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Luke 8:16 – No man, when he hath lit a candle, covers it with a vessel, or puts it under a bed; but sets it on a candlestick, that they which enter in may see the light.

Psalm 18:28-50 / Matthew 5:14-16 / Luke 8:15-17 / Proverbs 18:4 / Mark 4:22 /

NTS ✍🏾 ODAAT Journaling Entries From Day 146, 147, 148 and 149 “CALLED TO SHINE…”


During a conversation, it was brought to my attention that I keep secrets. In response, I said it depends on what that means, because there’s a thin line on the veil of understanding between secrecy and discretion, although similar (Para, Canfield, 2024).

Nothing is hidden, that will not be brought to light (exposure). I said that the MOST HIGH knows and sees all; and that they HOLY MOTHER and HEAVENLY FATHER are judge and jury in my life. Now on to the Crux of the Oracle Message from the meditative days.

The CRUX —Day 146

I’d responded so quickly, that I had to consult the MOST HIGH about my reply. As always I began a counseling session (spiritual therapy via prayer or what we southerners call having a little talk with the LORD).

Of course, via diligence and obedience—acquiescence and pliability, if you can picture it; meditation is the next step (waiting on and listening for the MOST HIGH’s guidance).

Although I was prompted to write, I was also instructed to wait for delivery of message. At the time, I believe we were just approaching or in a Budding, Flower or Scorpio moon phase, which means a time of remembrance of life’s cycles and the newness that comes with both life and death. This is where I began listening (meditation).

Now, going back to the backstory conversation for a minute, where I said there’s nothing hidden that will not be brought to light; here’s what was channeled:

Get and be square with the HOUSE, YOUR OWN

The message was sent to let us know that although some people believe that they know we pay for others’ sins via karmic debt or what some call spiritual reparations; we still have to give in account for our subjective actions and behavior.

There’s an old R & B song that says “There’s a right and wrong way to love somebody” (Sweat, K, 1987). That’s the first message that answers secrecy and discretion.

Relationships of any kind are under attack in this Day of Reckoning because it deters, hinders and destroys unity. With spiritual intuition, discernment and vision, it’s clear to decipher most of the hidden agendas via the corporeal circumstances (news travels fast).

This is why we should exercise due diligence to search the whole matter of what’s told to us, especially via the media. The MOST HIGH didn’t bring us here to turn a blind eye to the hidden maltreatment, opposition or oppression via the wiles of the ops. Ephesians 6:11-12


What do we know, inner and understand about these two similarities? What’s beneficial or harmful about either? Why are they quintessential or archetypal? What things do they teach or how do they guide us? Let’s explore together…

First, empiric knowledge is always an asset because man-made history has proven over and over to be a tad bit, unreliable resource. This is why we should place both inspection and introspection on our surroundings, environment, situations, and relationships (communication and commingling with others)

The good book refers to it as watching thereunto, being Christ like (mindfulness, that is); being careful when entertaining strangers; and my favorite, Study to show oneself. With that in mind, secrecy hones to an influential stronghold of sorts, in the wrong hands and hearts. So when is it okay to utilize secrecy? Well, a talebearer (known today as a hater); might feel it’s a daily must-have, when it comes to leverage over another via nefarious power warfare, where they’d hold information over someone for selfish, egregious and flagitious means. That was definitely a run-on sentence whew! Secrecy, also points to things that are hidden or to some, done in darkness. A few decades ago, I was given a definitive meaning about sin of or in darkness. I remember reading it in a very old biblical cannon, that anything one does in shame of (darkness), is a sin—emphasis added, mine. Ephesians 5:11-14

For public example, the Papal orders pontificate various organized secrecies within the Vatican City’s extensive libraries. In laymen’s terms, they got a whole lot of SECRECY going on in there. I mentioned them, because they’re the puppeteers for the sheeple—man-made Church.

Then there’s the music and showbiz industries, whom or which also govern and sensor what we ascertain via entertainment. Lastly, political powers are drenched in secrecy. As I stated before, about haters, these entities are obsessed with control issues and power struggles, vying for authority over everything and everyone.

Yet they forget that even the powers that be have a magistrate power. 1 Corinthians 1:26-29


BRB —lunch break…😁 It’s next day, the break was longer than expected. Yet, everything is PURPOSED. We discussed SECRECY on yesterday.

Now to explore DISCRETION...

Discretion differs slightly more than secrecy, on a more positive vibration. Discretion sometimes acts as a protectant in some instances. Considering spiritual and or mental dis•ease, which, according to various sources, causes suffering and sometimes loss of one’s soul via fear, disharmony, self affliction and sabotage(Para, Generative AI, the Alterlife, et al, 2024)…

Moreover and perhaps most importantly, it creates DISCONNECTION from the MOST HIGH—emphasis added, mine. Firstly, to avoid the spiritual distresses; carefulness, as well as cleanliness, are favorable. Carefulness involves maintaining one’s focus, integrity and spiritual eminence, as in rank or positioning—i.e. one’s CALLING.

Thinking on a calling, we can cogitate on being Chosen or part of the Elect of the MOST HIGH. This election simply points to a calling ergo, or rather “Chosen”

[For the children being not yet born, neither having done any good or evil, that the purpose of God according to election might stand, not of works, but of him that calleth;] (Romans 9:11).

Funny, I just heard Wyclef and Mary J, singing “someone please call 911”. How confirming is that! Okay, back to the topic of discretion when considering being a Chosen One or of the Elect of the MOST HIGH’s favor and unmerited grace.

When one inner; over and understands the gravity of having unmerited favor and or grace, they’d ascertain the fruitfulness of the point of light, they’ve received to be a beacon…Called to shine if you can fathom, to guide, assist, comfort, cheer up, console and contribute divine support to all.

That indeed is a tall order and cup to fill. Yet, the increase comes from the MOST HIGH. (Psalm 18:36; 23; 71:21 & 115:14-15; Job 8:7; Isaiah 9:7 & 65:24; 2 Samuel 22:37; 1 Corinthians 3:6-7 & Ephesians 3:20—increase). Spiritually, the MOST HIGH has the Elect covered as in PROTECTED, regardless of how divinely coveted.

Let’s expound on the envy and jealousy that accompanies the sin of covetousness. Because we’ve been taught and do subscribe to the knowledge and or beliefs that the enemy comes to kill, steal and destroy; we can affix and affirm these things to correlate to variables of exchange with envy and jealousy stemming from pride of life and lusts of the eyes and of the flesh as mentioned in the book of Genesis of the Bible.

Therefore, unmerited grace and favor provides us divine protection from certain wiles. Being Chosen almost always comes with a target 🎯 on one’s spiritual prowess. The harvesters of soul energy are like heat seeking missiles in search of the “Inner G” (GOD energy- GIFTS of one’s CALLING or Divine light—emphasis added, mine.)That’s part of the “all things will be added unto you” from the sought kingdom and righteousness of the MOST HIGH.

The difference is these vampiric spirits, often shape shift as familial energy harvesters because they lack comprehension of and have no access to it—light or soul Inner G, absent invitation or unauthorized access. See Psalm 139:12 & John 1:5-9, also carefulness is a guidance given to all when entertaining strangers or angels unaware, as in fallen ones. Although Hebrews 13:2, states “Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares”; spiritual discernment sees don’t forget that some strangers are angels. The ‘unawares’ is the understood knowledge that there too exists fallen ones, about ⅓, according as written.


Can you imagine being at the very top of the food chain, royalty or hierarchical powers, but then being evicted, denied access to or barred away from such extravagance or easy living?

Now, can you see that herein lies the determination and willingness of these harvesters, to regain access. The Chosen Ones have been given the key of David. They have access to lock and unlock doors that no one else can open nor close, because the MOST HIGH governs it, according as written in Isaiah 22:22 and Revelation 3:7.

Some view all of this and more things related to religious constructs or factions of belief as foolishness. Yet, they utilize those same dogmas as resource info when attempting to prove their stances.

“But God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise; and God hath chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty” (1 Corinthians 1:27).

The overall Oracle Message from Days 146, 147, 148 and 149 “CALLED TO SHINE… simply points to the fact or ideal that the CALLED, or CHOSEN have a Divine RSVP, with special seating as proposed in Psalm 23:5; Revelation 3:20 and 1 Corinthians 10:13-21. Whereas, the fools have been stamped, marked or deem ACCESS DENIED.

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Scriptures from various Holy Bible versions. The video (if any added) is PC: Literature and Imagery and the Intellectual Property of IEPMSTC ™ Shared with permission. Images shared, that are not those of IEPMSTC ™ are shared absent intent of infringement of copyright via Fair Use clause and any duplicate submissions are at your—(audience/readers/subscribers or similar)—own legal discretion.

Other resources which may have been used for terminology and dialogue were accessible via Creative Commons database from Public Domain include but are not limited to King James Bible Dictionary Concordance; Av1611 kjv dictionary; KJV Dictionary or other Bible Study Tools. We are simply sharing as a visual educational tool.

Works Cited

Canfield, L. (2024). PC: Subjective Research and Study from personal library. Retrieved via permission from the Intellectual Properties of IEPMSTC ™ Products and Svcs.

Holy Bible, KJV version—Bible Gateway. PC: in-text hyperlink. Public Domain and Creative Commons.

Works Cited Term search—Spiritual Disease. Accessed via Generative AI. Retrieved from Public Domain Google SEO. Info available at

Terminology search—Spiritual Disease. Accessed Article. “Spiritual Causes of Disease-The Alterlife. Retrieved from


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New Moons: The Insignia of CHRIST

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Looking A Little Into New Moons & Openings

New Moons & Openings Equate to °Eleven or Two°

Today is January eleven of this astronomical Day (year) eight of resurrection or resurgence if you will, of a meeting of the minds, karmic debts and new beginnings, which mark endings. Looking at it from a numerical standpoint via aspects of numerology it equates to eleven, which deduces to two. There are two sides of the moon with eight lunar phases repeating every twenty nine point five days per month according to NASA science. How about in the first chapter of Deuteronomy allegedly around c.1410 B.C., as Moses is mulling over God’s promises; it speaks of elevens, among other numbers—PATTERNS or CODES.

Questioning the Questions ❓

Let’s go ahead and get to mathing: January °01 it’s the eleventh day of it °11, in the year (day) of 2024, which deduces to eight °8(2+0+2+4=8). Combined the summation of these gives us an eleven, which finally deduces to two. 01/11/2024 • 1+1+1+2+0+2+4=°11; simple enough, right. With eleven in my mind, let’s go deeper into the networking of the cosmos and realms of spirituality for a moment. Yet first, let’s put a biblical eye on it as well.

From A Biblical Eye 👁️

The questions that came to mind to seek answers were and are:

  • How many testaments are there in the Bible?
  • How many books are in the Bible?
  • What does the Bible try to hide or convey about new moons and portals; but for this purpose, we’ll just say openings or think gates, doors, veils, rising or falling?
  • How does or will it tie into today’s oracle?

How Many Testaments & Books Are There In The Bible?

This is simple, publicly known, there are two testaments of the Bible consisting of sixty six or seventy three books, depending on the source on which canon one uses. We’ll look at both 66°12 or 3, and 73°10 or 1. However, it’s also recorded that there may have been eighty one in the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church canon, according to research. See image below.

Eighty one definitely deduces (°) to a nine 9. I placed all of this here to shed light on a patterned frequency of numbers, hint from an ancestral numerologist—type perspective. All throughout the canon we are given numbers, signs, warnings, commands, declaration and decree of a multiplicity of duality. This includes the haves and have nots, the rich, poor, impoverished, wealthy, just, unjust, right, wrong, good, evil, angels, demons, devils, man, woman, righteous and unrighteous or so on. Yet, I want to divulge in the heavens and earths parts.

In the oldest biblical canon, that I can remember reading from; it stated that in the beginning (Day 1) God created the heavens (plural) and the earth (singularly). Yet today’s translations left that out (took away from) and talk more about a New Heaven and a New Earth (plurality—New World Order). 🛑 Stop right there. I put this here so those who don’t know can see how already in the first book of the newest Bible, things are distorted. This is why it’s highly intelligible or perspicuous of one to study abroad and ask for guidance of the MOST HIGH. Okay, now go🚦smiling 😊 to myself. See Deuteronomy 4:29, Revelation 22 (*Kabbalah—a tree of life), Ecclesiastes 3:14-17, Matthew 22:29 for clarity and insight.

"Ye shall not add unto the word which I command you, neither shall ye diminish aught from it, that ye may keep the commandments of the Lord your God which I command you—Deuteronomy 4:2"

I added the above images of my own hand or fingers pointing to the passage in my personal Bible due to technical difficulties with typing the message here prior to the verse insert above. (something or someone in the cyber world is 🚫 not playing fair—emphasis added, my own) eh hmm eh hmm; clearing my throat and moving forward.

Deuteronomy is sequentially the fifth book (of Moses) the Old Testament of the Bible and five is symbolic of God’s grace and mercy or kindness according to research. In your own time, go and mull over the grace and mercies of Deuteronomy (mind-blowing covenant life and laws, oppression, the illicit relationships, Baal (Peor) worship and numbering of Israel at Moab in chapter 25 specifically, and also offerings and inheritance, etc.). In my Bible, it outlines the third part of the book of Moses as stipulations: covenant life if you will, consisting of the Great Commandment {God’s covenant Lordship, consecration principles, conquest protocol, manna law, warning ⚠️ of the broken tablet and call to commitment, Para KJV}…and the Ancillary Commandments {Cultic-ceremonial consecration, Judicial-governmental righteousness and Sanctity of the Divine Order, verbatim} *See image below

I am getting plenty of technological or AI interference as I write this commentary in three arenas via time space and dimensions, so bare with me if I get a tad redundant or am seemingly reaching. I was trying to state the fact that, well let me do it chronologically in blog language as such:

Answering Question Three: What Does The Bible Try To Hide Or Convey About New Moons and Portals

As aforementioned, “There are two sides of the moon with eight lunar phases repeating every twenty nine point five days per month according to NASA science”(Public Domain, 2024).

How about in the first chapter of Deuteronomy allegedly around c.1410 B.C., as Moses is mulling over God’s promises; it speaks of elevens, among other numbers—PATTERNS or CODES.

Questioning the Questions ❓

Among further questions I asked: Are these patterns, codes, or coordinates? If so, are they longitude and latitudes or nautical miles and to where? That’s too convoluted to get into here, but I’ll make one attempt to test a theory: —So for argument sake, I entered the sequence in the search bar of Google Maps. It shows nowhere or nothing when entered independently. However, when entered with some of the area names of the passage in question Deuteronomy 1:4; it showed different places contingent to that location name. Please see imagery below.

Let’s say I’m a nautilus, explorer, Mason, expeditionist, slave trader or something and I needed to move or ship something or someone somewhere. I’d need the coordinates or directions, right. Yet, if the government doesn’t smile at this, I’d need to move quietly but expeditiously so. Yeah I’m reaching right here, but bare with me. Let’s just say there was a way to leave and re-enter the earths and heavens to gain knowledge, power, systemic sustenance or what have you, to one’s own bequest. Wouldn’t you want it to be anonymous, a secret or only privileged to few, but not all? Again, it’s me doing me, questioning the questions. It, however, could account for or relate to pathways, passages, or rites thereof, to gateways, portals, openings or the like; of which, some today, are still baffled in search of, like the Holy Grail, Noah’s ark; sunken ships and it’s treasures; excavations and desecration of sacred burial grounds, in the name of science via antiquities or archaeology.

What were they hiding, moving or shipping besides people, goods, livestock, precious stones, fine linens or similar? Was it the science or knowledge of cultivators of these people and things for a greater mission or control? Is it commerce between realms, and dimensions of time and space for past present and future symbiosis—emphasis added, SPIRIT.

For those of you who are new readers subscribers or audience readers to my commentary, I write ✍🏿 via subjective research, channeling and sometimes co-write with the MOST HIGH. So, at times depending on the messages, the conveyance varies or shifts. No, I’m not shifting, although the energy interchangeably is. This is why I don’t use the cards as much, relying on oracles instead from my ancestral entourage. My help comes from the MOST HIGH, in short. Yet, I opt to maintain a boundless access to wisdom and the knowledge thereof.

We’ve answered about codes and coordinates. Let’s look at patterns. In today’s society, the patterns are inescapably ubiquitous. So many and difficult to keep up with…Some ancient and resounding and some new. All symbolism differs from theism, monotheism, atheism, nihilism, religion, science, factions of belief and so on. Some link to others interchangeably, like carbon copies and others not so much via differentiation (polarity and demarcation).

Patterns point to a conglomerate or synthesis of people, places, things, beliefs, ideas or ideals, especially those deemed as capricious or quixotic. Have we been so blindsided by the hoopla, propaganda or the fallacious smokescreens to have missed the mixing of these patterns or return or revisitation of beings known in the Bible as CREATION, absent excuse or comprehension.

2 Peter 3:5—For this they willingly are ignorant of, that by the word of God the heavens were of old, and the earth standing out of the water and in the water: ❓❓❓❓❓❓❓🛑 If you can picture this in your head, look at it like this 2 Peter 3:5 For this they willingly are ignorant of, that by the word of God the heavens were of old, and the earth standing out of the water and in the water: Don’t leave me just yet…Okay, here we know the heavens are ancient [wisdom, knowledge, power, science and technology—emphasis added, SPIRIT] if you will. Also notice that this passage or verse has left heavens plural. I’m guided to point out that it says “They’re willfully ignorant that the earth is above, so below –“…

From where does this maxim or axiom, “As Above, So Below” resonate the most? The kabal again. Elsewhere it’s meaning takes on the premise that there’s an underworld— outside /inside of water. One not just of aquatic animals or known sea life. The inferred willfull ignorances of those indicated above and additionally, today. I specifically added this here as guided by Spirit, to point to how astronomers look up for new life while seamen or sailors may look to the ocean. Yet it plainly points out in biblical texts and various cultures globally, that there were and are hints, clues and resourceful evidences of another life source. This is what we are calling aliens of today. In that, the shifts and rifts of time space and dimensions are quickening (making alive) that which is both unfathomable and incomprehensible to the naked eyes and closed minds. They’ve been here and there all along. Distraction is the second most biggest deluge, with division being the first. ➗

Funny how when researching the maxim or axiom thereof; I noticed it goes back to hermeticism and even depicts the magician card from the Tarot in the dialogue. The magician in tarot is also recognized astrologically as the Gemini, or twins hence those two faces, not be confused with phases of the moon. Also the two directional inferences of the earth 🌎 above land and underwater per the aforementioned scripture 2 Peter 3:5—As Above So Below.

When one gets right down to it, the patterns are undeniably leading us somewhere towards or away from something or someone. We just have to keep reminding ourselves to seek out what when where and why. What are they leading us to or away from? Is it something beneficial or detrimental to our greatest good? When should we depart? Is there a schedule or itinerary? Do we travel there by land, air or sea? Why should we trust the unknown? I’d say, historically and subjectively, the alleged known has been a tad misleading and hence detrimental to some throughout ages. The unknown, while somewhat frightening screams or crescendos freedom. Freedom from what or whom, of that I’m not given liberty, but can resonate with the channeled energy, of something far beyond solace and exhilaration.

The unknown, simply says to me that we don’t remember and or nor do we recognize the known. Yet, the known knows itself and isn’t hidden at all, we just haven’t been given nor are we following the right coordinates via patterns and codes—the insignia of CHRIST, emphasis added, SPIRIT as a Conscious Historical Relationship of Insurgency, Separation & Trust.

I’m just a messenger.

MzIAMNRU LaSonya the Messenger

Disclaimer and Info

Disclaimers and Work Cited


Canfield, L (2024). PC: Subjective Research and Study from personal library. Retrieved via permission from the Intellectual Properties of IEPMSTC ™ Products and Svcs.

Holy Bible, KJV version—Bible Gateway. Public Domain and Creative Commons. Retrieved via Internet.

Dictionary(n.d.). Various Public Domain Sources. In-text quotes and hyperlinks, randomly provided per terminology or word usages.

NASA (2024). PC: Subjective Internet Research on Moon Phases. Accessed Wikipedia Creative Commons database. Science Mission Directorate of the National Aviation and Space Administration. In-text quotes usage. Retrieved from Lunar Phases and Eclipses – NASA Science


Scriptures from various Holy Bible versions.

The video (if any added) is PC: Literature and Imagery and the Intellectual Property of IEPMSTC ™ Shared with permission.

Images shared, that are not those of IEPMSTC ™ are shared absent intent of infringement of copyright via Fair Use clause and any duplicate submissions are at your—(audience/readers/subscribers or similar)—own legal discretion. We are simply sharing as a visual educational tool.


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