Excerpts on INFIDELITY vs. MARRIAGE (MONOGAMY): A Recapitulation

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Infidelity vs. Matrimony

Thinking WOW and I am somewhat amused at the shenanigans at play.

NOT ALL SINGLE WOMEN ARE DOG CATCHERS so if you have to keep your man on a leash…signs are he was a dog before you adopted his ___. Figuratively speaking. ~the Messenger

  • Stop blaming others for your choices.
  • If the relationship is in question, then only she and he have the answers.
  • LOVE it…stretch your faith, communicate better, forgive & move ahead or LEAVE it…if that means trading that ring in for a collar then be like Ray Charles & make it do what it do.

One thing I know is that neither man nor woman can make another grown person do what he or she wants or does not want to do in a relationship (unless of course, it is rape or violent manipulation).

It is absolute, what God joins nothing can separate it. On the strength of that statement alone; perhaps, instead of guessing & checking other people about the fidelity of a union, one should check the authority over the relationship.

There are good honest men out there who love nothing more than to love their women as God intended with the added favor.

**A marriage fitly joined together is visible via the FAVOR on that union**


Marriage,Monogamy & Infidelity: What of it?
What is the favor?

  1. There are no wandering eyes, thoughts, or behaviors, against the tri-cord union because GOD is the Head of it, and Man (husband) is the head of the woman (submissive to her husband in ALL things-wife).
  2. The husband reverences his gift from GOD just like Jesus loves us because he would lay down his life for her and would do nothing to cause her harm and wishes that she is prosperous and healthy above all else.
  • The husband provides
  • The husband comforts
  • The husband never leaves nor forsakes his wife
  • The husband is supportive
  • The wife is eager to support, motivate, encourage, and help her husband to maintain his platform of fidelity; she has an eagerness to comply with his wants, needs and desires because she knows he is governed by the FATHER, and would do nothing to disgrace, disregard, or disrespect her.
  • More importantly, the two receive the abundance of fruits from the TRUE VINE.
  • Bills are paid in timely fashion
  • Vacations are possible
  • Health is fabulous
  • Youthfulness is probable

All because $ is available due to good housekeeping, accounting, management and support via a teamwork. By this I simply mean he or she does not exploit their fruits of labor in some frivolous habit like another male or female accommodating lack within the relationship because they are so in sync, the communication is the adhesive that keeps the tri-cord bonded. They don’t really have a need to go outside of the relationship for attention, sexual gratification, conversation, compliments, or other support because everything they need as long as they keep GOD as the HEADSHIP, it is provided.

There are women out there who know how to be submissive to the one God allows in finding that “good thing” with her.

Trouble is so many people are together based on conditions, stipulations, or merit and as soon as augmentations arise to those conditions, you damage the merit based on the stipulations.

I think it is so funny that people who claim to be believers cannot fathom the stock of a good and/ or perfect union. It is an understanding that GOD knew us before we knew ourselves and he knew there would be good, bad, or worse times, influences or situations, health & finances, ergo the matrimonial vows.

Marriage,Monogamy & Infidelity: What of it? A Simpler View


Likewise, he knew that he would show favor towards a couple to love one another under one headship, authority or covenant, HIM. (i.e. man head of woman, woman submissive to man as long as he is submissive to God and loving her genuinely, spiritually, undeserving and faithfully, yet the two of them as one (twain) under the divine authority of God.

A PAPER MARRIAGE DECREE is synthetic and does not hold a relationship together. The true bond of a marriage has to be LOVE ~ GOD. The only value a paper marriage decree holds is legalities associated with monetary value on the happenstance it fails.

A RING is an idol of worship in a sense because it is a graven image, which is a gift from man to woman and not directly from God.

Just think about it for a moment….


A ring can be lost, stolen, bought, sold, traded, jaded or faded and even hated.

Yet the actual halo (ring) is the circle of love, which cannot be broken.

  • The outer layer of that circle is the protective covering of God and
  • The inner layers consist of the marriage including family and everything effective (union –i.e. what GOD joined).

The effects become unlimited if the protective outer layer is present. If there is no outer layer of Divine protection, per se the proverbial paper decree and symbolic ring exchange, there is every probability and/or availability for things (negative) to happen such as infidelity.

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I did a few interviews with men and women about this very subject and it is  NO LONGER available in eBook form.  A follow up to this book is already in the making as well so stay tuned.


Interviews with divorcees, celibate male & female, plus some engaged, married and single persons.

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In Loving Memory of Legendary, Homebound & Beautiful Angel Dr. Maya Angelou

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In Loving Memory of Legendary, Homebound & Beautiful Angel: Dr. Maya Angelou

Maya Angelou/Marguerite Ann Johnson

(April 4, 1928 – May 28, 2014)

My heart skipped a beat when I first learned of her departure. She has been so inspirational to me. As a single teen mom growing up and experiencing things I never would have imagined, her motivation, intelligence, and divine courage wrapped up in the love for God and humanity is what kept me sane.

She was and is an epitome of motherhood, unity, and for me a messenger on life ~Living In Faith Everyday.

Reading was an escape for me coming up and still is today, and her books were pages that I absorbed in essence of struggle overcome with DIVINE STRENGTH, CHARACTER, COURAGE & LOVE, all via an ethereal transcendent nurturing.

I write publicly today because one of the life’s lesson she spoke once wasWrite it so that people can hear it and it slides through the brain and goes straight to the heart(Angelou, M., American Poet, b.1928).

Dr. Angelou had panache for the “Tongue” in the sense of linguistics, language, culture, and unity. In a world where racism was born and still is present today, she embodied freedom in a literary song of an extrapolating melody. It sang of change, newness, oneness and mostly that of spiritual liberty.×576.jpg

“Speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord; Giving thanks always for all things unto God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ; Submitting yourselves one to another in the fear of God”

(Ephesians 5:19-21 KJV).

When you read her dialogue, automatically it captivated you, and whisked you off to the era of experience whereby you FELT the pain, joy, sadness and BURN via perseverance and vigor.

I salute her departure with love because, no longer does the song of freedom lie in this Ladybird’s belly, for freedom has taken her to the promised land where she has been journeying towards for eight and half decades. That says a lot! You know there is a promised seventy years for us if we would but live right, but you just know you must have done some pretty amazing things and exuded a far greater love to have an extra sixteen or more.

“The days of our years are threescore years and ten; and if by reason of strength they be fourscore years, yet is their strength labour and sorrow; for it is soon cut off, and we fly away”

(Psalm 90:10 KJV).

This woman as a child began her tests of faith, with abuse, neglect, prejudices, bias and self-esteem issues. Nevertheless, she had the stanching approach of a lion’s courage to deter or cauterised her own bleeding heart via her writings. She doddled around this universe as if she knew what lie ahead…traveling to other countries and embracing multiple cultures and languages like it was her second skin. That fascinated me.

“Delight thyself also in the Lord: and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart. Commit thy way unto the Lord; trust also in him; and he shall bring it to pass”

(Psalm 37:4-5 KJV).

She started out doing music, playwriting, acting, song and dance, but her gift that would make plenteous more room for her came as her life’s canvas of penmanship and voila “Woman became Phenomenal, Freedom had a different chime and love’s escape was through rhythm and rhyme.”!/img/httpImage/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/gallery_635/gal-angelou-8-jpg.jpg “You may encounter many defeats but you must not be defeated” Maya Angelou, American Poet. b1928

I am blessed that I took a sabbatical of reading a couple of months ago to get in some more reading of her last book Mom, Me,and Mom and even re-checked “Letter To My Daughter”. The only book of hers that I currently own or still have in my possession is the “Heart of A Woman”.

On March 4, 2014 One of my Brand New Mercies Post reads:

During My Literary Sabbatical while dealing with Changes in my pain management
More Pics from My Literary Sabbatical
My Literary Sabbatical
My Literary Sabbatical



me preparing to dine and read from Angelou and Hughes
Preparing to dine and read from Angelou and Hughes still on my Literary Sabbatical

3rd Month Day 3 & 4 Brand New Mercies Day 3 I finished my last piece of Letter to My Daughter and just as thought it was worth it (saving the best for last)…she quoted her grandmother saying “she didn’t know quite how to find the things they needed but how she would just step out on the word of God” (Para, Angelou, M., 2008 |Excerpt from Maya Angelou LETTER TO MY DAUGHTER. p.166).

Funny though how in prayer I stated the same thing recently and GOD delivers! Thinking on the poem “Surviving” from Chapter 23, pp.135-137 and the stanza which talks about true love, friends, family, and heartbreak, are just one of many tests of faith and fights in which love is undying as we so commandeer the vitality of our youthfulness (Para, Angelou, 2008).

[“Each time my search for true love leads me to the gates of hell where Satan waits with open arms I imagine the laughter of women friends, their souls tinkle like wind charms urged by a searching breeze I remember the sturdy guffaw of happy men and my feet, without haste, and with purpose move past the threatening open gates to an area, secure from the evil of heartbreak. [sic] The emotional sway of events and the impermanence of construction echo the ways of dying love. I have found that platonic affection in friendships, the familial love for children can be relied upon with certainty to lift the bruised soul, and repair the wounded spirit and I am finished with erotic romance. Until….”] (Maya Angelou, American Poet b1928).

Day 3 (later that evening) I ran across a blessing heaven-sent, good & perfect, and I too was stepping out on the solemn word of God. Day 4 Confirmation of yesterday: “God does not tempt you but he will test your faith”…. HE never fails, sometimes, scratch that ALWAYS, we have to be bold enough when being tried in the fire (tests of faith) to walk circumspectly as RECEIVERS (in expectation ~ speaking, trusting and knowing “HE GOT YOU”). Our Father is a WEALTHY King and as heirs, we have access to the kingdom and all within it. Speak those things, as not as though they were is all I am saying. HIGH-STEP in an all-encompassing prosperity. HE takes care of all (every one) of our needs! I am walking in the realm of prosperity and GOD is providing! I am so thankful for true LOVE (GOD)! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!]

Who knew nearly three months after this literary sabbatical, I would be saying farewell, in my own words.

My vigil and tributary send off to an Angel by whom I remain touched.

I once had a small collection of her writings but they were lost in a fire. Thank God for Libraries though, because books are expensive and with good reason. They are the transference in soul essence of the writer where experience and emotions are. In Jr, High School, I began to search through black history and her book “I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings”, just happened to be one of the first black authored books I read, along with literature from Langston Hughes, W.E.B. Dubois and other books on black inventors. They were not teaching the truth about black history then and I wondered, “Why are these things in the library but aren’t taught in class”. The Late Maya Angelou & Langston Hughes”

“Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth”

(2 Timothy 2:15 KJV).

It was at that moment when vicarious travel through time took flight in my life and my love for reading, writing, drawing, singing, and dancing became my nemesis to the abuse I was suffering. Dr. Angelou’s journey to numerous countries and marrying into different cultures was astonishing for a little girl (me) who so wanted to travel to distant shores. She embodied a phoenix, a butterfly and a lion to me. She always arose from whatever adversity she faced and if someone tried to cocoon her [box her in] she transformed into something newer, and she was fierce in zeal, devotion, and had a courage of “CAN DO” and equated all things to her belief and love for God.



I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me” (Philippians 4:13 KJV).

I could go on and on about Madame Maya Angelou, but I will stop here. Thanks for sharing my memory of her life and its effect on mine.

To Guy Johnson, Oprah Winfrey, and all other “adopted children” of hers….

May we always remember the effective heart and affective spirit of this “Phenomenal Woman”…I know I will.


Maya Angelou/Marguerite Ann Johnson

(April 4, 1928 – May 28, 2014)

“If you’re always trying to be normal, you will never know how amazing you can be”

~Maya Angelou

American Poet.b1928

“Never will I forget the Lessons You Taught” ~LaSonya

“You may encounter many defeats but you must not be defeated”

~Maya Angelou American Poet.b1928

“FREEDOM”…no longer the song of this once caged bird…For she has taken flight on Angelic Wings and writing heavenly stanzas that the sky now sings: “Welcome Home, Madame Angel You”

With Love,


Inspirations Etc.©1995-2015 All Rights Reserved

Works Cited

  • Text Quoted Maya Angelou, American Poet, b.1928
  • Text Quoted Holy Bible King James Version
  • Text Quoted LaSonya R. Canfield
  • Image Shared from direct attached internet/social media links

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