Support the Transcending Lupus Support Alliance of Northeast Louisiana, LLC

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Support the Transcending Lupus Support Alliance of Northeast Louisiana, LLC

Please show your Support and Stay in the Awareness! Thanks Jennifer Kaye Haynes for sharing this! A new mercy for those who do not know enough about the issues with alleged hidden illnesses is to get informed, be involved, and spread the word, donate to the research and cause. An appreciation and empathy via love is sometimes all one needs to brighten their day. Such as a smile, a day with no questions regarding their illness or lack of energy, just loving them through the process of coping and healing.

“Salute one another with an holy kiss. The churches of Christ salute you” (Romans 16:16 & 2 Corinthians 13:12).

I say alleged hidden because for Lupus diagnosed persons and others with other autoimmune deficiencies, neurological disorders, musculoskeletal disorders, etc the pain and aggravation with effects is very real and some days to the diagnosed there is no hiding in a comfortless position, painless activity, low to no physical, mental, emotional or spiritual energies. Most take life one day at a time but sometimes it is one minute or hour at a time which becomes a keen focus in getting through each day.
Visit their Facebook Community Today
Transcending Lupus Support Alliance of Northeast Louisiana, LLC

Fundraiser for Fibromyalgia Research and Awwareness

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Starting today for one month through May 12, 2014 in support of our CEO’s struggle with this and other chronic pain disorders, Inspirations Etc & Poetic Meditations will give 5% of all donations towards the cause of FIBROMYALGIA RESEARCH & AWARENESS.
Follow-up announcements will be made re: Contributions on May 12, 2013
When making donations enter this code: STC-TS-4367-FMRA
Click here to make donations

Thanks in Advance!
IEPM Web Administration
Note From Our CEO:
Please show your support in other ways as well via an increasing knowledge about Fibromyalgis (FM) below: Thanks Fibromyalgia Awareness for all you do to bring empathy towards my journey” ~La’Sonya

Help Raise Fibromyalgia Awareness Here
