May we lift one another in love and Prayer

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You’re invited to intercede via prayer… visit Survivor’s thru Christ Prayer Closet today!


This a private place of intercession only. Please only post prayer requests or offers. No pictures, images, videos, nor dialogue other than scriptural reference supporting fervency of effect. (Follow pinned post as example). This is just what the group name reads, a prayer closet. You may offer or request prayer to others discretely or otherwise (your choice). You do not even have to name whom or what you are requesting prayer about but ask that we touch and agree that nevertheless HIS will be done followed with our amen, like or other show of support. This is what was placed upon my heart because I spend the better part of my day praying for others all over the social media network. There are so many needing and requesting prayer, it is become a task too big for just one and while it is the beginning and a small group; you were chosen because there is only a mustard seed requirement of faith and the application of HIS WORD to give prayer effect and fervency. Let us use this as our spiritual weapon towards defeating & conquering each foe, placing it or them under the name, blood, and Holy Spirit of JESUS and our feet. I wish you ♥ Joy, Shalom & Anointed Blessings


“Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much” (James 5:16).

Father God I thank you for the opening of many doors in our lives towards your divine will and purpose for our lives. I thank you for every blessing and education on life including its effects per experience and/or influence. I come to you asking and decreeing by the authority of your solemn & divine WORD, that this prayer group be sanctified as a Holy Meeting Place for those standing in the need of prayer, and intercessory support(s). I pray that the effectual application of your WORD go forth with fervency of faith and full confidence herein receiving your hastened performance. We know and understand that you are God alone, able to do exceedingly abundantly above all we can ask or think, a healer and a comforter and not a man that you should lie. We know and understand that you already know our thoughts and needs before we do and that in keeping with spiritual communication you insist that we share love one to another, confessing our afflictions and lifting one another up in the esteem of prayer for healing to manifest. I pray that those already invited will accept the challenge before them as good stewards to be a help meet to those whom may be in need of it. I sanctify this closet by the authority of the name which you placed above every earthly name, the self-same redemptive and restorative blood and via the consuming fiery Holy ghost spirit of JESUS CHRIST & I decree it so by the power, love and sound mind given through YAH MIGHTY WORD and same divine authority of this Infinite WORD to be so as we come together in that same name asking and agreeing as in touching (via likes, amen or private utterance) and giving thanks in advance via mind, body & spirit, Amen.


PRAYER PrayerMinistryEmblem.98214945 PRAYER CLOSET

James 5:16  Image from Public Domain
James 5:16
Image from Public Domain


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