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Luke 8:16 – No man, when he hath lit a candle, covers it with a vessel, or puts it under a bed; but sets it on a candlestick, that they which enter in may see the light.

Psalm 18:28-50 / Matthew 5:14-16 / Luke 8:15-17 / Proverbs 18:4 / Mark 4:22 /

NTS ✍🏾 ODAAT Journaling Entries From Day 146, 147, 148 and 149 “CALLED TO SHINE…”


During a conversation, it was brought to my attention that I keep secrets. In response, I said it depends on what that means, because there’s a thin line on the veil of understanding between secrecy and discretion, although similar (Para, Canfield, 2024).

Nothing is hidden, that will not be brought to light (exposure). I said that the MOST HIGH knows and sees all; and that they HOLY MOTHER and HEAVENLY FATHER are judge and jury in my life. Now on to the Crux of the Oracle Message from the meditative days.

The CRUX —Day 146

I’d responded so quickly, that I had to consult the MOST HIGH about my reply. As always I began a counseling session (spiritual therapy via prayer or what we southerners call having a little talk with the LORD).

Of course, via diligence and obedience—acquiescence and pliability, if you can picture it; meditation is the next step (waiting on and listening for the MOST HIGH’s guidance).

Although I was prompted to write, I was also instructed to wait for delivery of message. At the time, I believe we were just approaching or in a Budding, Flower or Scorpio moon phase, which means a time of remembrance of life’s cycles and the newness that comes with both life and death. This is where I began listening (meditation).

Now, going back to the backstory conversation for a minute, where I said there’s nothing hidden that will not be brought to light; here’s what was channeled:

Get and be square with the HOUSE, YOUR OWN

The message was sent to let us know that although some people believe that they know we pay for others’ sins via karmic debt or what some call spiritual reparations; we still have to give in account for our subjective actions and behavior.

There’s an old R & B song that says “There’s a right and wrong way to love somebody” (Sweat, K, 1987). That’s the first message that answers secrecy and discretion.

Relationships of any kind are under attack in this Day of Reckoning because it deters, hinders and destroys unity. With spiritual intuition, discernment and vision, it’s clear to decipher most of the hidden agendas via the corporeal circumstances (news travels fast).

This is why we should exercise due diligence to search the whole matter of what’s told to us, especially via the media. The MOST HIGH didn’t bring us here to turn a blind eye to the hidden maltreatment, opposition or oppression via the wiles of the ops. Ephesians 6:11-12


What do we know, inner and understand about these two similarities? What’s beneficial or harmful about either? Why are they quintessential or archetypal? What things do they teach or how do they guide us? Let’s explore together…

First, empiric knowledge is always an asset because man-made history has proven over and over to be a tad bit, unreliable resource. This is why we should place both inspection and introspection on our surroundings, environment, situations, and relationships (communication and commingling with others)

The good book refers to it as watching thereunto, being Christ like (mindfulness, that is); being careful when entertaining strangers; and my favorite, Study to show oneself. With that in mind, secrecy hones to an influential stronghold of sorts, in the wrong hands and hearts. So when is it okay to utilize secrecy? Well, a talebearer (known today as a hater); might feel it’s a daily must-have, when it comes to leverage over another via nefarious power warfare, where they’d hold information over someone for selfish, egregious and flagitious means. That was definitely a run-on sentence whew! Secrecy, also points to things that are hidden or to some, done in darkness. A few decades ago, I was given a definitive meaning about sin of or in darkness. I remember reading it in a very old biblical cannon, that anything one does in shame of (darkness), is a sin—emphasis added, mine. Ephesians 5:11-14

For public example, the Papal orders pontificate various organized secrecies within the Vatican City’s extensive libraries. In laymen’s terms, they got a whole lot of SECRECY going on in there. I mentioned them, because they’re the puppeteers for the sheeple—man-made Church.

Then there’s the music and showbiz industries, whom or which also govern and sensor what we ascertain via entertainment. Lastly, political powers are drenched in secrecy. As I stated before, about haters, these entities are obsessed with control issues and power struggles, vying for authority over everything and everyone.

Yet they forget that even the powers that be have a magistrate power. 1 Corinthians 1:26-29


BRB —lunch break…😁 It’s next day, the break was longer than expected. Yet, everything is PURPOSED. We discussed SECRECY on yesterday.

Now to explore DISCRETION...

Discretion differs slightly more than secrecy, on a more positive vibration. Discretion sometimes acts as a protectant in some instances. Considering spiritual and or mental dis•ease, which, according to various sources, causes suffering and sometimes loss of one’s soul via fear, disharmony, self affliction and sabotage(Para, Generative AI, the Alterlife, et al, 2024)…

Moreover and perhaps most importantly, it creates DISCONNECTION from the MOST HIGH—emphasis added, mine. Firstly, to avoid the spiritual distresses; carefulness, as well as cleanliness, are favorable. Carefulness involves maintaining one’s focus, integrity and spiritual eminence, as in rank or positioning—i.e. one’s CALLING.

Thinking on a calling, we can cogitate on being Chosen or part of the Elect of the MOST HIGH. This election simply points to a calling ergo, or rather “Chosen”

[For the children being not yet born, neither having done any good or evil, that the purpose of God according to election might stand, not of works, but of him that calleth;] (Romans 9:11).

Funny, I just heard Wyclef and Mary J, singing “someone please call 911”. How confirming is that! Okay, back to the topic of discretion when considering being a Chosen One or of the Elect of the MOST HIGH’s favor and unmerited grace.

When one inner; over and understands the gravity of having unmerited favor and or grace, they’d ascertain the fruitfulness of the point of light, they’ve received to be a beacon…Called to shine if you can fathom, to guide, assist, comfort, cheer up, console and contribute divine support to all.

That indeed is a tall order and cup to fill. Yet, the increase comes from the MOST HIGH. (Psalm 18:36; 23; 71:21 & 115:14-15; Job 8:7; Isaiah 9:7 & 65:24; 2 Samuel 22:37; 1 Corinthians 3:6-7 & Ephesians 3:20—increase). Spiritually, the MOST HIGH has the Elect covered as in PROTECTED, regardless of how divinely coveted.

Let’s expound on the envy and jealousy that accompanies the sin of covetousness. Because we’ve been taught and do subscribe to the knowledge and or beliefs that the enemy comes to kill, steal and destroy; we can affix and affirm these things to correlate to variables of exchange with envy and jealousy stemming from pride of life and lusts of the eyes and of the flesh as mentioned in the book of Genesis of the Bible.

Therefore, unmerited grace and favor provides us divine protection from certain wiles. Being Chosen almost always comes with a target 🎯 on one’s spiritual prowess. The harvesters of soul energy are like heat seeking missiles in search of the “Inner G” (GOD energy- GIFTS of one’s CALLING or Divine light—emphasis added, mine.)That’s part of the “all things will be added unto you” from the sought kingdom and righteousness of the MOST HIGH.

The difference is these vampiric spirits, often shape shift as familial energy harvesters because they lack comprehension of and have no access to it—light or soul Inner G, absent invitation or unauthorized access. See Psalm 139:12 & John 1:5-9, also carefulness is a guidance given to all when entertaining strangers or angels unaware, as in fallen ones. Although Hebrews 13:2, states “Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares”; spiritual discernment sees don’t forget that some strangers are angels. The ‘unawares’ is the understood knowledge that there too exists fallen ones, about ⅓, according as written.


Can you imagine being at the very top of the food chain, royalty or hierarchical powers, but then being evicted, denied access to or barred away from such extravagance or easy living?

Now, can you see that herein lies the determination and willingness of these harvesters, to regain access. The Chosen Ones have been given the key of David. They have access to lock and unlock doors that no one else can open nor close, because the MOST HIGH governs it, according as written in Isaiah 22:22 and Revelation 3:7.

Some view all of this and more things related to religious constructs or factions of belief as foolishness. Yet, they utilize those same dogmas as resource info when attempting to prove their stances.

“But God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise; and God hath chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty” (1 Corinthians 1:27).

The overall Oracle Message from Days 146, 147, 148 and 149 “CALLED TO SHINE… simply points to the fact or ideal that the CALLED, or CHOSEN have a Divine RSVP, with special seating as proposed in Psalm 23:5; Revelation 3:20 and 1 Corinthians 10:13-21. Whereas, the fools have been stamped, marked or deem ACCESS DENIED.

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Scriptures from various Holy Bible versions. The video (if any added) is PC: Literature and Imagery and the Intellectual Property of IEPMSTC ™ Shared with permission. Images shared, that are not those of IEPMSTC ™ are shared absent intent of infringement of copyright via Fair Use clause and any duplicate submissions are at your—(audience/readers/subscribers or similar)—own legal discretion.

Other resources which may have been used for terminology and dialogue were accessible via Creative Commons database from Public Domain include but are not limited to King James Bible Dictionary Concordance; Av1611 kjv dictionary; KJV Dictionary or other Bible Study Tools. We are simply sharing as a visual educational tool.

Works Cited

Canfield, L. (2024). PC: Subjective Research and Study from personal library. Retrieved via permission from the Intellectual Properties of IEPMSTC ™ Products and Svcs.

Holy Bible, KJV version—Bible Gateway. PC: in-text hyperlink. Public Domain and Creative Commons.

Works Cited Term search—Spiritual Disease. Accessed via Generative AI. Retrieved from Public Domain Google SEO. Info available at

Terminology search—Spiritual Disease. Accessed Article. “Spiritual Causes of Disease-The Alterlife. Retrieved from


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“In A Nutshell” An Exegetical, Syncretist & Hermeneutical View

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In A Nutshell

The best simplest explanation of answers to questions I question. This is the closest authentic rendition of what I’d call “in a nutshell”…

This commentary is my exposé in a more “Exegetical Syncretist Hermeneutical View” of the outstanding TikTok video post on the Garden of Eden by, I think Kevin Wheeler, who did a very condense explain of Santos Bonacci work. It included amazing visual synopsis of the network, thereof. Thanks for sharing! Use the hyperlink above to view it.

Idk know if the post creator, Kevin Wheeler is the original source for the info, but bravo. I think it’s Santos Bonacci work or Wheeler’s take on it.

Now to decode scripturally, what he showed via visual synopsis and empirical research is not that difficult, when using critical thought like that of syncretism. We’d all like to do or make things magically happen, appear, disappear or even reappear, if we could. Only time will tell if that one is humanly possible. (A nature vs super nature thing).

THE DECODE: EXEGESIS Hermeneutical & Critical Think

First and not following his chronological ordering; I’d like to add some scriptures below of which I used to cross reference what was revealed in the video. (*Throughout this read will be supporting or relative passages).

For the Bible thumpers, readers or inspectors, like myself; I’ll start in Genesis’ creation stories and parabolically move towards Revelation, trying to keep it as simplex as he did.

This is merely a little introspection into the basis of the entire dissertation or thesis (sort of monograph if you will).

You can follow the link attached to the screenshot about what I’m delineating here on this fine Sunday September 17, 2023, 11:56 a.m.. NTS ✍🏾 Day 260, which deduces to an eight, which has various meaning like infinity, ♾️ abundance, authority, innate power, ability virtue strength and also affinity.
According to tiny rituals “It is a number that encourages you on your spiritual quests and asks you not to give up faith or hope because abundance is nearby” (Tiny Rituals, 2023).

Okay, now back to the topic at hand. Below is an outline of things I felt good about exploring via the scriptures. I’ve already been enlightened in them from a range of abroad studies and research. This is why I said that the video has empirical research to it.
Without further ado, the list:

  1. The garden of Eden
  2. Adam and Eve
  3. Tree of life
  4. Heaven and hell
  5. Four Rivers and Four Body Fluids
  6. The Three Wise Men
  7. The Nelfheim or Nephilim (the fallen)
  8. Duality or as he stated, Sun Moon Male Female Left Right (eyes) Red Blue God (good) Devil (evil)
  9. The caduceus (or the Divine Wand 🪄 ⚕️).

Interesting how the list consist of nine topics that stood out. Especially while considering the nine ether or aether beings we allegedly are.

THE IMPROMPTU BREAKDOWN: A Parabolic view via Scriptural Referral

“Garden” is defined in my subjective Bible as “a protected and cultivated place” (KJV, n.d.).

The Garden of Eden: The supposed origin of marriage, sex, sin, and cost thereof. Genesis 2 (other gardens Egypt Deuteronomy 11:10; Shushan Esther 1:5; Gethsemane Mark 14:32 & a Royal 2 Kings 25:4). Now the gardeners; whether mistaken or not, were Adam Genesis 2:15 and Christ John 20:15, 16; Isaiah 66:17; Jeremiah 29:5 and John 15:1.

It also shows how “garden” was used for Fruit Song of Songs 6:11; Festivities Esther 1:5; Idolatry Isaiah 65:3; Meditations Matthew 26:36 and Burial John 19:41.

Other places to seek in the Bible regarding garden are Genesis 1:11-12 v29 & 2:8 v15 / Deuteronomy 22:9 (planned pollination); Song of Songs 5:1; Isaiah 51:3 (wastelands become like Eden) or 58:11 & Jeremiah 31:12; Ezekiel 31:8-18 (exceeding garden of God) and a perishable view in 1 Peter 1:23-25, which touches on the withering grass and flower.

Now according to the TikTok video, the Garden connects to four rivers; the Pishon, Tigris, Euphrates and Gihon; and body fluids were referenced as such: urine, blood, saliva and cerebral spinal fluids (more).

ADAM & EVE ♂️ ♀️

Adam and Eve
Funny thing is, when looking through my book, by Ken Anderson “WHERE TO FIND IT IN THE BIBLE; there’s no entry for Eve, it goes from evaporation to everlasting then jumps from evidence to evil. RED FLAGS 🚩 🚩 ❓❓❓

Eve represents life in my Bible and is found to be made from Adam’s rib (Genesis 2:18-22); named by Adam Genesis 3:20 ( here I could tie in the fact that Adam in reverse in Mada and how it could sound like mother in some languages.

To give a little spin on it. I thought to look up it’s etymological meaning instead: Apparently Adam etymologically means formed from the ground, earth, soil, etc.

Mada, however; not found in the etymology dictionary, still has various meaning across culture and languages. For instance, in English it’s said to mean the female of any egg laying species. In Hindu, it’s meaning has two distinctions relating to theology and mythology; one of the Arishadvargas similar to that of one of the seven deadly sins or pride in Christianity. Subsequently, “Mada” also means ‘a handful‘ in Latin and ‘still; not yet‘ in Japanese. I thought that was an interesting deep dive, when trying to know why so little or nothing rather, was found about Eve; but so much on Adam.

Subjectively, one could add that Eve represents the HOLY SPIRIT/ HOLY GHOST/ HOLY MOTHER across the board. Why? The Bible doesn’t paint a very pretty picture of the persona of Eve does it? It’s says she came from the womb of man or his ribs. How so, the men we know today can’t physically via pregnancy, carry babies in their wombs, their gonads maybe, but not their wombs; which hints to ghosting. Aka the Holy (set apart; separate) entity of Eve; the so called mother of all living or by the other accounts, the 🌎 earth. By the TikTok video’s account, the earth is the heart (Anahata Chakra), the central of functionality within the body and mind.

I know it seems like I left out info about Adam, but I didn’t. If looking with spiritual specs or third eye; we along with overstanding, innerstanding and understanding of duality; could sum up that for everything via divine feminine that Eve was; Adam was not or the opposite.
Adam means red earth and is described via the canon relating to creation; in God’s image, by God’s breath, as a living soul from dust, first before Eve 1 Timothy 2:13, in a Holy state; head of race; the similitude of what was to come; knowingly done sin ; an intelligent being Genesis 2:19-20 and his descendants, thereof as written in Romans 5:12-14; Deuteronomy 32:8; John 3:16 and territorial Joshua 3:16 (the backing up of waters near Zaretan (note this place is twelve miles away from Jericho) and the Red ground in Naphthali Joshua 19:35-36.

Ecclesiastes 6:10 “That which has been is named already, and it’s known that it is man: neither may he contend with him that is mightier than he” cr. Job 9:32; Isaiah 45:9 & Jeremiah 49:19-21.

I have to take a mini break here but will return in a few. In the meantime check out this video while I prepare content on our next breakdown the tree of life….

The Tree of Life 🌴

Tree of life
About the tree of life in the Bible, go to Genesis 1:11-12, v29; 2:9 & 3:22-24; Proverbs 13:12; Revelation 22:1-21.

I myself, was awakened to its existence over twenty or thirty years ago, while doing comprehensive study on rights of passages, secret societies or subjective research in general.

This reminds me that although the brain is a vessel of thought, rationalization among authentication between the real and fallacious, the tangible, intangible, fathomable and the imaginable….it is a keeper of secrets, and an on-hand library of memories.

It brings me back to my school age days, learning about Darwinism, Jung theories, Plato, Socrates, Nostradamus, Michel Angelo, Picasso, Rembrandt, Amadeus Mozart and the so called Greek and other mythology. We don’t readily think of these until someone or something reminds us of them, but they’re still in the tree of life, only there suppressed or regressed within the roots. (the heims or roots as in derivation).

This topic, (the tree of life) will have to have its own separate comprehensive commentary sometimes later as I take a very lot from this meaning that’s not the orthodox views.

The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life; and he that wins souls is wise” Proverbs 11:30


Heaven and Hell (Heel)
Okay, this is not the spookism, fear mongering sense of truth. If you’re looking for boogeyman’s tales, this is not the space nor place for that. Since the brother in the TikTok video, used a wordplay for hell as heel. I’m assuming the heaven or as I like to refer to it the Haven of safety is the head.

He said head is the heart. I can relate this biblically; in that God writes on our hearts, right. So godheads it is. In a marriage, the man is the godhead of woman under Christ, the parents the godhead of children under Christ, a business the owner, management team and so forth in a chain of commands are godheads too; under Christ (consciousness; knowledge, discernment and discretion); but all under the MOST HIGH GOD.

Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God.2 Whosoever therefore resists the power, resists the ordinance of God: and they that resist shall receive to themselves damnation

“Romans 13:1-2

In whom also we have obtained an inheritance, being predestinated according to the purpose of him who works all things after the counsel of his own will:

Ephesians 1:11 KJV

The HEIMS’ (Roots): Syncretist View

Heim (Haim) is defined via Wikipedia as Hebrew name meaning “life”. Its first usage can be traced to the Middle Ages. It is a popular name among Jewish people (Wikipedia, May 2023).

According to Kabbalah, the name Hayim helps the person to remain healthy, and people were known to add Hayim as their second name to improve their health (Wikipedia, May 2023). According to who’s asked, heim could be representing the nine or so realms of Norse cosmology.

However, via the video they’re depicted as the roots of the so called tree of life, so I will follow suit. If roots and Adam is the Red ground, then to one subjectively, it may suggest a foundation or something laid out, like a map or plan.

I like this analogy because it’s a source for navigating self. Well apparently these nine realms hail from the God of War. The god of war could for some; point to the God of Angel armies mentioned in scriptures: Psalm 88:8 & 89:6-8. Jehovah Sabaoth or some version (Adonai Tzva’ot, Yahweh Sabaoth or subjectively YAH SABAOTH.

Subsequently, LORD is defined as title of majesty and kingship via my canon, the Holy Bible. Host is defined in my canon as one who entertains (Romans 16:23 & Luke 10:35). However, Hosts as in LORD of; is defined as a title of God. As commander of Israel’s armies, same as SABAOTH.

Because I took a day break between my journaling to put fresher eyes on what’s being conveyed here, double checking info and for subjective rest…the remainder of this commentary and Oracle Message for today Monday September 18, 2023 8:48 a.m., Day 261, will continue where left off. Howbeit 261° deduces to a nine, which is confirmation that I’m in order with what the MOST HIGH is allowing me spiritual liberty to convey here.

So yesterday before taking a break, I was talking on the heims’. About these ‘roots or heims’ as explained in the now realized, “Santos Bonacci exposé,” explained via this TikTok video by Kevin Wheeler.

The brother in the video…(*note–emphasis added, mine…I recently discovered that the document creator is Kevin Wheeler)...also made mention of several heims below, such as with Neflheim, or the heel as he stated.

This is a screenshot of a snippet from the TikTok video. The heims’ are depicted as the roots. Some think of roots as part of the Mycelium Network (Kevin Wheeler, creator of imagery). He may have mentioned as above so below, although I’m unsure if it was at this point.

I decided to do a little more study on the wordplay for the heims (what I viewed per the video as roots), and what I take it to mean. In number seven of this outline, Neflheim (Nephilim) relates to the place of the person Adam; as in Naphthali.

According to Ken Anderson‘s “WHERE TO FIND IT IN THE BIBLE,” roots have to do with “ancestors, background, family and heritage” (Anderson, Ken, 1996).

This is where the cross-references get very meticulous. So I suggest to my audience, to go read it in your own time. I’ll try to find a link to the book and hyperlink it here. I would state it here, but the roots based on the above “ancestors • background • family” is convoluted. Yet, not in the negative connotation usually given to its meaning; rather “twisted, folded or complicated” as defined via the etymology dictionary.

I purposely was led to place this definition of convoluted here. It gives us a written look at the visual “roots” as we know them to be.

Now as I was saying earlier about the heims’ being tied to the kabbalistic tree of life, we think yin yang; as above, so below; as within so without…whether we circle the square or square the circle, it’s all a spiraling as is the Fibonacci’s Golden Ratio.

Some believe this spiral to be God’s signature, appearing on all things of the MOST HIGH’s creativity. It’s the proverbial 144; as in the 144K° or what deduces to a nine. If you turn or rotate the nine on its axis° it looks to be a six but with a repeating motion it flows to that flowering pattern the brother was speaking on.

Well in my head, it’s like the two numbers mirroring themselves perpendicularly. With the heims in mind, and this explanation of spiraling; I hope you can see the network. If not, simply take out a pen and paper draw an even sided square and place a nine inside it anywhere then start cycling it inward or outwardly. Depending on one’s artistry of handwriting, you should see a flowering pattern.

Now moving on to this sequence, the nine 9 inverted is a six 6 and added together equal 15°= six 6. Now the number of man is noted as 666 or 999, depending on how one looks at it; but they all deduce to NINE.

As heritage stands, per my biblical canon, there’s both an earthly and a spiritual heritage. I affixed this to the four heart chambers as mentioned via the video.

RE: the four heart chambers as they relate to the four liquids of the body; the four rivers connecting the garden of eden, the four dynasties, the places of eternal torment aka hell and the four places of heaven aka inhabitants, characteristics, entry and proximity of beliefs or attitudes thereof.

RECAP* According to Wheeler, the arteries represent Aries and the veins represent Venus in the Taurus (Toros) field of earth 🌎 or the Anahata Chakra known as the heart.

They’re transporters, that we call vessels. The arteries transport blood out of the heart into the body, while the veins transport it from the body back into the heart, I think that’s right.


Well my lunar or north node of destiny is in Aries while I am the Sun sign of Taurus, which is an earth element. What this explains subjectively about me relative to the heart or in this case earth; is that my beginning (Aries/Arteries) is a combined cardinal and fixed quality of fierce leadership, patience, practicality, and an abundance of outpour in love and loyalty according to a zodiacal viewpoint. Aries is a a fire element, and can be seen metaphorically as the red or fire sign.

Moreover, since it’s my north node, the true node, it’s said to point to our life’s purpose or at least whatever one desires to achieve.

Taking this back to the four chambers of the heart, I take this to mean that acting as the arteries, it’s taking so called oxygenated blood away from the heart (as it says God writes on man’s heart –2 Corinthians 3:3; Ezekiel 11:19; Ezekiel 36:26; Jeremiah 31:33; Hebrews 8:10 & 10:16-26). These laws are our body’s way or programming (plan) to carry out its purpose or plan for life.

The south node, respectively, is the past life karma, which needs to be let go via shadow work and healing, to fully evolve from the heims‘.

However, that is also representative of the veins or in the case (Venus); which coincidentally, rules my first house… [Venus is meticulous in governing our finances and represents our love or romantic or amorous pleasantries (Para, Stardust, 2021).]….

The so called roots are part of the infamous Mycelium Network and relative to the kabbalistic tree of life by affording us a route to ascension.

Study also shows this is a “nectar of judgement; an identifier of life; an altar of sacrifice, redemption or atonement,” contingent on where in the Bible; one looks (Para, Anderson, p.53). Either view gives an escape route or way up and and like the blood being worked via the arteries and veins.

That’s all the liberty I’ve been given to share related to the heims’. If you wish to know more look deeper into the realms of Asgard, Jotunheim, Midgard, Alfheim, Hel, Vanaheim, Nidavellir, Niflheim, or Brunheim. 1 Peter 1:23 / Hebrews 1:10-22 / Isaiah 57:15 / Micah 5:2 / Revelation 1:4-8; 11:17 & 22:13–Eternal: Unchangeable.

MzIAMNRU LaSonya the Messenger 👸🏾

Four Rivers & Four Body Fluids

Wheeler described in the TikTok video, how the Garden of Eden connects to four rivers; the Pishon, Tigris, Euphrates and Gihon; and the four body fluids were referenced as: urine, blood, saliva and cerebral spinal fluids (more).

Four Rivers and Four Body Fluids Continued….
I found this to be very profound and deep introspection and if I’m not mistaken, I may have already written commentary on the four rivers via this site. More info, on this in a separate commentary.

In reiteration, regarding the kabbalistic tree of life, I myself, was awakened to its existence over twenty or thirty years ago, while doing general comprehensive or subjective research.

To be honest, I got so lost in my studies, as I do, I had to get some rest. So this was the last entry for last night on the heims’…. end of ODAAT Oracle Message and/or Journaling Entries From Day 260. Stay tuned.

Apologies in Order

Sorry, The other parts six thru nine of this research Three Wise Men; the Neflheim (Nephilim or Fallen); Duality (Sun/Moon, Male/Female Left/Right Red/Blue God/Devil) and the caduceus will have to come at a later time as I don’t have spiritual liberty to write on them at the present moment.This ends day two of this commentary. If later, I’m given liberty to divulge deeper, you’ll find it here at STCTSG Ministries website.


Disclaimer No copyright infringement intended. Merely sharing for educational purposes according to the <a href="http://FAIR USE clause Art.1.§ Section 107 of the Copyright Act.

Work Cited

Scriptures from various Holy Bible versions. The video, if any provided is PC: Literature and Imagery and the Intellectual Property of IEPMSTC ™ Shared with permission or either via Fair Use Clause, Creative Commons and Public Domain Access. Other in text quotes or the like, follow a hyperlink.

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Anderson, Ken.1917-2016.(1996) WHERE TO FIND IT IN THE BIBLE. pp. 1-578. cm. Thomas Nelson Publication: ISBN 0-7852-1157-8(pb) 1. Bible—Indexes. I. Title. BS432.A533 1996 220.3–dc20. Retrieved from PC, as a gift.

Nine Realms of Norse Cosmology – World History Encyclopedia accessed on September 17 2023, Retrieved from

The Oxford Dictionary of Family Names in Britain and Ireland, ed. by Patrick Hanks, Richard Coates, and Peter McClure, 4 vols (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2016), II, pp. 1168–67 [s.vv. Haim, l/wiki/Haim.

Stardust, Lisa & Vaughan (2021). “The Astrology Deck: Your Guide to the Meanings+Myths of the Cosmos” ISBN 978-1-7972-0691-2 /51895 Accessed via PC: Subjective Ownership of card deck. Retrieved in 2022, from Amazon via Chronicle Books 680 Second Street, San Francisco, CA 94107.

Terminology search: God of War (n.d.). Retrieved from

Wheeler, Kevin (2023). Public Domain. Video: The Garden of Eden Secrets.. Accessed Aeonaether via TikTok on Saturday September 16, 2023. Retrieved from

ODAAT Oracle Message

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Journaling Entries From Day 113 of 2023

NTS ✍🏾🤷🏾‍♀️ Today’s Oracle Message is

Growth brings you to a life and love you won’t have to chase”.

Get ready for the love that will meet you at every moment and emotion in your status quo. This is an awesome energy of power, excitement, forgiveness and healing faith in the right now. There’s nothing to prove, no comparison, no competition and no boundaries or limitations to this chance of a lifetime. You need only to accept and embrace it, but never chase it.

We spend resourceful time chasing love that doesn’t want to love us either/or at all.

The MOST HIGH is confirming that love is the SOURCE of invitation to complementary abundance, security, stability and longevity. It (LOVE) sees, knows all about and wants the best for —-you.

Accept and embrace it but never chase it. Asé Amen So It Is

~LaSonya Canfield MzIAMNRU the Messenger

✨🌷O N E 🌷 D A Y 🌷 AT 🌷 A 🌷 T I M E 🌷✨

Day 113 Journaling Entries From ODAAT 2023

Scriptural Support *will definitely describe the truths of possible outcomes for chasing a love that doesn’t love you e.g. unrequited, forbidden or unwarranted

1 John 4:7-8|Hebrews 12:6-7|Deuteronomy 6:5; 7:7-13; 10:12 & 30:20|1 Corinthians 13|Luke 7:37-38 & v46|John 11:2 &12:3|1 Kings 2:9|2 Chronicles 9:8|Ecclesiastes 9:1|Micah 6:8|Mark 12:30 |Hosea 3:1 & 9:1


Current planetary placements are we’re currently experiencing Mercury Retrograde in Taurus ♉. Additionally, according to another source, a planetary alignment, observable without telescope will occur on tomorrow, April 24th. [The next planet parade is on April 24, 2023, when four planets – Mercury, Venus, Mars, and Uranus – will align in the sky](StarWalk.Space & Vito Technology, Inc., 2023). Some may consider this insightful information. We’re simply sharing.

Hi it’s Day 113 of my One Day At A Time Journaling Entries. I’m new to the YouTube experience but been around for a minute. Please help my channels to grow: like, share and subscribe or join(PC:Canfield, 2023).

“As always, remember the Messenger is futile to the profundity of the message”~MzIAMNRU LaSonya the Messenger


Random websites across the internet are listed below as well, but may or may not have been, either or were not an actual reference or citation for information spoken of in today’s Oracle Message. It is added to give the audience somewhere to document or confirm shared information. I had to go look them up so they’re in no formal order according to citation rules. This blog is a casual look into my subjective blessings of prescience, e.g. forethought and intuition.

We do not intend on the infringement of any copyright in this or other blog submission (s). We’re sharing solely for educational and entertainment purposes, according to Fair Share Laws and Public Domain. Please contact original source or creators for resubmission of any outside content shared here via information provided in citations below. This includes our own at IEPMSTC ™: Please let us know how we can help.

We do not hold legal licensure for counsel. Therefore, discretion is advised with the subjective (personal) use of information or advises shared within this and all Literary information provided by us at IEPMSTC ™ Products and Svcs {Inspirations Etc Survivors thru Christ Transcendental Support Group Ministries STCTSG ® Poetic Meditations Publications Author Central PMPub ® and Brand New Mercies}.

Works Cited

Canfield, L. (2023). IEPMSTC™ Products and Svcs. PC: Empirical Studies and Subjective Research.

Canfield, L.(2023). Personal Communication: Subjective Eclecticism Portrait/Abstract Contractual Artwork, Readings and Literature. Intellectual Property of IEPMSTC ™ Products and Svcs. ODAAT Oracle Messages & Journaling Entries. Shared with permission.

Holy Bible KJV NIV NKJV Versions (n.d.). Various sites and subjective empirical study abroad.

StarWalk.Space &Vito Technology, Inc. (April 17, 2023). Web article: Alignment Of Planets 2023: What Is It? When Will The Planets Align. Retrieved from,The%20next%20planetary%20alignment%2C%20April%202023,be%20visible%20right%20after%20sunset

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