
GIFT: Gainful Insight For Tomorrow

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Proverbs 18:16: A man’s gift makes room for him And brings him before great men.

ODAAT Journaling Entries From Day 113, of 2024; Oracle Message is “G.I.F.T.” Gainful Insight For Tomorrow ~ The message is about patience, trust, loyalty, perseverance and the process of probabilities towards subjective success. In simpler adages, one may say “it’s not how one begins, but how one finishes”.

Today, Spirit spoke of humbled beginnings, trial, error, failures and success. Life can introduce one to all of these in various ways, places and times throughout life.

For me the ‘beauty for ashes” part hones deeply. I have had to learn that we literally experience duality via shadow work whether directly via experience or indirectly via karma. Either way it’s a two sided tossup.

Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com

If we move against the positive flows of energy, the journey is turbulent with different debris of distractions or deterrence. Yet, as we mature and flow with a positive conduit of trajectories, we begin to not only access, become more knowledgeable about certain facts of living; we earn control and mastery of the best of our best.


What’s one person’s best may not equal another’s. Everything respectfully has its purpose regardless of its effects. The MOST HIGH is in control. Although we shun the bad, we have to accept it’s relatively inevitable to ignore or sometimes avoid.

This is the CRUX of balance ⚖️. Philippians 2:3-4 tells us to basically look out for one another. While polarity teaches us that energetically, it’s the uninhibited, free flow of vitality. A biblical favorite is Proverbs 16:11; which talks about a false balance as an abomination. This just supports the entire point of the initial statement about everything having purpose.

This brings us to the Oracle Message from Day 113 “G.I.F.T. —Gaining Insight For Tomorrow”

G.I.F.T. —Gaining Insight For Tomorrow

We don’t have to stay lost in miseducation, misguided and stagnant in complacency due to others’ preconceived notions, selfish validations, exasperation and indignation otherwise known spiritually as vexatious.

“Better is an handful with quietness, than both the hands full with travail and vexation of spirit” (Ecclesiastes 4:6).

Humbled Beginnings…

Humbled Beginnings: Starting off with a Christian upbringing hindered my spiritual aptitude and altitude as a youth.

Yet, today I am truly grateful for the gift of the Spirit via discernment, understanding, knowledge, counsel, power and soundness of mind that came via fruition and ascension. Had I not kept ASKING SPIRIT for direction, I would be still lost, stuck, stagnant and closed off.

Those lessons do come late in life as well. Once again, I’m grateful for the balancing—— it’s where we still make unwise and sometimes unhealthy choices with karmic results or very tangible (corporeal) circumstances to recompense. This often is what the ethereal community calls spiritual reparations or reciprocity.

Repentance is a game changer!!

Most of the time in life, I’ve tried to do what’s considered morally and ethically right. Yet, I failed numerous times and miserably to add.

How many of you readers can say the same? Thank goodness for humbling—hmmm that is not just a simple matter. Humbling entails chastening, being openly rebuked, humiliated and or subdued in aspects of reason(s); whatever they are.

Being taught to humble oneself in the sight (presence) of the MOST HIGH is similar, only that the results and or repercussions may slightly differ.

When the MOST HIGH chastens us, we’re allowed a ‘just balance‘ via trial and error, prayer and meditation, repentance and forgiveness. With man, there’s often false balance.

“A false balance is abomination to the LORD: but a just weight is his delight” (Proverbs 11:1).

Humanity is not in unison with the overall good of itself. People are more quick to tear down, ostracize, rebuke and or spiritually castrate another in the name of God, and mostly selfishness absent forgiveness as if perfect—what some folk called being high minded but no earthly good.

The MOST HIGH says the increase, added incentives via a person’s gifts—(talents, skills, expertise, knowledge, power, comprehension, etc) come from above upon HIGH, as in soundness of mind, balance of body soul and spirit—they’re from the MOST HIGH, irrevocably so.

What one does with his, her or their gift is the substance of things hoped for… manifesting and bringing into fruition, whatever fruitfulness of abundance that is, with work faithfully.

It’s a concept of getting something out of nothing, because zero is indivisible of itself, although mathematically, it has parity as an even numeral.

Therefore, today’s Gifts open up tomorrow’s doors of subjective life success, if applicable to diligence and perseverance. One can only become their best version of self —staying encouraged via life’s frailties or fallibility.

MzIAMNRU LaSonya the Messenger LRCW04222024535PM IEPMSTC ™ Products and Svcs intellectual property


Scriptures from various Holy Bible versions.The video (if any added) is PC: Literature and Imagery and the Intellectual Property of IEPMSTC ™ Shared with permission. Images shared, that are not those of IEPMSTC ™ are shared absent intent of infringement of copyright via Fair Use clause and any duplicate submissions are at your—(audience/readers/subscribers or similar)—own legal discretion. Other resources which may have been used for terminology and dialogue were accessible via Creative Commons database from Public Domain include but are not limited to King James Bible Dictionary Concordance; Av1611 kjv dictionary; KJV Dictionary or other Bible Study Tools. We are simply sharing as a visual educational tool.

Works Cited
Canfield, L (2024). PC: Subjective Research and Study from personal library. Retrieved via permission from the Intellectual Properties of IEPMSTC ™ Products and Svcs.

Holy Bible, KJV version—Bible Gateway. PC: in-text hyperlink. Public Domain and Creative Commons.


Contact MzIAMNRU@gmail.com for info or bookings

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Slaying of The Wicked

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Evil shall slay the wicked: and they that hate the righteous shall be desolate—Psalm 34:21

Food for thought: Desolation equates to emptiness. When the body becomes or is desolate of a soul and spirit, it’s empty or dead. The walking dead are ghosts. The ghosts consist of guided hosts obtaining souls to seduce. Be careful with access and transference via soul ties, not every angel you come across is risen, ergo—they’re fallen. Not in a horrific way, but just know that everyone is a host for something or someone, especially in the spirit realms. Whether it be the reincarnate self having a second, third or so forth, new human or other type experience or just a renovation or improvement thereof of one’s life in general.

#Parasites #Bodysnatchers #Hosts #Minions #Spirits #Angels #Demons #Celestial #Terrestrial #AI #Artificial_Intel #Advanced_Intelligence #Ancient_Intelligence #AncientOfDays

Passage—Pathways: Labyrinths

labyrinth— What’s labyrinth?———Well, it’s a pathway to be simplex. Why did SPIRIT just randomly give me this word to insert right here right now? An internet source says that word doesn’t appear in the Bible, but I don’t know if I believe that. Because in an old Bible I once studied from, I can remember coming across that word and wondering what it was or meant. I think around the time I researched it, I found info about Siddhartha (having to do with some info about how Jesus of Nazareth might have been taught by an old Yogi, like Buddha or Bodhi’s—I know right, weird). That was many years ago, about three decades. So, to update my mental and spiritual memory and accountability for entering right dialogue here, I’ve researched it again and found that, it in fact, is a passage but not a biblical one. I got labyrinth mixed up with leviathan. I’m fiffty five years old and my mind is full of information. Some gets lost sometimes.That does in no way take away from the fact, that it is the word choice given via this channeled energy or message.

Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com

The timestamp right now is 1:23 a m. and it was around this time last night, that I was visited with overwhelming sadness; obsessively crying non-stop but not knowing why. I get these feelings all the time but randomly; and it’s usually a spirit trying to crossover. I never know exactly what to do when it happens and truthfully sometimes I have to really be attentive to decipher whether it’s my own sadnesses. Because it doesn’t resonate with my energy, I immediately go into prayer mode and begin smudging or some type of cleansing ritual to clear and neutralize the energy. I do not have spiritual liberty to disclose who it was or what was conveyed, but I received confirmation that it was in fact, a soul transitioning. She made it safely over.

Remember There Are Sins Unto & Not Unto Death…

#Repented #Unrepentant

When’s the last time we really did inventory on our spiritual debts, credits, checks, ✅balances and bounds?

Debt—Owe Nothing but LOVE (GOD is LOVE)

Credit—Reap what’s sown (Seed, Time & Harvest) also known as karma or reciprocity.

Checks—Hear(Meditation), Obey(Observe to Exercise Discernment & Wisdom), Study (Ask, Seek & Knock), Pray(Gratitude & Petition), Abide in Trust (Understanding the Will of God & Man)

Balances—Even the magistrates have a magistrate. All power is ordained by the MOST HIGH.

Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God. Whosoever therefore resists the power, resists the ordinance of God: and they that resist shall receive to themselves damnation—Romans 13:1-2

Bounds—I AM that I AM. I Will share GLORY with no one—none. I Do All These Things—Form light, dark, create good, evil. I change not. I do not slumber. I was, am, and shall be…the same, yesterday today and forever.

Photo by James Wheeler on Pexels.com

James 2:13—For he shall have judgment without mercy, that hath shewed no mercy; and mercy rejoices against judgment

Romans 14:12-13—So then every one of us shall give account of himself to God

.Matthew 12:36-37—But I say unto you, That every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment. For by thy words thou shalt be justified, and by thy words thou shalt be condemned.

Woe unto the wicked! it shall be ill with him: for the reward of his hands shall be given him—Isaiah 3:10-12


Disclaimers and Work Cited


Canfield, L (2024). PC: Subjective Research and Study from personal library. Retrieved via permission from the Intellectual Properties of IEPMSTC ™ Products and Svcs.

Holy Bible, KJV version—Bible Gateway. PC: in-text hyperlink. Public Domain and Creative Commons.

Dictionary(n.d.). Various Public Domain Sources. In-text quotes and hyperlinks, randomly provided per terminology or word usages.


Scriptures from various Holy Bible versions.

The video (if any added) is PC: Literature and Imagery and the Intellectual Property of IEPMSTC ™ Shared with permission.

Images shared, that are not those of IEPMSTC ™ are shared absent intent of infringement of copyright via Fair Use clause and any duplicate submissions are at your—(audience/readers/subscribers or similar)—own legal discretion. We are simply sharing as a visual educational tool.


Contact MzIAMNRU@gmail.com for info or bookings

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ITWS: Faith & Works——AMISS rather than dwelling AMIDST our King of Kings…Do not Miss the Mark

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Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our sins, trespasses and our debts, as we forgive those who trespass against us as well as our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever. Thank you HEAVENLY FATHER for ordering the steps or courses of our lives. Thank you for breath of life, time and chance, everlasting love and mercy, hope and faith, patience as well as long suffering (trials of faith); and everything in and for the glory of your name, hallelujah Amen. 3b10a-ferventprayer

“The steps of a good man are ordered by the LORD: and he delights in his way”(Psalm 37:23).


123951GottaHaveFaith-1[1]ITWS: Faith & Works——AMISS rather than dwelling AMIDST our King of Kings: Do not Miss the Mark of the High Calling of God thru Christ via Asking, Hearing & Obeying… 

Romans 4:3-5 James 4:2-3 & Genesis 15:6

Sometimes we mishear, misinterpret, misunderstand, misread, or misuse scripture. However, the Most High at times allows it to be received precisely in that fashion because HE, after all, gives the increase to HIS OWN SEED *aka the WORD~Luke 8:11-15.


In example via a recently shared commentary that read “The Lord, He shall renew their strength”….(Personal Communication, December 01, 2017); I instantly remembered that particular passage, Isaiah 40:31, stating “THEY shall renew their strength…” because WAITING implicitly suggests a confidence, dependence and trust upon and in the LORD.


It reiterates the tone of a WORKING FAITH and points to us not becoming weary in well-doing. Nor should we faint(give up), while we are waiting ♡working our faith, working out our salvation♡  James 2:14-26 & Philippians 2:12-13].

As mere humans, we may at times get in a hurry, attempting to dress spiritually royal; yet lose sight in the rush, whereby our adornment becomes outwardly. Contrariwise, it is VAIN and not after Christ, but more traditional of men and is empty. It doesn’t edify anyone, including ourselves!!!
~the Messenger ☆
#Modesty #SelfControl #Improvement #Enlightened


“Man’s goings are of the LORD, how can a man then understand his own way” (Proverbs 20:24)?

“A friend and companion never meet amiss: but above both is a wife with her husband”

(Ecclesiasticus 40:23 Apocryphal 1611 KJV – Sirach 40:23 DRA)

“Yea, in the way of thy judgments, O Lord, have we waited for thee; the desire of our soul is to thy name, and to the remembrance of thee”

(Isaiah 26:8).


ITWS_STC-TSG[2]In The Word Study:

Genesis 22:18 / Galatians 2:21; 5:26 & 6:7-9 / Isaiah 8:17; 26:8; 40:31 / 1 Corinthians 3:6-7 & 15:58 / Proverbs 20:21-24 / 1 Peter 1:23 & 3:2-4 / Titus 2:3 / Psalm 45:9 / Jeremiah 2:32; 4:30 & 10:3 / 1 Timothy 2:9 / 2 Corinthians 8:7 / Hebrews 13:15-16 / Ecclesiastes 11:6 / Ephesians 5:6-11 / Colossians 2:8 / Matthew 6:1-4 & 13:31-32 / Mark 4:30-32 / Luke 8:11-15 13:18-19 / James 2:14-26 / Philippians 2:12-13 / Acts 20:35 /

❤Shabbat Shalom & Blessings

James 4:2-3

Ye lust, and have not: ye kill, and desire to have, and cannot obtain: ye fight and war, yet ye have not, because ye ask not. Ye ask, and receive not, because ye ask amiss, that ye may consume it upon your lusts.

Listening to Audio by GMWA Women of Worship  “Order My Steps”

~the Messenger is minuscule to the profundity of the message…
To GOD be ALL the glory, Amen. Matthew 25:31-46

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STC-TSG Prayer Closet & ITWS: Vehement Thanksgiving Prayer & Meditation

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Vehement Thanksgiving Prayer & Meditation

Discerning & Conquering Spirits of Distraction

Greetings Beloved of the Most High…

Shalom & Blessings


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Dear Heavenly FATHER we thank you for opening many doors in our lives towards your divine will & purpose for us.  We thank you for every blessing & lesson, its effects per experience or influence.  We pray effectual application of your WORD goes forth with fervency of faith, full confidence & for the receipt of your hastened performance.  We know & understand you’re God alone, able to do exceeding abundantly above all we can ask or think according to the power that works within us; a healer, a comforter and not a man that you should lie.  We know & understand that you already know our thoughts/needs before we do…that in keeping with spiritual commune; you insist that we share love one to another, confessing our faults & lifting one another up in the esteem of love via prayer for healing’s harvest to manifest. Together this we pray gathered, asking and agreeing as if touching in Jesus the anointed Christ’s name in and for all things to your glory with advance hallelujah thanks, Amen.

Sometimes distracting things and people will push us towards ¤FSTOW¤ `feeling some type of way`☆.

Even when we awoken with positive intention to be beacons of God’s light, love and understanding, there’s almost always a negating force seeking to halt us on our path.

“Let your loins be girded about, and YOUR lights burning”; (Luke 12:35).


We must always remember that there is a WORD from FATHER for every occasion or circumstances presented to us via negation in hopes that we would fall from grace.

God’s WORD is sure and a safety from any distraction we may face. May we seek counseling from the Most High, before being easily beset via distractions intent on leading us away from the sufficiency of God’s grace and may we confront any positive spirituality changes we wish to experience123951TwoOrMoreGathered-1[1]

“To give light to them that sit in darkness and in the shadow of death, to guide our feet into the way of peace” (Luke 1:79).





Yes & Amen…GOD instructs us towards mindfulness of such spirits:
(1). Be watchful and prayerful
(2). Try the spirits by the spirit, whether they’re of God
(3). Be careful entertaining strangers or otherwise angels unawares
(4). Resist the devil, he’ll flee
(5). No man can serve two masters

(6). To think on holy things or things from above
(7). To attend upon the Lord without distraction
(8). Take no thought for tomorrow
(9). All things can be accomplished through Christ’s strength
(10). No formed weapon or tongue of judgment has success via heritage as servants of the Most High
(11). Whatever is asked in prayer, believed shall be received.
(12). Seek the LORD’s counsel which stands forever, whom looks from heaven beholding all with careful considering.  

“Without counsel, purposes are disappointed: but in the multitude of counselors they’re established”

(Proverbs 15:22).

#IAMNRU #SpreadLovePeacePositivity #WiseCounsel #Gratitude

ITWS Discerning Distraction / Walking in power, love and soundness


Genesis 4:7 / 2 Timothy 1:7-13 & 3:16 / Proverbs 1:7; 3:1-35; 4:13-27; 11:14; 12:15; 14:30; 15:13-22; 19:20-21; 20:18 & 22:8 / Hebrews 4:12 / Galatians 5:16-17; Psalm 1:1-6; 19:14; 33:11-15; 62:1; 92:1-10; 119:15; 119:1-176 & 143:7-12 / Isaiah 54:17 / Philippians 4:8 / Matthew 4:1-11 & 7:13-14 / 1 Peter 2:1-2 & 5:8 / Luke 6:48-49; 10:38-42; 12:34 & 21:34 / Jeremiah 1:5 / 1 Corinthians 6:20; 7:35 &10:13 / Romans 13:10 / Mark 14:31-72 / 1 John 5:7-11 / James 1:21-25 / 2 Chronicles 20:15-18 


God’s WORD is sure and a fail-safe from any distraction we may face. Don’t be haunted by fear and deterrence. Instead, move vehemently into God’s grace…

~the Messenger ☆


“Only by pride comes contention: but with the well advised is wisdom”

(Proverbs 13:10).

Topical Bible: Vehemently

❤ Shalom & Blessings

💜 💚 💙 💛 💖
#IAMNRU ~the Messenger is minuscule to the profundity of the message… To GOD be ALL the glory, Amen. Matthew 25:31-46 👌👍💋xoxo❤
💜 💛 💚 💙 💖

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Love Intimacy Fidelity & Ethics

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Love ♦ Intimacy ♦ Fidelity ♦ Ethics

16298415_404928413179075_2954077500868050874_nLife has had a many a storm for me but through them, I have enjoyed the waltz.  Parenting was a lesson in itself. I didn’t understand the assignment was to understand both my earthen parents better, and most importantly to find out how mighty, good, loving and merciful my heavenly parent is. I had to learn I could not recreate my own sunshine when the rhythm of life changed. Yet, I  developed an ear for dance in spirit to whatever rhythm was playing at the time…

“He makes the storm a calm, so that the waves thereof are still” (Psalm 107:29)

~the Messenger


Sure people will tell us to change the music, but my FATHER wanted me to appreciate the sounds of grace, mercy, truth, and of course suffering. In them, I heard how beautiful love sounds. I haven’t stop singing and dancing to the rhythm of “L.I.F.E. ~Living In Faith Everyday” of which He named for me mid stanza.  Sometimes appreciation is better with empathy. Meaning, we gain a better understanding of compassion for things beyond the panorama of  what is now my conviction and revelation of “L.I.F.E….Love, Intimacy, Fidelity, and Ethics”.

16682043_414129002259016_8798640752221538031_n I learned who and what love is via an intimacy of meditation and prayer filled with a fidelity of faith, even in the midst of storms that sometimes seemed unethical.  I have suffered many losses along the way, some rhythms were polyphonic; difficult to master without faith. Yet because of faith, I kept dancing to the homo-phonic rhythm of my heart’s composer.

“Thou hast turned for me my mourning into dancing: thou hast put off my sackcloth, and girded me with gladness;” Psalm 30:11

It was all part of the assignment written and finished for me. As a confused child, I longed and needed to know the Most High in a way, aside from the norm. Attending religious organizations and denominations taught me less of what I desired to know. I began to seek subjectively for answers,  which they couldn’t answer, so I began praying earnestly for understanding. My Father showed up via the holy ghost and has been guiding me with comfort, into His truth since.   Every ballad, melody, or tune has had it’s own attribute to my current position. My Heavenly Father is quite the CREATOR…giving me a variety of love’s tunes. From lullabies to avantgarde innovative compositions, my life’s music is now  more harmonic, even in the surprise of otherwise unexpected overtones.

“Sing unto him a new song; play skilfully with a loud noise” Psalm 33:3 

While the Most High chastens me, I understand it is because He loves me, knows me inwardly; faults and all [intimately]. Because He knows I can’t be trusted with delicate matters alone, He teaches me discipline [ethics / morals]. Because He knows the dangers ahead, He reproofs and even imputes discernment towards trusting His way over my own [fidelity].


Moreover, He allows me room to  grow in grace [Da Capo al Coda], while assisting me with perpetual mercy, when I via the spirit, don’t quite get the choreography right to the music of His everlasting love [D.C. al Fine to Fine]  d-s-al-fine

It is important to note that I am thankful Praise Yah, to overstand that the composition of L.I.F.E., will always proceed “as it is written” 

1 Corinthians 2:9 | Romans 3:10; 9:13 & 14:11 | Matthew 4:4 | 1 Peter 1:6

“Then shall the virgin rejoice in the dance, both young men and old together: for I will turn their mourning into joy, and will comfort them, and make them rejoice from their sorrow” Jeremiah 31:13

What time I am afraid, I will trust in thee. In God I will praise his word, in God I have put my trust; I will not fear what flesh can do unto me” Psalm 56:3-4

In the Word Study: 16403327_406311799707403_5100197344496068099_o

Psalm 9:2; 20:4; 23:1+6; 30:11; 33:3; 34:4-17; 56:3-4; 95:1; 71:23; 100:1-2; 119 & 127:1-6 | Ephesians 2:8; 4:25-32; 5:1-33 & 6:1-18 | Colossians 3:14-16  & 4:2-6| James 4:6 & 5:13-16 | John 3:16; 4:24 & 15:7-13 | Ecclesiastes 3:1-4 | 2 Samuel 6:14-16| 1 Corinthians 7:39; 13:1-13; 15:10 & 16:14 | 2 Corinthians 12:9 |  1 John 1:9; 4:7-19 | 1 Peter 4:8 | Matthew 5:32-33; 6:1-34; 8:23-27 & 26:41 | Mark 11:24 & 12:31 | Luke 6:35 & 11:9 | Proverbs 14:1-35; 29:25 & 31:20 | Philippians 4:6 | Isaiah 40:28-31; 41:10; 54:17 & 58:11 | Jeremiah 17:7-8 & 33:3 | Romans 3:24; 5:8; 8:15-39; 11:6 & 6:14 | Hebrews 4:16; 11:1 & 13:4 | 2 Timothy  1:7; 2:1-15 & 4:22 | Deuteronomy 7:21 | Joshua 1:8-9 | Malachi 2:13-16 | 1 Thessalonians 5:17 | …and so much more of Love, Life and Spiritual Liberty 

“God [is] a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship [him] in spirit and in truth” John 4:24 

I was built for this…

#Strong #Of_Good_Courage #Dwelling_Under_the_Shadow_of_the_Almighty #A_Refuge_from_the_Storm


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In quote thoughts for today: 16298415_404928413179075_2954077500868050874_n
The strong delusion that is upon us is the sown hatred among many. It has caused us to forget LOVE… Via influential strongholds of debasement, like STUFF, we have forgotten the SOVEREIGN LAW.
~the Messenger
  1. We tend to always want to be heard but forfeit the necessity to listen
  2.  We take offense to any other’s opinions, aside of our own
  3. We say we can agree to disagree but only until we disagree to agree.
  4. Most of us are very similar if we took away all the monetary stigma we place upon one another.
  5. Some have all that money can buy; except for pure unadulterated love
  • Love looks past inhibitions and whatever shortcomings
  • Love builds up and does not tear down
  • Love comforts & consoles
  • Love, even though most would brutally negate this… does pay the bills contingent on how it is perceived 


  • Love makes one wealthy or rich with no added sorrow
  • Love won’t quit when we tire, become frustrated, offended, or even broke or broken
  • Love is always present even in our absence
  • Love doesn’t misuse, manipulate, cheat us, lie, nor does it steal
  • Love is mostly unrequited because all it requires is the reciprocation of the same
  • Love works no ill towards another
The Most High is love and that’s all we owe one to another. What we do with it (LOVE) via our words and deeds is viewed as done heartily unto Yah. We must not let anyone deceive us, “he that’s righteous is righteous, even as HE is righteous. Love is the LAW and our FATHER said if we loved Him we would keep his LAW..[love accountability & worship] John 14:11 / Exodus 31:15 / Matthew 5:3-12

16143512_403539173317999_8572406134182246424_oWe Can’t Curse What the Most High Has Blessed…Selah

It’s funny (not literally though) how many times per canon it’s repeated that “a camel has a better chance going through the eye of a needle than a rich man has entering into the kingdom of God” (Para KJV).  It is right there in the shadow of fear surrounded by all the stipulations we place on another; that our so-called gifts (tangible or monetary) make a turn or start to vary.
Survivors thru ChristGreetingGoodandPerfect03012014_James1_17KJV
But when the gift is from above it’s perfect casting out all fear and does not vary. Hallelujah!  You know the saying, “May the work I’ve done speak for me…John 14:11–when we work for the Most High; the benefits are loaded daily, the rest (vacation time) is peace-filled and the retirement plan is out of this world…whew hallelujah again
We are quick to let another’s abuse, torment, or misuse of our love keep us away from or bound (bondage) in fear to simply know and love again. I’ve been there done that. It’s a bitter pill to swallow (forgiveness). Yet, I’ve found that the river of life flows freely to those who are athirst, Brothers and sisters that HOLY WATER dissolves every pill of bitterness.. .


“Bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things” (1 Corinthians 13:7)

the Blessed

Matthew 5:3-12 

Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are they that mourn: for they shall be comforted. Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth. Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled. Blessed are the merciful: for they shall obtain mercy. Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God. Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God. Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness’ sake: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake. Rejoice, and be exceeding glad: for great is your reward in heaven: for so persecuted they the prophets which were before you.

The Spiritual Unction I Received Today…in Poetic Prose:


Pardon me for thinking you’d desire more than fornication (idolatry, vainglory, immorality, sex, filthy lucre, etc)…No apologies but I want to make love towards and with you and not war. I want to make you rich with wealth untold, with no added sorrow. I make love (availability of time & chance) to you from the mind (soul) first, then undress you from within (cleanse and sanctify you). Then work the route (spirit & truth); slowly (patience) back in. It may get hard or seem too long (trials by faith) but with great stamina (strength, perseverance & endurance)…I’ve given you numerical oral orifices of which to hear me, see me, taste me, smell me and of which to conceive me with many juices from the fruit of my spirit in crescendos…I AM LOVE, but you knew me not
~the Messenger
“He that hath the bride is the bridegroom: but the friend of the bridegroom, which stands and hears him, rejoices greatly because of the bridegroom’s voice: this my joy therefore is fulfilled”
(John 3:29) 
 “Marriage is honorable in all, and the bed undefiled: but whore-mongers and adulterers God will judge”
(Hebrews 13:4).
“Let us be glad and rejoice, and give honor to him: for the marriage of the Lamb is come, and his wife hath made herself ready” (Revelation 19:7)


In the Word Study
Matthew 9:15; 19:23-24; 22:2-41 & 25:5-10 | 1 John 4 | 1 Peter 2:19-23; 3:7 & 4:8 | Mark 2:19-20; 10:25 & 12:25-31 | Jeremiah 7:34; 16:9; 25:10 29:11 & 33:11 | Psalm 19:5; 37:7-9 & 78:63 | Luke 5:34-35; 6:35; 14:16-24; 18:25; 20:34 & 22:20 | 1 Corinthians 7:38; chapter 13 & 16:14-16 | Romans 5:4; chapter 8; 12:12 & 13:8 | Galatians 5:22 & 6:9 | John 2:1-9; 3:39 & 14:15 | Colossians 2:16-17 & 3:14 | Revelation 18:23 & 19:9-20 | Love | Forgiveness | Isaiah 40:1-31 & 62:5 | Joel 2:16 | Bridegroom | Daniel 7:1-28 | Malachi 4:2 | Hebrews 4:1-16; 11:3 & 12:6 | Marriage Supper | Slavery vs Freedom | Law & Order | Deuteronomy 14:7-17 | Job 28:7 | Leviticus 11:14 | James 1:4*19 | Faith Rest & Patience | Philippians 4:6 | Ephesians 4:2 | Ecclesiastes 7:9 | 

Whine or Cry?

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Is There A Difference Between Whining & Crying…

daily-meditations-wakeup2016_2017Ever been to a church (building) and they pulled out a whining chair? I have and it behooved me to pray about it because I had remembered that we aren’t to grieve the Holy Spirit. Whining is begging, complaining and/or bellyaching and crying is emptying… 
~the Messenger 
The Word teaches us to ask of our Father in Heaven, believe we receive it and to decree and declare it so established according as He wills and purposes toward His glory in and for all things, and thankfully to add.

Yah Commands Loving-kindness toward us

Why art thou cast down, O my soul? and why art thou disquieted in me? hope thou in God: for I shall yet praise him for the help of his countenance. O my God, my soul is cast down within me: therefore will I remember thee from the land of Jordan, and of the Hermonites, from the hill Mizar. Deep calls unto deep at the noise of thy waterspouts: all thy waves and thy billows are gone over me.Yet the Lord will command his loving-kindness in the day time, and in the night his song shall be with me, and my prayer unto the God of my life. I will say unto God my rock, Why hast thou forgotten me? why go I mourning because of the oppression of the enemy? As with a sword in my bones, mine enemies reproach me; while they say daily unto me, Where is thy God? Why art thou cast down, O my soul? and why art thou disquieted within me? hope thou in God: for I shall yet praise him, who is the health of my countenance, and my God.  Psalm 42:5-11

When Yah says cry out, it is to express our troubles, not to bellyache and bemoan incessantly. That is to say, whatever we cry out to the Father concerning this life path should be done with care (*see below). It is in that care, which we empty ourselves of and allow Him to fill us up again, anew or a refreshed anointing.  Daily Meditations Wake Up
For instance if something is troubling us, we simply make it known, ask for His provision via strength of joy (yes…it can seem easier said than done contingent the circumstances in our perspective)…Yet, to a God of all comfort, to repeat the same request (s) over & over could become repulsive and grievous.
It’s like a gutter punch of “distrust”…pointing to disbelief in the promised Comforter.
*care: is considering His will, word, purpose and promise over matters before asking, so that we do not ask amiss or the wrong things. 
When the righteousness of Yahshua Messiah, Jesus the anointed Christ mediates for us (praying in the spirit –WORD of God); we simply need wait (depend) upon the answer. Our sense of urgency differs greatly from our Father’s because time is in His control.

Weeping endures but a night, in the morning comes Joy…

possess-ye-your-soulsI think it’s okay to cry in the countenance of sadness, but because of the strength in Yah’s joy, it soon fades. May we just remember not to grieve the Holy Spirit via unrighteousness, vanities and vain-glorying.
~the Messenger

Remember thy Holy Habitation 

we-give-thanks-in-and-for-all-thingsPsalm 34:17 maxresdefault-5
The righteous cry, and the LORD hears, and delivers them out of all their troubles