
Recognizing Our Place in the Vision

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Greetings Beloved of YAH, the word cuts …trust I KNOW. We have been bought with a price (blood). The Most High gifted us free will as a non-forced kindness in choosing to richly dwell with Him as heirs. We are His children and the letter parents us so we do not become disadvantaged via the very real existence of usurped authority.
~the MessengerDaily Meditations Wake Up
When we deny the use of our temple (body) singularly & collectively by the Most High; we are in fact, robbing God in the worst sense because we’re openly denying the first fruit (love via the sprinkled blood of Yahshua) via worldly encumbrances. YAH has a vision for us that we cannot fathom in the natural realm, especially with all the distractions surrounding us.

Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life, whereunto thou art also called, and hast professed a good profession before many witnesses.

1 Timothy 6:12

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Yet, HE calls for humility and steadfastness in faith, incessant prayer and gratitude in and for all things to HIS glory. We are the body of that vision and need to start seeing ourselves in that vision.

Stand on the promises…Put on the full armor & never disrobe….

We need to begin identifying what the holy spirit is writing on our hearts. Via the authority of power, love and sound mind; we must start making it plain via the proclamation of His glory via the gospel truth.
Victory approaches in the appointed time of this vision, and the word says, “wait for it, though it tarries, it will not tarry” long.
In the Word Study:in-the-word-study
 Ephesians 2:8; 4:1-32 & 6: | Habakkuk 2:3 | Obadiah 1-21 | Proverbs 29:18 | Romans 6:19 | Hebrews 2:5-18 | John 3:16; 14:17 & 17:21-22 | 1 John 5:15 | 1 Corinthians 6:12-20;12:1-31 & 14:1 | 1 Timothy 6:12