
Food for the soul…

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Daily Meditations Wake UpOne has to admit it takes a certain power [will] to love others past hurt and oppression; to be joyful in times of so many varying sorrows; to remain at a certain level of peace among all the hell breaking lose around us; to remain calm, cool, and collected over the long time of suffering towards many, to embody gentleness towards the aggressive aggravation with imbalances and disunity across cultures and societal, to still embody goodness among bad people, places, and situations and all by a faith unseen, which empowers such temperance in the unmerited grace and mercy of the Most High God…
~the Messenger


Genesis 6:5 | Philippians 2:2 | Galatians 5:16-24 | John 4:24 | 3 John 1:1-13 | Psalms 23:3 & 34:19 | Isaiah 54:17 | James 5:16 | Romans 8:15-16 | Hebrews 12:1