
Beauty of Perfect Peace Among Hate Without A Cause

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As always, my inspiration comes via various forms of communication and thus confirmation from the MOST HIGH. Today started off lovely, I had a very hours—long, conversation with my youngest son, talking about everything; but mostly how some, misconstrue the parabolic messages within the Biblical cannon.

I also received a daily inspirational text from my uncle as always. Even though sometimes he’s just passing them on vicariously via another person in the family. However, today it reminded me that when I used to do the very same thing a long time ago before I took my greetings to a more public speaking, that same person frowned on it. Was it because it was me, I wondered for some time. Then through the years the MOST HIGH has revealed so many things to me that had to take place for refining, these types of tests of faith come to help us be tried and true (strong).

Funny how easy it is to laugh at unnecessary envy, jealousy, pride and prejudice of people today. That is, now knowing absolutely whose I am. The Chosen, can relate to this I am sure. I tell you more in the Oracle Message below: Hate without cause.

Now back to what I was saying about my conversation and text greeting. My Unk sent a message with the scriptural reference to Isaiah 23:6 one of many of my favorites which iterated when we stay our mind on the MOST HIGH, we’re kept in perfect peace. I was amped up with excitement until the latter part (thinking about the latter rain to some degree) because it took on a different spiritual energy for me—which spoke of fear and not the reverential kind. He said prayerfully that his mind can be a scary place and how he feared so much. Immediately, I thought that’s not godly. So I declared and decreed the word over me and replied: *See image below.

[👋🏿 Unk PRAISE 🙌🏿 YAH that as the Elect (chosen of the MOST HIGH—Colossians 3:12-17; Romans 8:33) we’re not given a spirit to fear; PRAISE YAH GLORY for Love Power and Soundness of Mind 🧿🙏🏿🤍🕯️That’s the beauty of perfect peace 2 Thessalonians 3:16 | 1 Corinthians 14:33 Psalm 4:8]

Why does SPIRIT bring me these messages like this (not the texts, yet the oracles that accompany them)? Let’s look at why this stood out on this windy and chilly day.

Hate Without A Cause

The enemy hates us period. There’s no ifs, ands or buts about that. All over the Bible; religions, cultures, species and the same; there exists, an enemy.

Contingency of hate is evil; as we’re taught, but why? I don’t know and truthfully nobody else knows either. We only do so from outward influence and variables via unauthorized access to something outside of ourselves.

It’s a predator versus prey world. We all partake and participate as either…or, in some instances; both, simultaneously. Consequently, the question came up as to How many times, Sonya, can you remember being hated without a cause or good reason when comparable to being hated with supportive reason?… I can tell you that fewer come to mind, with the latter but nonetheless, I know I have hated at times too, and yes without cause. This is even in the auspices of causation—feelings that I may have given myself to validate the hate. As a child, I can remember hating a multitude of things, people and places well on up into adulthood. You can too.

Did this have an effect on my views or behaviors, afterwards? Why yes it did. The hurtful things I hated taught me —no matter how long it took me to learn—that certain things won’t change given same variables. I had the importuning desire to experience something other than the hurts, abuses and neglects I’d succumbed. I hated all men on the basis of what a few did. I hated my parents for allowing it to happen. I hated school because of all the lies I found out in history class. I hated brussel sprouts because I heard they were nasty from someone else. I hated writing in pencil because I felt my answers were being erased and modified. Who knows the number of things people and places that I have hated throughout time. Yet, they were subjectively with reason or cause, or so I thought.

Wow, SPIRIT took me there, hmmm 🤔Okay. Well, perhaps the people world-wide may feel certain just cause for their own hates. Does that make theirs any less invalid or valid? So, it drew me to ask SPIRIT, how does one get around all there is that’s going in the world around me as well as the world within me? I remember it was in 2013 and 2016, when I asked this. The first time I was led to that same scripture that my uncle shared with me this morning, which is “whose mind and trust, is stayed on the LORD, he’s kept in perfect peace” —Para, Isaiah 26:3 KJV. The enemy was trying to convince me that I wasn’t worthy to be alive, had nothing to live for. The enemy made me feel like a failure in the midst of so much success (not a worldview). I’d accomplished so much even, adversity, but I couldn’t see it because of the distraction of Hate. Yet, I persevered. In 2016, I’d lost everything in a flood. Although, I was strong to a fault—Sleeping on a box spring stabilized on milk crates with springs cutting into my flesh and mold growing out of control in my place—I had a place. They finally came to do the remediation of the mold and I had nowhere to go while they did it, so I stayed. I was faced with facing a fear I thought I’d never have to face AGAIN. That was being in the presence of a group of men, alone. Each day that they’d come to work in my home, I remember opening every window and door and playing gospel music so loud locked in my room in panic. It stems from being gang raped earlier in my life. My story’s not all cute, and admittedly I’ve had to overcome PTSD from all of the ish I’ve suffered or succumbed. But at that time, it was extra because I was dealing with a blood disease, chemo and infusion therapy. I wasn’t alone, but I was. I had family but they were estranged in one way or another. Who’d I dare trust? I called on the MOST HIGH again and that’s when I was led to the second scripture about peace, and also about possessing my soul. The MOST HIGH said Sonya, you’re not alone, I am here. You’re only bothered because you took your eyes off me, you let go of the plough. Yes you’ve been patient, but now that you’re here, possess it, you can have peace by all means. The MOST HIGH assured me that no matter what the circumstances were, PEACE is an inward POWER. I said all of that to say this, though they hate you without a cause, find, own and keep your peace. Do not allow the doors of confusion via unauthorized access to fear (the false evidences appearing real) to have a bearing on your forward movement(s).

Scriptural References

Psalm 4:8; 23; 34:18; 35:7-19; 69:4; 73:23; 109:3 & 119:78-161| Philippians 4:11-13 | Matthew 5:11-12 | Isaiah 26:3; 54:17 & | Job 9:17 | Colossians 3:12-17 | Romans 8: 33 | 1 Corinthians 14:33 | 2 Thessalonians 3: 16 | Lamentations 3:52 | Proverbs 3:30 |

Sunday’s Food for The Soul…

Even when it seems you’ve gone your last mile, are on your last leg and or hope, just remember that although you’ve no idea of how much farther you’ll have to go…you now know how far you’ve come and going back won’t even be an inkling of an option. Keep it copacetic and keep it moving. ~MzIAMNRU the Messenger


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Canfield, L (2024). PC: Subjective Research and Study from personal library. Retrieved via permission from the Intellectual Properties of IEPMSTC ™ Products and Svcs.

Holy Bible, KJV version—Bible Gateway. PC: in-text hyperlink. Public Domain and Creative Commons.

Dictionary(n.d.). Various Public Domain Sources. In-text quotes and hyperlinks, randomly provided per terminology or word usages.


Scriptures from various Holy Bible versions.

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b9b3178f40f2ee6d88e5bb8467834572--monday-blessings-morning-blessingsMonday——Pay attention, continue to watch & pray….“This is the third time I am coming to you. In the mouth of two or three witnesses shall every word be established” (2 Corinthians 13:1). 






Tuesday——Foolishness resides in many an option, calculated choices are values of the wise….“For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God” (1 Corinthians 1:18).


Wednesday——While we can’t die for and simultaneously redeem ourselves, we can die unto ourselves via abstinence and temperance….“But God commends his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us” (Romans 5:8).

thursday-blessings-clipart-7 (1)

Thursday——While natural things can be divine, i.e. seraphic or supernal; only the Spirit of God is inexplicably supernatural and omniscient of things we know not….“But the natural man receives not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know [them], because they are spiritually discerned” (1 Corinthians 2:14). 


Friday——Be grateful that God’s methods of judgment have fluctuated throughout time via the laws of faith and mercy & grace…. “For my thoughts [are] not your thoughts, neither [are] your ways my ways, saith the LORD” (Isaiah 55:8).


Saturday——Try earnestly to rest in the Most High (love), to be more forthcoming in kindnesses to ourselves as to not entertain unholy things or people (i.e. temporal, unclean or profane)…. “And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it: because that in it he had rested from all his work which God created and made/”And he said unto them, The sabbath was made for man, and not man for the sabbath” (Genesis 2:3 & Mark 2:27).


Sunday——If anything past hasn’t succeeded, been beneficial to our livelihood; we have the power of creativity and the gift of renewal to start again (repent & keep pressing forward)….“In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth” (Genesis 1:1)



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❤Shalom & Blessings

~the Messenger is minuscule to the profundity of the message… To GOD be ALL the glory, Amen. Matthew 25:31-46

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