cause; we may insure domestic Tranquility
  • If we truly wish to Provide for the common defense we have to see the commonalities of who is always in need of defending, the nation would have us believe we are the minority, but we are the majority
  • The general Welfare cannot be promoted until we actually secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity,
  • In the approaching 2018, because it is still the magistrate of this land, may we ordain and establish this a PROACTIVE RATIFICATION of the Constitution for WE THE PEOPLE. As we go into the new year letting the evildoers know, we will no longer be taken by force via hidden agenda and a false balance. (Matthew 11 & Proverbs 11).  May we make it against our pure and undefiled religion to incessantly see these lives go missing or be publicly maimed and murdered without justifiable recourse…

~the Messenger 

[We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America] (U.S. Constitution Preamble,  September 17, 1787. Ratified June 21, 1788).

“Now then faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God…It is impossible to please God without faith…Faith without works is dead…The trials of our faith are more precious than gold, though tried via fire (i.e. barriers); that it may lead us to praise, honor, and glory at Christ’s coming…with faith we can summon, decree, & demand mountains to move”





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 ♥ Shalom & Blessings!

~the Messenger is minuscule to the profundity of the message… To GOD be ALL the glory, Amen. Matthew 25:31-46

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