Brain Hemispheres

Inventory to Invention

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ODAAT Journaling Entries Oracle Message from Day 33 “Inventory to Invention”…In a recent conversation on a road trip after noticing the different water towers per cities we passed; I had an epiphany about an invention. I thought or pondered on the notion for a few days just trying to remember the guy’s name, who in laymen’s terms, makes water from thin air. In fact, he is Moses West, whom actually created and developed a generator that makes water from the atmosphere.

A few days go by and this water situation or topic is still pondering in my head. There was a public post where I responded to a question pertaining to the significance or meaning of Ozark because she’d had an epiphany or visual insight on that word “Ozark” in particular. I went back to search for that response unsuccessfully. However, I do remember replying about the Ozarks hinting to mountainous terrain and also being the name of a particular bottled water label. I have been channeling messages from about three to six months now about something having to do with water. This has come via open vision, spiritual discernment and dreamscape travels.

The main things that stick or stand out for me are as follows:

1. Something ominous, huge and unfathomable is approaching

2. We need to take inventory on just how natural our resources are

3. Once we learn how we’re being targeted, there is need to implement a resolution

4. SPIRIT says move strategically and expeditiously from inventory to Invention and innovation.

Let’s put our biblical eye on inventory via questioning the questions…

Questioning the Questions ❓⁉️❓⁉️❓⁉️❓⁉️

If I wanted to describe, define or delineate about “Inventory“, where would I start? Where from there? and What does the Bible say about—inventory? Yet first how would you define inventory?

Subjectively, —inventory for me, is to “investigate new visions thru empathy, suspicion, theory, intuition, guidance and trusting emotions about premises”(Canfield, L., 2024—IEPMSTC intellectual property).

According to another source, study shows inventory to mean ‘a complete list of items or content’ (Oxford Dictionary, n.d.).

Now biblically inventory can take on an ambiance of evaluation. As in examinations of progressions, pointing to where we’ve come from and towards what futuristically. Right here, there is an air of deja vu and redundancy that comes to mind. I’ve said this repeatedly in my head. The reason being is the soul—mind is resourceful more than wasteful. The technologically advanced world we strive to exist in today, begs to differ in that “INNOVATION is in the rise.

*Sidenote: during my first proofread of this blog commentary , I asked Spirit why not say on the rise? I was instructed to say “in the rise” and perhaps I’ll get confirmation on why later on.

The AI agencies or agenda says our minds are being wasted and they can have a better chance with our minds—seeing we don’t utilize them subjectively as in the past. In past years or millenniums, we’ve (humanity) invented via innovation, a plethora of things helpful to us, our environment or the like. On the other hand, we’ve also innovated certain things —like mechanisms, to our detriment. While innovation helps us in one way, in other ways, it’s equally hurtful. We invent or create ideas about improvements to pretty much lighten the load of stresses accompanying the tasks. I think I vaguely remember Dr Myles Munroe speaking on inventions and improvements or it’s resounding in my ears right now. Nevertheless, some have become so obsessed with laziness or not wanting to have to do anything subjectively if they could have it their way; that they’ve asked the assistance of computers, bots, nano beings, droids, ancient and or artificial intelligence to step to the forefront. We’ve moved quickly into this biblically descriptive Mark of the Beast—brain erasing and soul thefts. Please research Human Genome Project or Homunculus for another aspect on this topic.

What the Bible show about either? …..

What the Bible show about either? In 1 Corinthians 11:27-28, it’s showing a call for self examination or inventory. In Matthew 7:3-5; 1 John 3:19-— ; 1 Peter 1:13; Lamentations 3:40; Romans 12:3; Galatians 6:3-5, more point to many ways we are to consider when looking into our lives, deeds, integrity, moral compass and or our maturity. We’ve designed computer interfaces to simultaneously think for us and in turn, wasted our minds. Now, we’re at the mercies and not graces of bioengineering, biogenetics and or synchrony thereof, of the two becoming one— man vs machine vs man.

On that same day, I remember playing on the radio, was Steve Harvey on this morning show talking about being careful because the AI, have infiltrated his voice and likeness to create false advertisements. I concur because it’s noticeable if you know how to see it with a discerning eye. Some of you know it’s true too.

Think about how many gadgets have access to us—phones, TV’s, watches, vehicles and its GPS navigation systems, chip readers on bank cards, using fingerprint and face recognition via biometrics as identification, social media, fiber optics and cell phones, more. An example is how often have you finished a conversation on your phone or in your home or office in front of TV or interfaces like Siri or Alexa, but not speaking directly to it; then as soon as you turn on the TV or go to search on your phone, the exact thing you were just talking about is on the commercial or search engine. They’ve (bots) have been running the show, using us as the one monkey—pun intended. —subjective opinion 🤔🧐

On Another Note

After sleeping, literally on the message; I was awakened to a late notification to a blog I follow, which were thirty minutes into a full on discussion about the very inclinations I received in the Spirit this morning when I first started this dialogue.

It’s so much confusion in the world surrounding this topic. Here’s one opinion [Since people like throwing around terminology and then hanging on etymological definitions. When we’re saying or hanging on or around the idea or ideals surrounding artificial intelligence; it’d behoove us to take the inner, over and understanding a tad further. Ask questions as to how bots, droids, AI or the like can inseminate the human genome? ….

…Now, why do we feel like these inventions are artificial intelligence rather than ancient, as in innovation—weaponizing an uprise, which can actually occur when the meanings of words or descriptions are misconstrued. Just deep in 🤔🤔💭 To the people who know everything about us being in a simulation…HOW TF DO WE LEAVE THE BII IN ITS ENTIRETY, and still consciously survive? Stop acting like we got the end all be all of the knowledge absent a resolve. I digress.
~Said No One] (PC, 2024).

In conclusion, the question, thus remains unanswered, when fear limits our relationship with evolvement—as in light and darkness.

#artificialintelligence #ancientintelligence #knowledge #bioengineering



Disclaimers and Work Cited


Canfield, L (2024). PC: Subjective Research and Study from personal library. Retrieved via permission from the Intellectual Properties of IEPMSTC ™ Products and Svcs.

Etymonline Dictionary (Etymonline, n.d.). PC: Terminology Research. Accessed Images via screenshot of different terms we used in this commentary are the property and right of its original owner/ creators/ publicists or the like. We’re sharing for educational purposes, absent intent of infringement of copyright. To contact them write Retrieved on February 2, 2024, from

Holy Bible, KJV version—Bible Gateway. PC: in-text hyperlink. Public Domain and Creative Commons.

Dictionary(n.d.). Various Public Domain Sources. In-text quotes and hyperlinks, randomly provided per terminology or word usages.


Scriptures from various Holy Bible versions.The video (if any added) is PC: Literature and Imagery and the Intellectual Property of IEPMSTC ™ Shared with permission. Images shared, that are not those of IEPMSTC ™ are shared absent intent of infringement of copyright via Fair Use clause and any duplicate submissions are at your—(audience/readers/subscribers or similar)—own legal discretion. We are simply sharing as a visual educational tool.


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Preparedness for EAS TESTING on October 4, 2023

Real talk, WE HAVE TO STOP 🛑 OPERATING in FEAR. “I have said, Ye are gods; and all of you are children of the MOST HIGH” (Psalm 82:6). On that note, BE & STAY READY SO YOU DON’T HAVE TO GE READY!

“Equip yourselves with knowledgeable insights; and preparedness, becomes regularity” ~MzIAMNRU LaSonya the Messenger



They warn you to: Turn off anything that can produce a sound wave….or block your auric fields with “diodes” or something of that nature. Turn your breakers off, unplug electrical cords to microwaves, sound producing appliances, or the like.

Moreover, they’ve been doing these type tests for decades, but now it’s a bit more comprehensive with cell phones and TV’s since they’re no longer operating via analog. (Para, Dr Delbert Blair, n.d.). Things you should know about this test can be found via following this link.

TRANSFORMATION: Frequencies & Sound Waves

ODAAT Oracle Message from Day 277, is “TRANSFORMATION: Frequencies & Sound Waves” and the focal point is “Sound Doctrine or Doctrine of Sound” As always, as directed via Spirit, I write what’s given me via channeled downloads. Earlier this week, specifically on Monday October 2, 2023 at 6:24 a.m., a gospel song by Jason Nelson, “Shifting the Atmosphere,” came to me almost instantaneously after subjective prayer and meditation manifestation rituals. I was picking up an air of despondency, doubt or misdirection via energetic trajectories; both corporeal and ethereal. I was then brought to a place of worshipping. This to me is symbolic of a war ship as in fight mode; and since in the Spirit, I didn’t hesitate to man my stations. The entire day was dedicated to prayer, praise and worship. I did so via sound. I listened to music that rejoinders the eidetic memories of the greatest ENERGY within me, in order to have the right mechanism in place for what’s was approaching. That was early on Monday morning, but later that morning I had an eye exam called a TCD, or Doppler Test, which basically was an ultrasound of my eyes via the frontal, temporal, occipital and the parietal (by way of my cerebellum and spinal cord); per my own personal perspective. It didn’t hit home until after the technician was placing ultrasonic gel on my eyelids, that I stopped her and asked what specifically she was doing. I’ve had ultrasounds in the past but never on my eyes, which was interesting. She said that the sound waves from my eyes would generate a picture (graphs via prism spectrum) and the gel(water based); would act as a conduit, to do so. This information would be vital in the approaching days.

Fast forward to Tuesday, I received a lot of interest info via text dialogue about the opposite of what I’d been studying. Therefore, I found it intriguing. It was a deduction of short bios on people or things such as Congo rites, NASA, Tesla, Robert Anton Wilson, L Ron Hubbard, Kenneth Grant, Jack Parsons, Papa Legba, the Palos of Palo Mayombe, which includes Some of the main deities, listed below:

Zarabanda –Ogun / Saraband (I thought of Sandra Bland)/iron spirit, warrior and shaman.
El Cristo negro —the Black Christ of Valle de Bravo Mexico.
Los espiritus intranquilos —restless spirits / seven tranquil spirits (e.g. chakra) /
Santa muerte
San Simon
El Cristo Rey
Madre de la Luna
Madre de agua
La santisima piedra Iman
Francisco de los siete rayos
Mama cola

Why does the MOST HIGH give me information like this and what I should do with it, become the main questions of all my questionings. Yet, I am learning more and more insight on things that’ll help with transformation processes. In the remainder of this article, you will find a fraction of things I’ve learned via these channeled messages, connections are whatever sort of downloads I got from the MOST HIGH with regards to transforming from darkness to light and/or light to darkness. I’ve not chosen a side of truth to weigh in on as of yet because there’s always three sides to Truth. It includes theirs, ours and of course the absolute free setting truth.

Please pray protection and discernment prior to reading, listening, viewing or accessing any materials, imagery or information moving forward; regardless of whether via this site or other sources.

Questioning the Questions ❓

*Qliphoth Tree of Death vs Qabbalah Tree of Life (matrix or matrices) — what are the frequencies of and or between life and death? ✍🏾

Some Jewels for the lightworker collective:

Our entire bodies are wired for and with sound. These sounds produce the images we see; such as holograms (pictures of the unknown or unseen).

They’re then translated to us via holographic messages *Holy Graphs (spoken or unspoken words written on our hearts and minds, i.e. Kundalini or Chakra awakening/balancing). Such as seen with the Qabbalah (Kabbalah) Tree of Life and the Qliphoth Tree of Death.

The Tree of the with color schematics

These are possible using ultrasound waves via ☀️ water (sun) and blood (moon) as energetic conduits for said frequencies. Subsequently, the human body works with four fluids — the humor’s of Hippocrates consist of black bile, yellow bile, phlegm, and blood. <Perhaps where the cross-reference colors of Africa or Rastafarians’ color schematics originated, e.g. black red gold and green> Also, there are the other fours, as seen with the heart chambers, the appendages, and the two hemispheres of the four lobes of the brain, 🧠 –Frontal, Parietal, Occipital & Temporal. These lobes help by governing these waves of sound, signaling communication (e.g. sound doctrine) to the entire body (the infamous tree of life and of death, knowledge of good and of evil).

The Masonic Temple Hierarchy’s resemblance to both trees of life and of death now has a resounding semblance to stories I’ve heard from a known Eastern Star member about ‘riding the goat’…. [I later learned via careful research on inductions, that depending on which side east or west of which a new member entered this high profile coven, he or she was opened to certain rites of passages via law, order, politics, commerce, economics and seniority, no matter how just or unjust the deeds or happenings, like HIGH consort of blood in blood out type ritualistic practices]…..She said she was not going to ride the goat, so that’s as far as she went.

{This symbology is another lesson for another day … but in short, most of our inner working follows a sequence or series, thereof. It is visible numerically via binary codes; astrologically via transits, interstellar cosmology, or things associated with or describing heavens…but again something for another day}.

#Neflheim #TorusField #electromagnetics #hologram #holographic #GreatResets #Tests_of_Faith (which is sound)

Scriptural References on Sound, Sound Doctrine or Doctrine of Sound

Below are a few of many passages from the biblical canon which hone to a frequency of sound. The ones in which, most are familiar with is that God’s not the author of confusion…; that suggests a writer. The next, is we have said or have heard “it is written…this or that;” or that we are children of light, Jesus, Lucifer or Satan depending on who one asks, was the light bearer, bright and morning star, light of the world….even from the lyrics of Stevie Wonder’s song “Ribbon in the Sky,” it speaks of a guiding light or star, {That a star would guide you my way. To share with me this special day. Where are ribbons in the sky for our love} (Stevie Wonder, 1982, song lyrics). Now early in the Bible, it speaks of the MOST HIGH or God being repented in heart, mind or deed; as giving us another chance by not flooding the entire land again as with the flood stories of Noah, in Genesis 7:1-24.

See Psalm 104:9 / Job 28:11 & 38:10-11/ Jeremiah 5:22 / Isaiah 54:9 /

Jesus preached teaching others that he was the light of the world; bearing record of himself as being the light of life.

Written • Word • Author

As we were taught via indoctrination, about a one-sided view on all these things, the messages or knowledge of information has become convoluted throughout time, languages, culture, factions of belief, antiquities, history, etymology and more. At Survivors thru Christ Transcendental Support Group Ministries, we look at all sides.

If assertion of SPIRIT holds true, then the whole ascension process can be seen parabolically as well as liturgically. It’s also keen awareness to view it with an opened, more informed mind or perception.

Images either above, below or within this commentary are from subjective study materials and intellectual Property of IEPMSTC™ Products and Svcs for educational purposes according to the Fair Use Clause.

Matthew 4:4–Jesus answered, “It is ✓written: ‘Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every ✓word that comes from the mouth of God. 1 Corinthians 14:33–“God is not the ✓author of confusion, but of peace.

Interesting Imagery

Below are some photos of different passages and pictures from a very old Bible given to me by my grandmother a long time ago. It’s been missing for a couple of decades; but recently resurfaced along with another of my Bibles, that had gone missing. I have my own theory as to what transpired, but I do not have spiritual liberty of which to disclose the details. However, most of the first halves of the book of Genesis are missing from both.

The pictures are intricate in details, as are the Scriptures. I added them here as prompted by spirit to give an idea or ideal of how far back “sound” goes by show of musical instruments. Also from memory, there was a passage in Genesis that said Adam and Eve HEARD the VOICE of the LORD walking through the garden, and knowing they were naked; hid themselves. These trees of mankind or life (Adam and Eve), account for many a tale across worlds about creation or the evolution of humanity.

Counsel • Wisdom • Faith • Love • Patience

Proverbs 8:14–Counsel is mine, and ✓sound wisdom: I am understanding; I have strength.Titus 2:1-2–But speak thou the things which become ✓sound doctrine:That the aged men be sober, grave, temperate, ✓sound in faith, in charity, in patience.

Dread • Exhortation • Dead Things • Distinctions

Job 15:21–A ✓dreadful sound is in his ears: in prosperity the destroyer shall come upon him. 2 Timothy 1:7–For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a ✓sound mind. Titus I:9–Holding fast the faithful word as he hath been taught, that he may be able by ✓sound doctrine both to exhort and to convince the gainsayers.1 Corinthians 14:7–And even things without life giving ✓sound, whether pipe or harp, except they give a distinction in the ✓sounds, how shall it be known what is piped or harped?#Sound_Doctrine #LightTransmissions


Images either above, below or within this commentary are from subjective study materials and intellectual Property of IEPMSTC™ Products and Svcs for educational purposes according to the Fair Use Clause.

Works Cited

Articles and term searches are provided via in-text quotes and are hyperlinked to outside sources for further information or inspection. PC: IEPMSTC™ Subjective Research

Bible Scriptures are PC: IEPMSTC Subjective Research accessed via KJV NIV or other versions of the Holy Bible. Hyperlinks Retrieved mostly from Bible Gateway.

Canonical studies and Imagery. PC Intellectual Properties of IEPMSTC™ Products and Svcs Subjective Research Materials. Retrieved from home library. Accessed COMPREHENSIVE HISTORY OF THE BOOKS OF THE HOLY BIBLE (Smith, LL. D, n.d.).

Ressource for shared text dialogue and messages from PC: Subjective Research, Dugano, A., 2023).

About Author & Contact Information

Author Bio

Today I consider myself by personal definition: a Spiritualist, Intercessor via Intuitive Channelling, Visual Art and Oracle Messages; an Author, and Poet. I decided to share my gifts publicly for transparency of ascension back in 2009 to present 2023. This occured simultaneously via journaling, eBook publications, published literature, public study vehicles like “In the WORD Study; AAFL Axioms and Acronyms for Life and more via social media and networking. I dabble a little more these days into deeper awarenesses. Thanks for accompanying me on the journey. ~MzIAMNRU LaSonya the Messenger.

#esoteric #occult_studies #tarot #ascension_processions #opposites_alignment

This website is part of my growth and ascension: . I have been posting my subjective research and/or studies along with my opinions thereof. I also include some citations along the way when proper and necessary. I do not intend on any copyright infringement and am merely sharing for educational purposes according to the Fair Use Clause.

Disclaimers and Work Cited

Scriptures from various Holy Bible versions. The video (if any added) is PC: Literature and Imagery and the Intellectual Property of IEPMSTC ™ Shared with permission. Any imagery, audio, video or expressions not those of IEPMSTC ™, will be in quote cited or in bibliography.

Contact Info

Write or call LaSonya or IEPMSTC™ Products and Svcs via: or call 318-884-0621 Serious Inquiries Only (leave message)

Donations are always welcome via PayPal .

TBA Information:

Survivors thru Christ Transcendental Support Group Ministries at will soon undergo its own transformation via name change and spectrum of shared info. Stay in touch…

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