
Smoking Mirrors 🪞

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Hi my fabulous audience!! Today will be a long one. I know some are probably saying when is it never a long one, laughingly. No, but seriously today’s Oracle Message is segmented into a past message from seven months ago on Day 226; a channeled warning and inference of selective Peace and an impromptu interrupted interrogative.


Some years back when first introduced to YouTube, I began subscriptions to mostly do it yourself, how to and or arts and crafts type videos. I stumbled onto YouTube via following an online ministry that I use to attend and be a member of. For those whom don’t know my personal story, pertaining to spiritual gifts through open visions and other gifts of my calling with spiritual intuition and creative energy; I am in short, a Spiritualist. Whatever, or however you decide to define that, is what it is. I am what some ancients might call a modern day Sage or Mage. I don’t have all the answers, yet a multitude of questions. Others may term it as being an earth angel, star seed, light worker, median, or occultist. I will leave any discernment to your subjective spiritual comprehension as to what this entails—my Energy is used for good. Although, I am fully knowledgeable of the opposed or negating forces. I was nudged to learn about demonology, religion, science, astrology, numerology and other areas of focus, to better equip me for the journey I’ve succumb. Especially as a warrior of prayer and spiritual conduit. I’m not gifted via formal schooling or education, yet divinely imparted thereof.

I see hear touch taste smell and feel things with my corporeal senses as well as ethereal ones that some refer to as Clairs, which is simply Divine Intuition. I didn’t ask for the powers, but I did have to earn them—become knowledgeable about each and gain ability to not only access, but control of, while working towards mastery.

I don’t think I’ve shared this so candidly or publicly before now, but oh well the proverbial cat’s out of the bag. So back to the backstory on how I came across a Spiritualist and Tarot Card Practitioner via YouTube years ago. Her online name or moniker was Spiritual OG. She was a single mom, trying to succeed in the fashion industry as well as a disciplined daughter of the occult. These words like occultist, spiritualist, mage and sage are horrific to the etymologically uninformed or misinformed. Especially, for lovers of the biblical cannon, the Holy Bible. Yet within it, some of the main characters spoken of were seers, prophets, medicine men and women, magi, healers or the like. Moving onward, Spiritual OG had an easy going persona when I first began to watch her, but I also had the liberty of watching the decline and spiritual demise in both realms natural and supernatural. I prayed for discernment about what I was noticing and received the answer via a channeled message as I stated originally, which was seven years ago. I’ll share the link to the complete message here, simply scroll to seventh months ago from April 26, 2024; but I will also copy/paste some excerpts of it below as well. However, in summary, it’s a message I received about what happened to her, what the esoteric, spiritualist, and occultic community were, are and or/will be up against. It’s not for fear mongering purposes but that of discernment of preparedness via knowledge and wisdom.

I did say this would be long, but I’m going to try to hurry …

Photo by Frank Cone on

The Excerpt:

Hey 👋🏾 y’all I got a serious download and want to know if or can anyone make light of it, please???Oracle Message from ODAAT Day 266 ✨ With Respect, I come in Peace.. Some time back, a tarot reader or diviner, named Spiritual OG took a hiatus to Egypt. Afterwards, she’d seemed off her square to some; but SPIRIT has confirmed that she has in fact; been a host for this ancient caracal cat and two other entities, which may be past life deities.When a host (sometimes us) is not spiritually nor energetically equipped to handle the Ancient of Days’ possessions, he, she and or it; might or will be overtakened. True spiritual warriors know that there is in fact a WAR of the WORLDS. Only time will reveal what’s approaching… #cyberspace #technology #biotechnology #genetics #AI #ufology #cosmology #aerodynamics #physics #sciences #geography #geology #sorcery #spookism #propaganda #sacred_geometry #Gaia #Religions #Awakenings #Zodiacal #Planetary #Aquarius_AgeOf #Heavens #Earth #OldEarth #NewEarth #Morals #Mortality #Immortality #Sun #Sungazers #Starseeds #Lightworkers #Magicians #Illusionists #Necromancers #Pharaohs #Royalties #Deities #Governments #Parliaments #Dynasties #Underworld #Knowledge #Science #Good_vs_Evil #Racism #Territorial #Exegetical #Hermeneutical #Kabbala #ClimateControl #GlobalWarming #Interferences_Galactic #Countless_Other_Bullshit SPIRIT reiterates “Possess ye your souls….” as written. It’s unfair to speak on what one doesn’t understand. This is especially true, when we’re taking on the role(s) as leaders, teachers, or in this day or age (influencers). Care and caution is a prerequisite in these spiritual streets. The Tarot consist mostly of seventy two cards, all of which utilizes us (e.g. cartomancy; mediums; psychics; seers, tarot readers, diviners; ppl who experience obe, astral traveling, quantum jumping or the like), as portals. This is relative to the Goetia. When crossing ethereal realms energy is ENERGY, PERIODt and it’s either transferred, transformed, translated or transmuted.These can include altered genetics or organisms or as with energy, we overstand it to be constant; yet somewhat interchangeable from one location or type to another. (i.e. homogeneous possession). That’s why we don’t make light of projections or reflection like 🪞 mirrors or waters of water…. they’re all portals just like the birth canal of female egg laying species. Translated can be a sense of interpretation, transcription or transliteration via words as with language. Coincidentally, if crossing ethereal realms can be misconstrued. Translated also means move from one place or condition to another. (Syncretism does this too).The MOST HIGH chooses both sides to do the work. That is both light and shadow work.**** Careful tongues we must perceive for karma knows only to achieve; it doesn’t attend to the here’s nor there for when it finds its host, the just weights of justice is fair… ~MzIAMNRU the Messenger****A lot of people are out here playing in these spiritual streets. They dabble with the unknown, are clout chasing and simultaneously; soul erasing. Message!!!Channeled Downloads include: •∆• William Col•gate = a soap boiler apprentice; candle maker and famed tither, •∆• LeTourneau = gave 90% in tithes | the art of earthmoving | American sex offender and teacher.I guess one would akin these two (the tithers), to the accounts of Caleb and Joshua of the twelve spies of Moses in the biblical canon; as far as faith and the longevity thereof is considered.I’m unsure why these two names were given at the time, but I know it too, will be revealed. I don’t know if these are the names of the other two entities who’ve made use of Spiritual OG or not. I do not have liberty on this detail at the present. I do know that she picked something up on the Egyptian homage … by picked something up, I mean something or someone ancient; gained access to her. Why, I don’t know; but we’ll all be shown. On another note, let’s do discredit the ufology agendas to purport alien 👽 takeover; but let’s not forget the matrices of the third and fourth dimensions (Realms) and or of the ideas of time and space. Scriptural References 1 Thessalonians 5:14-22 / Hebrews 10:32-34 / Acts 20:35 / Genesis 6 14 / Isaiah 19:4 / Numbers 14:24 / Numbers 13:30-33 / Joshua 14:6-15 /Deuteronomy 32:39 / Matthew 24 / 2 Timothy 3 / Acts 1:15-19 & 2:23 / The LORD of Hosts… Luke 1:37 “For with God nothing shall be impossible” Baruch 6 of the apocryphal passages “Bats, swallows, and birds alight on their bodies and heads; and so do cats” “Thus saith the Lord, Behold, a people cometh from the north country, and a great nation shall be raised from the sides of the earth” (Jeremiah 6:22). “Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!” (Isaiah 5:20)Also about natural evil vs Supernatural vs Flesh and Blood vs SPIRIT#Djinn #Apocrypha #Floppa #Caracal #Spirit_Truth #EnergyHealing #AncestralEntourage #afarit_ifrit #geniiloci #demons #deities #possessions #MzIAMNRU

Part Two of Segmented Oracle

Fast Forward to yesterday’s Oracle Message from Day 116, I had a inspiring encounter with nature along with a message from Spirit about us minding our business. Whatever business that includes, it’s of divine order or purpose under the MOST HIGH. Go here.

[Sometimes we gotta be like the worker bees and just mind the business and keep it copacetic, [minding our OWN business]…because we’re all the MOST HIGH’s business. ~MzIAMNRU the Messenger Today put a lot of little things into a broader perspective. ~Divine Daughter] (Canfield, 2024).

Questioning the Questions ❓⁉️❓⁉️❓

NTS ODAAT Journaling Entries From Day 117
Oracle Message “Cycling or Cylindrical
Woke up around four a.m. heard the cycle of life is mysteriously beautiful and funny at the same time. “With all we gather about the origins of creation including humanity, the animal kingdom, cosmos, the universe and namely earth among other planets; what or rather how is all this information relevant today when change is a necessary variable for existing?

What A Strange Question❓I think or rather thought? Yet, the MOST HIGH is casting awareness for something else here. What are we missing?

A long time ago I was given a mantra to life in an acronym which says Life is “Living In Faith Everyday“… I’ve built my whole lot of cycles in my own life around it.

It’s like if you’re not living in faith, you’re living in fear, another acronymic adage of mine—finding every available reason to doubt, disagree, detour, decrease or disable. It’s either we’re building or dismantling our “plateau” of life and its multiplicity. Ahh there it is!… the CRUX of what I awakened from… I had dreamt about how people are spending countless years and breaths arguing about the shape of the earth and whether its flat (like a plateau—scientifically speaking) or round (like cylindrical or spherical). In the dream 😴 it kept being asked, “What has your knowing whether the planet is round or flat taught you about escaping it? How has all we’ve ascertained about everything in life as far as science, history, mathematics, philosophy and more, helped you outside of monetary gains?

Alternatively, in my waking life, I subscribe to a young man’s platform which is built around “Flat Earth” and later on syncretic studies. I’ve watched for many years, for subjective research and have noticed the cycling and recycling of information via syncretism being redundantly built around or dismantled and put back together. It’s synonymous to a child with Legos or something similar to colored building blocks.
I said in the dream “that baby’s trying to make something, but what?

I have had this dream about three times and it’s always asking what does knowing whether the earth is flat or round really benefit us? Is knowing so that extremely important that it’s arguably the longest and biggest debate in redundancy for many?

One random answer is there’s no benefit to authentication via research of the Earth’s shape other than disproving gravity. Of course if the earth was shaped funny the contents, us included would be lopsided. Yet, for the person seeking to be freed from religion, dogma, culture, the occult and whatever else including but not limited to indoctrination or other oppression of stereotypes —FLAT OR ROUND 🌎 offers no exit, escape nor door.

Subjectively, I don’t however, have an answer to that recurrent dream or its interrogation. I only know that this morning I was awakened and guided to write ✍🏾 as always and here I am. It’s now an hour later and I don’t have an inclination for why, so I’m going to pray, meditate and wait for Intel and confirmation. LRCW04262024434.521AM Intellectual Properties of IEPMSTC Products and Svcs

~MzIAMNRU LaSonya the Messenger

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Scriptures from various Holy Bible versions. The video (if any added) is PC: Literature and Imagery and the Intellectual Property of IEPMSTC ™ Shared with permission. Images shared, that are not those of IEPMSTC ™ are shared absent intent of infringement of copyright via Fair Use clause and any duplicate submissions are at your—(audience/readers/subscribers or similar)—own legal discretion. Other resources which may have been used for terminology and dialogue were accessible via Creative Commons database from Public Domain include but are not limited to King James Bible Dictionary Concordance; Av1611 kjv dictionary; KJV Dictionary or other Bible Study Tools. We are simply sharing as a visual educational tool.

Works Cited

Canfield, L. (2024). PC: Subjective Research and Study from personal library. Retrieved via permission from the Intellectual Properties of IEPMSTC ™ Products and Svcs.

Holy Bible, KJV version—Bible Gateway. PC: in-text hyperlink. Public Domain and Creative Commons.

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New Moons: The Insignia of CHRIST

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Looking A Little Into New Moons & Openings

New Moons & Openings Equate to °Eleven or Two°

Today is January eleven of this astronomical Day (year) eight of resurrection or resurgence if you will, of a meeting of the minds, karmic debts and new beginnings, which mark endings. Looking at it from a numerical standpoint via aspects of numerology it equates to eleven, which deduces to two. There are two sides of the moon with eight lunar phases repeating every twenty nine point five days per month according to NASA science. How about in the first chapter of Deuteronomy allegedly around c.1410 B.C., as Moses is mulling over God’s promises; it speaks of elevens, among other numbers—PATTERNS or CODES.

Questioning the Questions ❓

Let’s go ahead and get to mathing: January °01 it’s the eleventh day of it °11, in the year (day) of 2024, which deduces to eight °8(2+0+2+4=8). Combined the summation of these gives us an eleven, which finally deduces to two. 01/11/2024 • 1+1+1+2+0+2+4=°11; simple enough, right. With eleven in my mind, let’s go deeper into the networking of the cosmos and realms of spirituality for a moment. Yet first, let’s put a biblical eye on it as well.

From A Biblical Eye 👁️

The questions that came to mind to seek answers were and are:

  • How many testaments are there in the Bible?
  • How many books are in the Bible?
  • What does the Bible try to hide or convey about new moons and portals; but for this purpose, we’ll just say openings or think gates, doors, veils, rising or falling?
  • How does or will it tie into today’s oracle?

How Many Testaments & Books Are There In The Bible?

This is simple, publicly known, there are two testaments of the Bible consisting of sixty six or seventy three books, depending on the source on which canon one uses. We’ll look at both 66°12 or 3, and 73°10 or 1. However, it’s also recorded that there may have been eighty one in the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church canon, according to research. See image below.

Eighty one definitely deduces (°) to a nine 9. I placed all of this here to shed light on a patterned frequency of numbers, hint from an ancestral numerologist—type perspective. All throughout the canon we are given numbers, signs, warnings, commands, declaration and decree of a multiplicity of duality. This includes the haves and have nots, the rich, poor, impoverished, wealthy, just, unjust, right, wrong, good, evil, angels, demons, devils, man, woman, righteous and unrighteous or so on. Yet, I want to divulge in the heavens and earths parts.

In the oldest biblical canon, that I can remember reading from; it stated that in the beginning (Day 1) God created the heavens (plural) and the earth (singularly). Yet today’s translations left that out (took away from) and talk more about a New Heaven and a New Earth (plurality—New World Order). 🛑 Stop right there. I put this here so those who don’t know can see how already in the first book of the newest Bible, things are distorted. This is why it’s highly intelligible or perspicuous of one to study abroad and ask for guidance of the MOST HIGH. Okay, now go🚦smiling 😊 to myself. See Deuteronomy 4:29, Revelation 22 (*Kabbalah—a tree of life), Ecclesiastes 3:14-17, Matthew 22:29 for clarity and insight.

"Ye shall not add unto the word which I command you, neither shall ye diminish aught from it, that ye may keep the commandments of the Lord your God which I command you—Deuteronomy 4:2"

I added the above images of my own hand or fingers pointing to the passage in my personal Bible due to technical difficulties with typing the message here prior to the verse insert above. (something or someone in the cyber world is 🚫 not playing fair—emphasis added, my own) eh hmm eh hmm; clearing my throat and moving forward.

Deuteronomy is sequentially the fifth book (of Moses) the Old Testament of the Bible and five is symbolic of God’s grace and mercy or kindness according to research. In your own time, go and mull over the grace and mercies of Deuteronomy (mind-blowing covenant life and laws, oppression, the illicit relationships, Baal (Peor) worship and numbering of Israel at Moab in chapter 25 specifically, and also offerings and inheritance, etc.). In my Bible, it outlines the third part of the book of Moses as stipulations: covenant life if you will, consisting of the Great Commandment {God’s covenant Lordship, consecration principles, conquest protocol, manna law, warning ⚠️ of the broken tablet and call to commitment, Para KJV}…and the Ancillary Commandments {Cultic-ceremonial consecration, Judicial-governmental righteousness and Sanctity of the Divine Order, verbatim} *See image below

I am getting plenty of technological or AI interference as I write this commentary in three arenas via time space and dimensions, so bare with me if I get a tad redundant or am seemingly reaching. I was trying to state the fact that, well let me do it chronologically in blog language as such:

Answering Question Three: What Does The Bible Try To Hide Or Convey About New Moons and Portals

As aforementioned, “There are two sides of the moon with eight lunar phases repeating every twenty nine point five days per month according to NASA science”(Public Domain, 2024).

How about in the first chapter of Deuteronomy allegedly around c.1410 B.C., as Moses is mulling over God’s promises; it speaks of elevens, among other numbers—PATTERNS or CODES.

Questioning the Questions ❓

Among further questions I asked: Are these patterns, codes, or coordinates? If so, are they longitude and latitudes or nautical miles and to where? That’s too convoluted to get into here, but I’ll make one attempt to test a theory: —So for argument sake, I entered the sequence in the search bar of Google Maps. It shows nowhere or nothing when entered independently. However, when entered with some of the area names of the passage in question Deuteronomy 1:4; it showed different places contingent to that location name. Please see imagery below.

Let’s say I’m a nautilus, explorer, Mason, expeditionist, slave trader or something and I needed to move or ship something or someone somewhere. I’d need the coordinates or directions, right. Yet, if the government doesn’t smile at this, I’d need to move quietly but expeditiously so. Yeah I’m reaching right here, but bare with me. Let’s just say there was a way to leave and re-enter the earths and heavens to gain knowledge, power, systemic sustenance or what have you, to one’s own bequest. Wouldn’t you want it to be anonymous, a secret or only privileged to few, but not all? Again, it’s me doing me, questioning the questions. It, however, could account for or relate to pathways, passages, or rites thereof, to gateways, portals, openings or the like; of which, some today, are still baffled in search of, like the Holy Grail, Noah’s ark; sunken ships and it’s treasures; excavations and desecration of sacred burial grounds, in the name of science via antiquities or archaeology.

What were they hiding, moving or shipping besides people, goods, livestock, precious stones, fine linens or similar? Was it the science or knowledge of cultivators of these people and things for a greater mission or control? Is it commerce between realms, and dimensions of time and space for past present and future symbiosis—emphasis added, SPIRIT.

For those of you who are new readers subscribers or audience readers to my commentary, I write ✍🏿 via subjective research, channeling and sometimes co-write with the MOST HIGH. So, at times depending on the messages, the conveyance varies or shifts. No, I’m not shifting, although the energy interchangeably is. This is why I don’t use the cards as much, relying on oracles instead from my ancestral entourage. My help comes from the MOST HIGH, in short. Yet, I opt to maintain a boundless access to wisdom and the knowledge thereof.

We’ve answered about codes and coordinates. Let’s look at patterns. In today’s society, the patterns are inescapably ubiquitous. So many and difficult to keep up with…Some ancient and resounding and some new. All symbolism differs from theism, monotheism, atheism, nihilism, religion, science, factions of belief and so on. Some link to others interchangeably, like carbon copies and others not so much via differentiation (polarity and demarcation).

Patterns point to a conglomerate or synthesis of people, places, things, beliefs, ideas or ideals, especially those deemed as capricious or quixotic. Have we been so blindsided by the hoopla, propaganda or the fallacious smokescreens to have missed the mixing of these patterns or return or revisitation of beings known in the Bible as CREATION, absent excuse or comprehension.

2 Peter 3:5—For this they willingly are ignorant of, that by the word of God the heavens were of old, and the earth standing out of the water and in the water: ❓❓❓❓❓❓❓🛑 If you can picture this in your head, look at it like this 2 Peter 3:5 For this they willingly are ignorant of, that by the word of God the heavens were of old, and the earth standing out of the water and in the water: Don’t leave me just yet…Okay, here we know the heavens are ancient [wisdom, knowledge, power, science and technology—emphasis added, SPIRIT] if you will. Also notice that this passage or verse has left heavens plural. I’m guided to point out that it says “They’re willfully ignorant that the earth is above, so below –“…

From where does this maxim or axiom, “As Above, So Below” resonate the most? The kabal again. Elsewhere it’s meaning takes on the premise that there’s an underworld— outside /inside of water. One not just of aquatic animals or known sea life. The inferred willfull ignorances of those indicated above and additionally, today. I specifically added this here as guided by Spirit, to point to how astronomers look up for new life while seamen or sailors may look to the ocean. Yet it plainly points out in biblical texts and various cultures globally, that there were and are hints, clues and resourceful evidences of another life source. This is what we are calling aliens of today. In that, the shifts and rifts of time space and dimensions are quickening (making alive) that which is both unfathomable and incomprehensible to the naked eyes and closed minds. They’ve been here and there all along. Distraction is the second most biggest deluge, with division being the first. ➗

Funny how when researching the maxim or axiom thereof; I noticed it goes back to hermeticism and even depicts the magician card from the Tarot in the dialogue. The magician in tarot is also recognized astrologically as the Gemini, or twins hence those two faces, not be confused with phases of the moon. Also the two directional inferences of the earth 🌎 above land and underwater per the aforementioned scripture 2 Peter 3:5—As Above So Below.

When one gets right down to it, the patterns are undeniably leading us somewhere towards or away from something or someone. We just have to keep reminding ourselves to seek out what when where and why. What are they leading us to or away from? Is it something beneficial or detrimental to our greatest good? When should we depart? Is there a schedule or itinerary? Do we travel there by land, air or sea? Why should we trust the unknown? I’d say, historically and subjectively, the alleged known has been a tad misleading and hence detrimental to some throughout ages. The unknown, while somewhat frightening screams or crescendos freedom. Freedom from what or whom, of that I’m not given liberty, but can resonate with the channeled energy, of something far beyond solace and exhilaration.

The unknown, simply says to me that we don’t remember and or nor do we recognize the known. Yet, the known knows itself and isn’t hidden at all, we just haven’t been given nor are we following the right coordinates via patterns and codes—the insignia of CHRIST, emphasis added, SPIRIT as a Conscious Historical Relationship of Insurgency, Separation & Trust.

I’m just a messenger.

MzIAMNRU LaSonya the Messenger

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Disclaimers and Work Cited


Canfield, L (2024). PC: Subjective Research and Study from personal library. Retrieved via permission from the Intellectual Properties of IEPMSTC ™ Products and Svcs.

Holy Bible, KJV version—Bible Gateway. Public Domain and Creative Commons. Retrieved via Internet.

Dictionary(n.d.). Various Public Domain Sources. In-text quotes and hyperlinks, randomly provided per terminology or word usages.

NASA (2024). PC: Subjective Internet Research on Moon Phases. Accessed Wikipedia Creative Commons database. Science Mission Directorate of the National Aviation and Space Administration. In-text quotes usage. Retrieved from Lunar Phases and Eclipses – NASA Science


Scriptures from various Holy Bible versions.

The video (if any added) is PC: Literature and Imagery and the Intellectual Property of IEPMSTC ™ Shared with permission.

Images shared, that are not those of IEPMSTC ™ are shared absent intent of infringement of copyright via Fair Use clause and any duplicate submissions are at your—(audience/readers/subscribers or similar)—own legal discretion. We are simply sharing as a visual educational tool.


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