To Be Set Apart

Watch While Weathering

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2 Peter 3:7-10 /Isaiah 24:5-6 / Psalm 46:2-3 / Revelation 16:8-9 / Luke 21:11 / Malachi 3:6 /

Pray without ceasing” (1 Thessalonians 5:17).

Day 52 Oracle for today…
Watch While Weathering

We’ve read somewhere in the biblical texts, how “there’s nothing new under the sun” (Para KJV).

With this in mind, I often wondered if it is feasible to pay attention to a lot of things in life and the atmosphere. I mean, after all if we know the MOST HIGH as the ultimate Power and Creative Source, then respectively, we can’t outdo or out create God. I simply mean although we have powers, gifts, talents, or the like; we still have to weather e.g. manage the storms of life including actual weather.

It’s been about six years since I had a dreamscape travels experience with muse of art to follow pertaining to lukewarmness. I entitled the piece “Kewarmla” *(see art 🎨 below 👇🏾) and a year before last I had an epiphany about a similar episodic occurrence. Then just about a few weeks to a month ago I stumbled on an article about the Earth’s core moving in the opposed direction, according to Simran Singh.

http://Study says Earth’s core has started spinning in the opposite direction

Fast forward to this morning and I am greeted with the news of sudden stratospheric warming per an article by Andrej Flis, just after having spoken about this via personal communication a few days ago.

Truth of Truths 🪶 Today

Some things we can ignore, but Truth of Truths is never a thing that can be either omitted nor swept under the proverbial rug.

There are astronomical things happening each day regardless of whether we give attention to it or not.
Y’all know it, but may want to deny it. Time seems to have sped up, the weather is peculiar worldwide, the economy is in trouble; especially with the upper echelon, though they won’t let on. The powers that be are becoming the powers that was or were; no pun intended. People are grasping on to teachings which can’t even hold on to themselves.
It’s safe to conclude that prophetic energies are sweeping through the ethereal and corporeal realms, dimensions, time and space.


I just decided to share this thought 💭 on today, for the tomorrow’s to follow. SPIRIT is speaking to us whether we listen or not.

MzIAMNRU LaSonya the Messenger 👸🏾🤍🕯️🙏🏽🧘🏾‍♀️🪶⚖️☯️♾️🕊️

One Day At A Time Journaling Entries Day 52 of 2023

#SurvivorsThruChrist #PoeticMeditations #InspirationsEtc #BrandNewMercies #TruthOfTruths #Ancient_of_Days #ScripturalStudy

Ecclesiastes 1:9
The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun.

Works Cited

Works Cited

Canfield, L.R. (February 2023). Artwork. Kewarmla.:PC from 2017. IEPMSTC ™ Products and Svcs. 1995-2023.

Finj, A. (February 21, 2023). Web Article. “Sudden Stratospheric Warming is now underway, with major weather response already visible in the forecast patterns for North America and Europe“. Retrieved from the Global weather site.

Holy Bible (n.d.). KJV NIV NKJV or other Versions

Singh, S. (January 25, 2023). Web Article. “Study says Earth’s core has started spinning in the opposite direction: Why it matters“. Retrieved from


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Knowing Is Doing…

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daily-meditations-wakeup2016_2017There are many lessons which life teaches us, when one takes those lessons to heart, he or she does better later on. This is how the trials of our faith teach us patience…that is; how to trust, confide, and depend on the Lord. When we know better…we are drawn to do better.

~the Messenger

What are some lessons we can look to and/or for change?

  • Appearance
  • Associations
  • Behavior
  • Character
  • Conversations
  • Deeds
  • Endeavors
  • Habits
  • Itineraries

humility-before-honor-the-love-of-yahThe way a person appears is often mistook for who that person is or rather what he or she represents. When we seek to look more like ourselves (inward man) is when we truly become free from worldly appearances and presumed assumptions and opinions.

Who one hangs out with is also a generalization of who a person is and/or represents. We must be mindful of the company we keep.

  • How we act in front of people and alone says much about one’s character.truth-compassion-good-moral-character

These can often be different due to some of the above factors. Sometimes one is pushed to acting like someone or something their not simply trying to fit in to certain groups of association (worldly view).

However, when alone one can have the realization or epiphany that it isn’t who they truly are. They can indirectly become bitter, cold-hearted and insensitive. For instance, a man or woman who goes to work every day may represent a certain air at work such as being punctual, authoritative, steadfast and hard-working, knowledgeable about every thing that has to do with his/her occupation.

be-mindful-of-theYet still be clueless outside of work about the functionality of life such as relationships, conversations, endeavors, itineraries, cordiality or the like. Sometimes people are simply broken, unbeknownst to themselves. They forgot their first love and/or don’t truly know love and in the midst of  such brokenness, he or she becomes too busy in mundane activities, endeavors, itineraries or similar as aforementioned, to recognize let alone truly hear from God. (Distraction).

“Therefore shall they eat of the fruit of their own way, and be filled with their own devices” (Proverbs 1:31).

 Is It Okay To Shut Others Out? When? Why?

Perhaps there are times when one should close others out, but those times are set apart for personal worship, prayer, fastings, meditations or health reasons. Other times one may need to not only shut another out but move away from him/her indefinitely as to rebuke unrighteous soul ties. the-lord-requires-of-thee

Everyone needs space and or time to recollect themselves, that is a given. Yet, we must try as we may, not to break the bridges we’ve crossed on our journey as well. Life has a way of changing one’s itinerary to cross some of those same old bridges or paths again. If we have cause damage to said paths the route may be a difficulty ahead.

That make a man an offender for a word, and lay a snare for him that reproves in the gate, and turn aside the just for a thing of nought. Isaiah 29:21

flee-corrupt-communicationWe can’t hurt people  along the way and expect their trust to be misguided in us if life makes it where we have to meetup again.  Yes, communication includes our deeds as well because if we willfully sin, it’s because of miscommunication (not having an on-going commune with God, who draws all unto himself via chastening and quickening.

Likewise, if we mistreat people, we must not have had the correct communication concerning the law of reciprocity, reaping & sowing, seed-time & harvest, & or doing unto others as we would they do unto us, ergo “Corrupt”.

Love Yah, Self & Others

In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.

Proverbs 3:6 

We have to have some growth towards the fruition of doing greater than what we’ve outgrown…When we know better, we do better. We handle people and/or things differently and with a more intricate respect for our subjective humility to the Most High. If we get further away from people-pleasing, we might actually enjoy the sorrow-less, rich blessings in the daily loads of benefits from Yah.

But as we were allowed of God to be put in trust with the gospel, even so we speak; not as pleasing men, but God, which tries our hearts….When a man’s ways please the LORD, he makes even his enemies to be at peace with him

1 Thessalonians 2:4 & Proverbs 16:7


in-the-word-studyIn the Word Study

1 Thessalonians 2:4 | Proverbs 3:1-35; 4:14-15; 9:6-10; 16:7 & 29:25 | Isaiah 2:22 & 26:3-4| Jeremiah 15:17; 17:5 & 29:11-14 | Acts 5:29 | 1 Corinthians 10:31 & 13:4-8 | 2 Corinthians 5:9 & 6:14-18 | John 5:44; 12:43 & 14:15 | Colossians 3:22-25 | | Romans 1:22-32; 8:39; 12:1-2 | Galatians 1:10; 2:20 & 5:22 | Psalm 8:2; 13:5; 26:4-5; 31:14-15; 37:5; 40:4; 56:3-4; 94:20-21 & 127:3-5 | Matthew 10:28; 18:15; & 21:16 | 1 John 4:7-18 | 2 John 1:10-11| Hebrews 12:6 | 2 Peter 2:21 | James 4:17 | Philippians 4:6-7 | Mark 11:24 | Ephesians 4:22; 5:7-11 | Job 24:13-17 | 1 Timothy 6:5 |  2 Timothy 3:5 & 4:2 | Titus 2:13-15 | 

“And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues”

