
Beholding the Beauty of the Lord

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Rhema for Today:

Beauty of Holiness | Prayer. Praise & Promise | Worship, spirit & truth |
Psalm 27:4
One thing have I desired of the Lord, that will I seek after; that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to behold the beauty of the Lord, and to enquire in his temple.



Stand on the Word of Yah…the holy place
Gratitude | Testimony of patience via trials of faith | LOVE | forgiveness |



What we took from our study:

Awesome & Mighty is the Most High God…Yah always brings His purpose to pass
Dying to self means being reborn of the spirit…Be thankful to be resurrected via Christ. We bend but don’t break under the pressure of opposition. We confide in the greater in us (the inward man). Being born again of the spirit allows us to face all truths, even our ugly ones. That is exemplary of the beauty of holiness…it separates the good from the evil and it rights or renews the good via perfect love casting away every “fear” (which is not a spirit given us of Yahweh).
Our wrath is minuscule compared to the wrath of the Most High; therefore, we should not sin in our anger nor bellyache and waddle in sorrow(s). Yah wills every step of man towards righteousness in Himself…[] “For the wrath of man works not the righteousness of God” []..Praise Yah!
Above our thoughts, plans, emotions, or feelings about it are the good and perfect gifts from Yah towards us [] Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above” [], Hallelujah!
Possessing our soul takes patience worked through the trials of our faith…So be thankful right now for the trials because whom the LORD loves, he chastens and seek to experience love via patiently resting in the Most High. Hallelujah! 
Psalm 29:2
Give unto the Lord the glory due unto his name; worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness.

When our spiritual growth is transparent, there’s nothing the enemy can utilize against us. Hallelujah! god-is-in-control

Psalm 91:5-7 
Thou shalt not be afraid for the terror by night; nor for the arrow that flies by day; Nor for the pestilence that walks in darkness; nor for the destruction that wastes at noonday. A thousand shall fall at thy side, and ten thousand at thy right hand; but it shall not come nigh thee
In the Word Study
1 Chronicles 16:29 & 23:29-31 | Psalm 1:1; 5:3; 24:2; 27:4; 29:2; 63;1-11; 68:4; 91:5-7; 96:6-9; 103:1; 105:4;134:1;146:1-6; 149:4 & 150:1-6; | Philippians 1:1-30 & 4:6-21 | James 1:14-20 | 1 Peter 3:3-4 | Colossians 3:16 & 4:2 | 2 Samuel 14:25 | Deuteronomy 28 | Job 40:10 | Proverbs 6:25 | Proverbs 16:4; 21:3 & 31:30 | Matthew 26:41 | Jeremiah 33:3 | Romans 8:28-31 | Luke 21:19 | Hebrews 3:7-11 | Lamentations 3:37-38 | Isaiah 45:7 | Amos 3:6 | Exodus 4:11 | Mark 4:11-12 | Genesis 50:20 |1 Timothy 2:3-4 | 2 Peter 3:9 | Ezekiel 14:15-120 |


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Daily Meditations Wake UpIn the middle of the night; the holy spirit wrote these words on my heart, after a sincere prayer asking the Lord for the following: “peace, an un-troubled heart; fearlessness; a towering strength, pavilion safety; cleft rock; guided & heavenly protection and joy in the makeover; forgiveness for sins known and unknown and love’s embrace…. in the temporary emptiness in space of time wasted” (Personal Comm, 2016).

The actual prayer

With a Heavy Heart: Dear LORD…I need your peace, not as the world gives, Father. un-trouble my heart and make it unafraid. Be the light unto my feet and the strength of Joy of my life. Be the towering strength of which I can always lean on. Keep me in the safety of your pavilion. Be the rock which clefts for me. Though the arrows fly by day, guarded am I by thy shield of faith. Be not far from me with your guided and heavenly protection. The wells of mine eyes have sprang a leak and it’s your holy comfort in which I seek. May the promises of old things like crying and sorrow be far behind me as you continue to make me over. My soul is far more willing than this flesh and I sin with angst in my thoughts and from the depths of my heart… I cry aloud “Forgive my sins known and unknown”. I just want your love’s embrace as I tread on this temporary emptiness in space of time wasted.

John 14:13; Psalm 73:26 & 2 Corinthians 5:7


The answer:

Weeping may endure for a night; but strength rises in the dawn. Share this supernatural revelation: Don’t perish forever without a purpose, Remember Job’s suffering…sinned, and cursed God in their hearts; Thus did Job continually.Yes the Lord saw Job as perfect and upright and one who held disdain for evil,

me: [so I’ve always wondered why then did the Lord ask Satan to try Job]

The Reply:

Job had to have or rather be moved to a change of heart…The Lord searches the heart…The Lord tries the reins…the innermost parts…that is to say, he thoroughly examines us. He gives every man according to his ways…[spiritual journey_itinerary]. The road leads back home…but which door of eternity, shall be opened to us?

The Lord gives according to the fruit of his doings; the heart is the “mind” and a seat of the emotions.

God knows our heart’s truth, just as He did Job’s. Outwardly Job had it going on per se…but inwardly…Job had to humble himself in the omnipresence of the Lord…yep in his heart as well.

God showed Satan the circumcision of heart via public examination (i.e. trials of faith). He already had named who Job was to Satan, “none like him in the earth, a perfect and an upright man, one that feared God, and eschewed evil” …FaithGrafitti2015_IEPM - Copy

The eyes of the LORD are in every place, beholding the evil and the good. .Can any hide himself in secret places? Nothing is secret to God concerning us…All things were made by him, the kingdom of God is within you. He is before all things & by him all things consist. He be not far from every one of us.

Job realized…Also how He could say “Depart from me…I know you not”.

becontendersMay thy faith fail not; Strengthen thy brethren. God’s got it…sleep well. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.
~the Messenger


1 Samuel / Luke 22:31-32 / 1 Corinthians 8:2these 3 passages were given for direct examination.

As always I searched the scriptures to find where in the WORD this epiphany hailed & what the spirit said unto this wing of the church …try the spirits, whether they’re of God. As always we ask that our audience remember to seek the LORD on it and that the messenger is minuscule to the profundity of the message.


In the Word Studyin-the-word-study

Genesis 31:40 | Job 1:1-8 ; 4:13-21 & 34:21 | Jeremiah 17:9-10 | Psalm 7:9 & 73:26 | Isaiah 43:2 & 57:15 | Colossians 3:23-24 | Matthew 7:21-23 | John 10:14 & 15:16 | Luke 22:31-32 | 1 Samuel 3:10 | 1 Corinthians 8:2 | Philippians 1:3-11 & v 21 | Philippians 1:3-11 | John 14:13 | 2 Corinthians 5:7

When In Doubt…Examine Ourselves

Forsake the Taboo …Read Revelation for it Reveals

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Forsake the Taboo …Read Revelation for it Reveals

Subjective King James Bible STUDY / NOTES 


  • 7 Spirits of GOD
  • New Jerusalem
  • Cold or Hot Lukewarm
  • Rich in White Raiment
  • Anoint thine Eyes with Eye salve
  • Those, which say they are Jews but are not
  • Be zealous & Repent
  • Behold I stand at the door and knock
  • Hear what the spirit saith to the churches


  1. Trumpet said come hither that you may see what will be hereafter
  2. Throne with 420 Seats & Elders w/ crowns of Gold
  3. 7 Lamps of Fire which are the 7 Spirits of God
  4. Sea of Glass
  5. 4 Beasts: with 6 wings resting not holy Holy Holy lord god almighty which is was and is to come; thou art worthy oh lord to receive glory honor and power and for thy pleasure they were created
  • Lion
  • Calf
  • Man
  • Flying Eagle


  1. A strong angel said: Who is worthy to open the book and to loose the seals thereof?
  2. Weep not behold the root of David: The Lion of the Tribe of Judah is worthy to open the book
  3. Worthy is the Lamb that was slain to receive (7 horns & 7 eyes) …
  4. 420 Elders worshiped him forever and ever
  5. We shall reign on the earth 10k x 10k x thousands and thousands
  6. Blessing honor and glory and power be unto him that sits on the throne


1st seal:

  • Come & See: I saw & I heard one of the four beast say come & see Noise of Thunder (sitting on a white horse)
  • Had a bow & a crown and went forth Conquering

2nd Seal

  • Come & See: Power given him to take Peace from the earth; kill one another  (red horse)
  • Given unto him a Great Sword

3rd Seal

  • Come & See (Black Horse rider with balances in his hand)
  • A measure of wheat for a penny, three measures of barley for a penny, and see not thou hurt the oil & the wine

4th Seal

  • Come & See (Pale Horse)
  • He that sat upon him was named death along with him was hell and the Power given unto him over the 4th part of the earth to kill with sword hunger and death and with the beasts of the earth

5th Seal

  • The Souls of those slain for the Word of God & of their Testimony held
  • How long oh Lord Holy & True does thou not judge and avenge our blood on them that dwell on the earth?
  • He answered rest for a little season wait until others like them shall be killed and their deaths be Fulfilled
  • 6th Seal
  • There was a great earthquake
  • Sun became black as sackcloth of hair
  • Moon as blood
  • Stars of heaven fell upon the earth as figs cast their untimely figs from the shaken tree of a mighty wind
  • Heaven departed as a scroll when it is rolled together
  • Every Mountain & Island were moved out of place
  • Every man hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains saying to the rocks and the mountains “Fall on us & hide us from the face of him that sits on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb: For great the day of his wrath is come; and who shall be able to stand?


7th Seal

  • There was silence for a half hour
  • Seven angels, which stood before God; given 7 trumpets
  • Another angel came & stood at the altar, having a golden censer; given much incense, that he should offer it with the prayers of all saints upon the altar which was before the throne
  • The smoke of the incense which came with prayers of the saints, ascended before God out of the angel’s hand
  • The angel took the censer and filled it with fire of the altar, and cast it unto the earth: and there were voices, and thunderings, and lightnings, and an earthquake
  • The seven angels, which had the seven trumpets, prepared themselves to sound
  • The Seven Trumpets:


5th Angel
  • Star fell to the bottom of the L smoke of the pit rose
  • Key to the bottomless pit
  • Locusts with power of scorpions do not hurt the grass of the earth any green thing; only those w/o the seal of God in their forehead; torment them for 5 months
  • Death sought not found
  • Horses prepared to battle heads like crowns of gold, hair of women, faces of men, teeth of lion breastplates of iron, sounds of their wings like the sounds of many chariots running to battle
  • H Abaddon / G Apollyon – The Angel of the Bottomless Pit
  • 1 woe passed/ 2 woe’s came
  • The 6th Angel with the trumpet: Said Loose the four angels bound in the river Euphrates – 200,000,000 (200 k thousand)
  • Fire, Smoke, & Brimstone out of their mouths killed a third part of mankind
  • Tails like unto serpents & had heads and with them they do hurt
  • They Repented not that they shouldn’t serve devils, gold silver brass stone or wood murders sorceries fornication or their effects


  • Another mighty angel rainbow upon his head
  • A book opened and cried 7 thunders uttered
  • GO & TAKE the little BOOK


  • Reed like a rod Measure the temple of God & the altar and worshippers inside, except for the cord without the temple – (belongs to the gentiles) 42 months tread under foot1230 days
  • Power given to two witnesses -2 olive trees & two candlesticks standing before the God of the earth
  • Power to Shut Heaven no rain, power to turn water to blood at will, to Smite the Earth as often as they will
  • The beast shall war with Sodom in Egypt, overcome and kill them
  • 3 ½ days dead bodies will lie in the streets, tenth of the earth fell, there enemies watched 7k slain by earthquake 2nd woe passed
  • They on the earth shall be merry and rejoice over their deaths
  • The kingdom of our Lord & Christ come and shall reign forever & ever
  • Nations were angry
  • Time of the judgment of the dead, servants and prophets and those who feared the name of the Lord were rewarded
  • Ark of His Testament was seen, there were Lightning’s & Thunderings, An Earthquake & Hail

Revelation 18

  • Alas Alas Babylon the Great is Fallen is Fallen
  • Paganism
  • Immorality
  • Idolatry
  • Whoredom
  • Fornication
  • Destruction

 The MOST HIGH GOD is not slack in HIS PROMISES

(Para 2 Peter 3:9 KJV)




For her sins have reached unto heaven, and God hath remembered her iniquities

(Revelation 18:5 KJV)

 For More info on omitted Chapters. 12-17 & 19-22 ..Seek the Lord on it…and remember at STC the messenger is always minuscule to the profundity of the message.16298415_404928413179075_2954077500868050874_n



Everyone will be judged according to their works , even the omission of adherence to HIS voice via hardened hearts like that of Pharaoh in ancient Egypt…

Fundraiser for Fibromyalgia Research and Awwareness

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Starting today for one month through May 12, 2014 in support of our CEO’s struggle with this and other chronic pain disorders, Inspirations Etc & Poetic Meditations will give 5% of all donations towards the cause of FIBROMYALGIA RESEARCH & AWARENESS.
Follow-up announcements will be made re: Contributions on May 12, 2013
When making donations enter this code: STC-TS-4367-FMRA
Click here to make donations

Thanks in Advance!
IEPM Web Administration
Note From Our CEO:
Please show your support in other ways as well via an increasing knowledge about Fibromyalgis (FM) below: Thanks Fibromyalgia Awareness for all you do to bring empathy towards my journey” ~La’Sonya

Help Raise Fibromyalgia Awareness Here
