
Showing Gratitude, Love & Intercessory Support

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Sharing our Founder’s Testimonial & Requesting Intercessory or Other Philanthropic Support

We dedicate this testimonial/donation project to help sow support for the artistic endeavors of our Founder to celebrate accomplishments of being faithful over few, as God is continuing to make room for her to rule over much of the gift(s), He has bestowed upon her hands by contending faith.


For a little over eight years, our founder has been seeking to bring her vision (dream) to reality. With some success,  some of her dream(s) as well as she, have grown. While doing philanthropy within her small community, she branched out into the social media community with her then small business endeavors as well as via this prayer and biblical study ministry {Survivors thru Christ}.

She faced crisis around 2013, losing finances to complete her medical regime in addition to not being able to afford the tuition for the last two courses towards a psychology degree, which she sought online while maintaining the Dean’s List.

A year later, having sold her car to make do all while recovering from immobility via past associated disorders, she again started working from home as an independent contractor via varied writing services and as child caregiver.

It was enough to support her until last year in March 2016, after what was called “a great flood” in her city, that she lost almost all of her earthen possessions such as her business [including office equipment/supplies], household furnishings and goods for her home of twenty-one plus years, which included three bedrooms/kitchen/ living room/bathroom—— plus other clothing, important memorabilia and personal items of sentimental value. FEMA awarded her three thousand six hundred dollars to replace all that was lost, then denied her appeal for more assistance. For the next ten months, she stayed in-home during mold remediation/renovations and working complex hours with little to no rest via WAH (work at home) and the continuation of the STC-TSG ministry; just before additional duress of down-sizing. Since then via faith, she has maintained contentment with such as she had left or has remaining via prayer and with hope for a better tomorrow.

“For the vision is yet for an appointed time, but at the end it shall speak, and not lie: though it tarry, wait for it; because it will surely come, it will not tarry” (Habakkuk 2:3).

During these events both her gifts and talents have been either mishandled under distress, handled with ill-intent by others and/or negatively exploited. Yet, she has stayed the course with her mind on the Lord and pressing forward.


Now, in 2017, she has been moving in another direction to regain from her losses. She has begun to refocus on her artwork, poetry and writing; more as the days goes by. She very recently has experienced even more delay. She tried and failed [denied employment] at general career/job searches per her field of knowledge and experience in the general labor force——due having been immobile for four to five years and working from home for herself since 2009, also due many changes for new work requirements. Her present goals now include:

  • Advancing the IEPM | STC-TSG Group Ministry by raising funds to re-equip home office/Art studio  
  • Acquiring Work –Independent Contractor for hire via writing services or other
  • Acquiring Affordable Health & Dental Care ~holistic therapy
  • Acquiring Personal Transportation ~need for a personal / business vehicle
  • Acquiring Bedroom & Living Room Furniture for her new single room unit ~she desires a bed, sofa and coffee table
  • Producing & Promoting Her Personal Line of Artistry
  • Possibly Finishing Psychology Educational Endeavor to become an Marriage & Family Therapist/Counselor


We ask for your prayers via love and agreement for the Lord’s will towards these “blessings with no added sorrows” of these committed endeavors, by faith and the work(s) of her and our hands via love.

#PurposeDriven #GodIsLove

Your Prayers Are Needed & Welcome In Accordance with the Lord's Establishment.
Please Touch and Agree with us for one another.

In addition, if led to by the Holy Spirit: to donate anything positively in any other way(s) including financially, we at Survivors thru Christ, welcome your support or alms according to Matthew 6:4-18 & 7:12; Luke 6:31-38 & James 4:1-6 & 5:9-16.

“That thine alms may be in secret: and thy Father which sees in secret himself shall reward thee openly” (Matthew 6:4). 

Please use the below contact information to let us know if you would like to help in any other way. For those choosing to do so; There is also a donation link address below or click here, .

Email us at for shipping address or other info or call 1-318-884-0621 to offer and/or request prayer or other assistance / support.
24 Hr Phone/Email Messaging Services——your call or email message will receive reply within 24 hours. We screen all calls for “Serious Callers Only”…you must leave identifiable message in order to receive a reply or have your name(s) added to prayer list.
Our Hours of Operation: 
Monday-Wednesday and Fridays
Closed on Thursday and Saturday
To Send Anonymous Monetary Donations click here or type the web address in your browser as 

We thank the Lord in advance for your support.


In the Word Study:16403327_406311799707403_5100197344496068099_o

Romans 12:3-8 | 1 Corinthians 12:1-31 | Ephesians 4:11-13 | 2 Timothy 1:6-7 | 1 Peter 3:9 & 4:10-11 | Proverbs 10:22; 14:31; 22:22 & 28:3 | Deuteronomy 11:27 & 16:17 | Psalm 3:8 & 121:8 | Luke 6:31 | Matthew 7:12 

Shalom & Blessings

“The LORD bless thee, and keep thee”

(Numbers 6:24) 

“Not rendering evil for evil, or railing for railing: but contrariwise blessing; knowing that ye are thereunto called, that ye should inherit a blessing”

(1 Peter 3:9)

 “Beloved, I wish above all things that thou may prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospers”

(3 John 1:2)


Your Help is Needed…

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The Gibson Family Mother & Children lost their home and possessions last night in a house fire. Our Prayers go out to them and while we are thankful that Tasha, and her teen children’s lives were spared, they lost everything else.

Survivors thru Christ & the Brand New Mercies’ Transcendental Support Group is asking for your show of Kindness in whatever donations you would like to offer.

Tasha Gibson is a friend and a sister in Christ to both our Founder and Sister Debra Gurley, members of the same Church.

Donations can also be sent to New Nation Evangelistic Assembly by contacting Debra Gurley

Please contact Sister Debra Gurley for details on clothes and shoe sizes.


or you make a monetary contribution here: Gibson Family Recovery Fund


Reference: GF-STC-BNM-052014