Generational Curses

Double Filtering

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Oracle Message: CLEAN THE FILTER OUT • ARNICA (A Real Nice Insightful Channeling About…•✓✓Double Filtering.

Arnica (Sunflower🌻)

NTS ✍🏾 Day 115 journaling entries, WORD and Oracle Message for Today is Double Filtering & Arnica….

Word for today is Arnica —because the brand name of my vacuum cleaner is the Merlin by Arnica* –I decided to look up the meaning of Arnica, which surprisingly is a perennial sunflower plant.

This is a confirmation in that it also means 🐑 lamb in Greek (Wikipedia, 2023, see imagery). Some feel the seventeenth verse of Zechariah 9:9-17 is a strong depiction of the sunflower.

According to Bible scholar commentary; it speaks of the burden of the Lord’s word, obligation of the Jews, the blood of the covenant and of the prophecy of deliverance, success and victory (Para, Matthew Henry, n.d.). —emphasis, mine…The Lord is viewed as the sacrificial Lamb of God….

….The Lord is viewed as the sacrificial Lamb of God. The sunflower, moreover, has many properties besides being beautiful.

It is a food source, high in nutritional value via multiple vitamins. Its oil contains healthy growth emollients for hair, It’s leaves are used for fodder and yellow dyes.

It’s color, yellow, is synonymous with the Solar Plexus Chakra the Manipura; which is a connective property of the fire element and the sun. Both are good for balancing self-esteem and personal strength.

It’s relativity to today’s Oracle Message is that when filtering out our Manipura Solar Plexus Chakra, we enhance our confidences, responsibilities and self motivation.

Consequently, if blocked (congested); it can show up outwardly as pain and anxiety as mentioned below; when considering things that clog our life’s filter.



Congestion can happen anywhere, anytime and for any reasons, especially outside of what we normally assume its association.

In life, just like anywhere else; we’re just as culpable as a housekeeper with an old vacuum cleaner when it comes to filtering out the unnecessary, negative or futile stuff from our lives.


While vacuuming this afternoon, I noticed the waste container was full and decided to empty it. Then I decided to change the filter. To my surprise the other filter was not as much, but just as dirty as the current one.🗣️MESSAGE!!!

SPIRIT said “clean out what’s clogging it up and it’ll work like new”!!!

I did just that and wouldn’t you know, I had to use two types of cleaner solutions and elbow grease; but I got it cleaned.

Yeah sure I could have just tossed it in the washer, but I know when the MOST HIGH is talking to me. #Lightworker #EnergyHealing

So as I’m vacuuming, I noticed how much stronger the suction (i.e. power) was than when it was clouded or congested. SPIRIT said it’s the same with life. We have to get in touch with our inner strength via filtering out or cleansing whatsoever is keeping us congested.

In my case it was not easily letting go of what doesn’t or didn’t serve my greatest or highest good.

In some people, it could be the same or it could be anger related anxieties, which alter perception and behavioral responses to the perspectives. Ironically, these perspectives or perceptive thereof, are and either can be energetic manipulation and trajectories (trauma bombing bombs💣💥🤯😕).

Trauma bombs are ignited when the filter of our hearts, minds, souls and spirit is blocked.Getting into a car accident is just as triggering as receiving a bad grade on an assignment or pouring salt 🧂 where you meant to pour sugar.This simply means and piggybacking off a recent post of mine; that things can be bittersweet at times.

Anyway, when we learn how to discern the dirtiness; metaphorically speaking that is, in our lives, we’re more apt to cleanup on the regular. This is known as a ritual just like prayer. I placed that there (see imagery below) because some have subjective issues when it comes to the practices (rituals) of others.

Everything is not sorcery. Getting back to the message: Clean up the house in which your soul resides. If you can’t change the filter, clean it out!

“Then will I sprinkle clean water upon you, and ye shall be clean: from all your filthiness, and from all your idols, will I cleanse you”(Ezekiel 36:25).

Scriptural Reference

Scriptural support from Luke 21:19 | Ezekiel 36:25 | 1 John 1:9 | Psalm 23:1-6 & 51:7-10 | Ephesians 5:26 | Titus 3:5 | 2 Corinthians 7:1 | Romans 12:2 | 1 Corinthians 6:18-20 |

Confirmation:”It is the spirit that quickens*; the flesh profiteth nothing: the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life” (John 6:63).

That word quickeneth or quickens, biblically means to make alive or come to life. In other definitions, it means to be faster or quicker; e.g. better, more proficient or productive…Ergo restoration!!!

Thanks HEAVENLY FATHER and HOLY MOTHER MOST HIGH 🙏🏽 Asé Amen So It Is 🤍🕯️🙏🏽🧘🏾‍♀️🧿🪶⚖️☯️~ LaSonya Canfield MzIAMNRU the Messenger 👸🏾✨🌷O N E 🌷 D A Y 🌷 AT 🌷 A 🌷 T I M E 🌷✨ journaling entries for Day 115 of 2023


“One Day At A Time” Journaling Entries From Day 115


Random websites across the internet are listed below as well, but were not an actual reference or citation for information spoken of in today’s Oracle Message. It is added to give the audience somewhere to document or confirm shared information. I had to go look them up so they’re in no formal order according to orthodox citation rules. This blog is a casual look into my subjective blessings of prescience, e.g. forethought and intuition.

Copyright disclaimer: shared for educational assistance and not for monetary gain or without intention of infringement or intellectual properties according to FAIR USE CLAUSE under section 107 of the Copyright Act of 1976, modified December 27, 2020.

Works Cited

Canfield, L. (2023). IEPMSTC™ Products and Svcs. PC: Empirical Studies and Subjective Research. With permission.

Holy Bible (n.d.) KJV NIV NKJV, etc al Versions

Matthew Henry Commentary (n.d.) Scriptural Reference: Zechariah 9 v17. Resources usage from Biblegateway. Holy Bible KJV NIV NKJV Versions (n.d.) Subjective Research. Retrieved from

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Eclecticism Portrait & Abstract Contractual Artwork & Literature | Spiritualist 🎨Intellectual Property of IEPMSTC™ Products & Svcs & MzIAMNRU LaSonya Canfield the Messenger

~MzIAMNRU LaSonya the Messenger

….stay tuned for more.

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“As always, remember the Messenger is futile to the profundity of the message”
~MzIAMNRU LaSonya the Messenger

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Bullying, Intimidation, & Inconsideration

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Ever dealt with Bullying, Intimidation or Just Inconsideration?

Some people need to practice a little more of that they preach. I am up to my elbows in contempt for the way people lie to kick it…Smile in your face & the second your back is turned; they’re conspiring.

Madear always taught us to treat people like we want to be treated. Sadly, & recently I nearly tapped out.

However, and thankfully, I love how God never remembers my REPENTED faults and it ALONE keeps me greeting others with a Holy Kiss despite the unmerited kindnesses I’ve shown towards those seemingly undeserving.

And I saw the dead, small and great, stand before God; and the books were opened: and another book was opened, which is [the book] of life: and the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books, according to their works”

(Revelation 20:12 KJV).


I relate the opened book of life as having Lived In Faith Everyday, via Letters Instructing Focused Empathy, & having Lived Inspired & Forgiving Each other as God forgave us.

There are a lot of times & ways I show my support for others when preferably if left up to me (flesh) I would not…

Have you ever been in a relationship or friendship where it seemed biased on your behalf? 

You’re the one who:

  1. always pays for everything
  2. values all of your time together i.e. activities and/or excursions
  3. calls to check in more
  4. always leads in prayer
  5. communicates more
  6. shows more concern, empathy, sympathy
  7. quick to be morally or ethically supportive and compassionate


The minute you are unable to do any of these, that person vacates the association, friendship, marriage, etc.

These are what I like to call fair weather associations…only around when it’s beneficial for them.

Where are they when you could use or are in need of various support:

  • spiritual
  • moral/ethical
  • financial
  • emotional
  • physical/health

Before experiencing life (living in faith everyday) through variables like the trying of patience, tolerance/countenance, moods, and/or emotions; these things used to weigh me down.

There is something wonderful in spiritual growth, in that the journey of maturation allows you a better discernment, empathy, and forgiveness for these type behaviors, attitudes, unethical treatment, or the like.

You get to a place where you can courageously forgive and forget about it (vexations on others & sometimes self too) via intercession. That’s right! The best working prescription on the market today is PRAYER (in the spirit)!

It changes perspectives, thoughts, attitudes, understanding, morality, ethics, and most importantly it holds RESOLUTION.

I got to the place where GOD allows me via spiritual discernment to pick up on certain things that out of the spirit I would not have. I got to the place where looking at issues from other standpoints eradicates impatience and intolerance. It enhanced insight and promoted a diligence of confidence.


I simply view everything, place, or person as GOD views me and always I say to myself, “Acknowledge Him in All My Ways”…

When I do this little ritual it frees me from the negativity tied to those demonic (or ill-willed) assignments that often others are unaware they attribute or employ ~ (from a deeper discernment level).

This is another reason I remain prayerful because not everyone practices spiritual cleansing as often as I do via intercession and often, I discern right away the presence of varying spirits [negating sources of energy], which are seductively filled with fallacy, pride, envy, jealousy, ascendancy, anger, irascibility and so on.

Make no mistake that this is a very real issue wrapped in the Words of Truth, that we are in an ongoing spiritual warfare with the need to be armed at all times. (Ephesians 6 KJV)

“But I beseech you, that I may not be bold when I am present with that confidence, wherewith I think to be bold against some, which think of us as if we walked according to the flesh. For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh: (For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;) Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ; And having in a readiness to revenge all disobedience, when your obedience is fulfilled”

(2 Corinthians 10:2-6 KJV).


The next time things appear to be biased just PERFORM THE TESTS:

1 John 4 -Perfect the Love in your heart, mind, soul and life

Psalm 51 -Search the heart and ask for renewed spirit

Hebrews 10 -Practice Heartfelt Sincerity & Assurance of Faith

Philippians 4 -Know the difference in times of contention when facing halted blessings (they only stop when out of the will of God whether directly  or indirectly from soul ties)

2 Corinthians 10 | John 10 -If it walks & quacks like a duck chances are it is a duck…if it does not LOOK, FEEL, SOUND like or EXEMPLIFY GOD as sovereign as opposed to self, then it needs immediate vanquishing (cast it down or out)

Philippians 2:14 |Mark 3:23-30 | Matthew 12:22-37 -STOP ALL BELLYACHING, CRITICISM, COMPETITION and/or DEBATES

Romans 12:2 | Luke 6:45 | -GUARD YOUR SOUL via governing your thought patterns, your speech, and your behavior

John 6:63 |John 10:27 |Galatians 5:22-23 | 1 Corinthians 12 | Revelation 2:7 | Colossians 2:8 | -Get to Know the Spirit of God, HE knows you

John 17:17 | Colossians 2 | Philippians 3:20 | Ephesians 2 | 1 John 4:1 | John 14:26 -Guard your ears and mouths that they may receive and cultivate ripened fruit of the spirit via faith (hearing of the WORD) & be alert to impostors

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TEST the Spirits by the Spirit...
TEST the Spirits by the Spirit…



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Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me”

(Psalm 51:10 KJV).