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Sharing Spent: Looking For Change (Documentary)

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We are merely sharing this image and documentary video message for educational and awareness purposes because we both identify and empathize from experience with this type means of financial living. It hits home personally because it is a reality of how much of a struggle my path is towards financial freedom with financial security as a primary long-term goal. “It’s hard out here, but L.I.F.E. ~Living In Faith Everyday teaches us adaptation, perseverance, patience, forgiveness, and develops a countenance for various pains, which in my journey has been mostly financial crises struggling to keep head above water, among others. I too am an American Express SERVE cardholder since 2013, among others. (Canfield, L., 2014).
IEPM | STC-TSG Web Administrator



Tyler Perry “Stop Living Above Your Means”

[I put up some information online about pay-day loans, car title loans, check cashing companies and so on and I was surprised at all the people who were affected, knowing people who have done this. The comment that I found the most was “stop living above your means”. [sic] Well, let me just say, you really should see the video that I narrated for American Express Serve. It’s called #Spent. I’ll post the link at the bottom, but I want to tell you why you should see it. Most people who find themselves in this situation are not living above their means, they are living by any means necessary. [sic] Again, to all those who think people use these services because they live above their means, think again. Watch this documentary. You’ll see. And to all my dreamers, keep fighting. I was there too. It gets better] (Perry, T., 2014).


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IEPM | STC-TSG Web Administrator

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CFSI (November 2013) Market Sizing Report. “Spent: Looking For Change (Documentary)”. [Digital Source/Social Media Video]. Standard YouTube License. Accessed via https://fbcdn-sphotos-f-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpf1/t1.0-9/10460212_10152654231213268_2133722927177243622_n.jpg and http://bit.ly/SpentTP Retrieved on 06/092014, from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YAxL4TB6pmQ&feature=youtu.be

Copyright Law of the United States of America and Related Laws Contained in Title 17 of the United States Code § 512. Limitations on liability relating to material online11. Retrieved on 02/22/2013, from http://www.copyright.gov/title17/92chap5.html

Perry, Tyler (June 9, 2014/Uploaded 7:23 p.m.). “”Stop Living Above Your Means”. [Digital Source/Social Media Post]. Accessed on 06/09/2014 via https://www.facebook.com/TylerPerry?fref=photo Retrieved on 06/09/2014, from https://fbcdn-sphotos-f-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpf1/t1.0-9/10460212_10152654231213268_2133722927177243622_n.jpg