
Wednesday Wisdom Tidbits Share: Divine Unions

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Retrieved From Public Domain, via AI generated answer et al, 2024.


When they complement one another; the union is favored. In the Bible, favor from the Lord is a gift, blessing, or endowment that God gives to people. It’s a way for God to intervene in people’s lives and make a difference, and it’s often associated with grace and mercy. Favor can include:
Acceptance, Approval, Connections, Divine intervention, Empowerment, Exaltation, Opportunities, and Special benefits. The Bible often uses the words “favor” and “grace” interchangeably, and some say that favor is the grace of God in people’s lives. In the Old Testament, grace is defined as God’s unmerited favor, and favor means preferential treatment, goodwill, and acceptance.

#divinecounterpart #heavensent #twinflame #union #divinefeminine #divinemasculine #otherhalf #confidant #betrothed #bestfriend

Because of this, favor is not something that people can earn or are entitled to.



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❤Shalom & Blessings

#MzIAMNRU ~the Messenger is minuscule to the profundity of the message… To GOD be ALL the glory, Amen. Matthew 25:31-46


Scriptures from various Holy Bible versions. The video (if any added) is PC: Literature and Imagery and the Intellectual Property of IEPMSTC ™ Shared with permission. Images shared, that are not those of IEPMSTC ™ are shared absent intent of infringement of copyright via Fair Use clause and any duplicate submissions are at your—(audience/readers/subscribers or similar)—own legal discretion.

Other resources which may have been used for terminology and dialogue were accessible via Creative Commons database from Public Domain include but are not limited to King James Bible Dictionary Concordance; Av1611 kjv dictionary; KJV Dictionary or other Bible Study Tools. We are simply sharing as a visual educational tool.

Works Cited

Canfield, L. (2024). PC: Subjective Research and Study from personal library. Retrieved via permission from the Intellectual Properties of IEPMSTC ™ Products and Svcs.

Holy Bible, KJV version—Bible Gateway. PC: in-text hyperlink. Public Domain and Creative Commons.

Works Cited Term search—Helpmeet. Accessed via Generative AI. Retrieved from Public Domain Google SEO.

Terminology search—Helpmeet. Accessed Definition. Retrieved from https://www.etymonline.com/word/helpmeet#etymonline_v_34254


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Wisdom Precedes Understanding—Ancestral Message

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When It Seems Distracting, Operate Majestically. It’s Spirit… Blessed Energy From Other Realms Everywhere… Hindrances Irreversibly Maim. The Half Ain’t Told…Half Acclaimed Truths Hinders Understanding. Being Untold, Tricks The Eyes of a Falling Observation, Obliviously Lacking Acuity, Resonance & Empathy. In The Ends of the Ethereal Astral Realms, Truth Hides. ~MzIAMNRU LaSonya the Messenger

If & When Belief (Faith to Most) Is All One Has…

Work that which is belief, manifesting via declaration and decree; because a man is worth his hire (work). The MOST HIGH is not solely sought in a book. Look inwardly often…🤍🕯️🤔 ODAAT Journaling Entries Oracle Message From 🌷 ✨Day 10 of 2024—MzIAMNRU LaSonya Canfield the Messenger STCTSG Admin

Proverbs 17:24Wisdom is before him that hath understanding; but the eyes of a fool are in the ends of the earth

Scriptural References (Read with Spiritual Discernment & Currency of Purpose)… Says Spirit to the Churches… Recess is over.

Philippians 4:8 | 1 Corinthians 7:35 & 10:13 |Proverbs 17:24 | Genesis 4:7 | Matthew 6:34 | Galatians 5:16-17 | John 17:17 | Luke 17:20 | Zechariah 8:16 | 2 Corinthians 7:14 & 13:8 | Deuteronomy 18:14 | 1 Timothy 5:18 💜

#truth #acronyms #oracle #ProtectedByTheMostHigh #everyone #energy #healing #healingcrystals


Disclaimers and Work Cited

Scriptures from various Holy Bible versions.

The video (if any added) is PC: Literature and Imagery and the Intellectual Property of IEPMSTC ™ Shared with permission.

Images shared, that are not those of IEPMSTC ™ are shared absent intent of infringement of copyright via Fair Use clause and any duplicate submissions are at your (audience/readers/subscribers or similar) own legal discretion. We are simply sharing as a visual educational tool.

Contact MzIAMNRU@gmail.com for info or bookings

#message #oraclereadings #contractart

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STC Prayer Closet & ITWS: No Boasting in HIS Omnipresence…

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Dear HEAVENLY FATHER we thank you for another day of time and chance to do of will and pleasure. We thank you in and for all things to your glory, we ask your continued guidance, protection, provision, chastening, grace, love and mercy in Jesus, the anointed Christ’ name we pray with advance hallelujah thanks, honor and praise, Amen.

“For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast”

(Ephesians 2:8-9)


“In meekness instructing those that oppose themselves; if God peradventure will give them repentance to the acknowledging of the truth; And that they may recover themselves out of the snare of the devil, who are taken captive by him at his will”

(2 Timothy 2:25-26).

ITWS: No More Boasting in HIS Omnipresence…

As we move more towards the perfecting of Christ in our lives, we realize the very omnipotence of the Almighty.

“But let him that glories glory in this, that he understands and knows me, that I am the Lord which exercise loving kindness, judgment, and righteousness, in the earth: for in these things I delight, saith the Lord”

(Jeremiah 9:24).

No longer are we puffed up, stiff-necked and ungrateful about even the tiniest of things, because we sense the inviolable presence of the Most High in every issue and area of this borrowed life.

“But God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise; and God hath chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty; And base things of the world, and thing’s which are despised, hath God chosen, yea, and things which are not, to bring to nought things that are: That no flesh should glory in his presence”

(1 Corinthians 1:27).

9 Tips On Getting to know the Almighty & Sovereign Majesty:

  • (1) Jeremiah 9:24~Personal Knowledge of God via love & righteousness
  • (2) 1 Corinthians 1:18-29~Wisdom & power of God
  • (3) Ephesians 2:8-9~Saved by grace thru faith
  • (4) Romans 5:9-10~Blood reconciliation & justification & 8:24~hope
  • (5) 2 Corinthians 2:15~Sweet savor
  • (6) Acts 13:48~Conviction & Repentance
  • (7 )Philippians 1:29-30~courage
  • (8) 2 Timothy 2:25~Acknowledgement of the truth & recovery out of the devil’s snare
  • (9) John 17:2~Power over all flesh to give eternal life

❤ Shalom & Blessings

~the Messenger is minuscule to the profundity of the message… To GOD be ALL the glory,Amen. Matthew 25:31-46

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Rebuking Refutation of Knowledge & Understanding…

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Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever…Dear Heavenly FATHER we call upon your healing name, for your namesake Most Holy One, as well as thanking you for much LOVE—you O LORD, that it took for you to write it in and upon our hearts and minds via the anointed way, truth and life. Thank you for being available at all times to show us your love, and give us of your time and chance with each new mercy and loaded benefit every day. It is in Christ’s name this we pray with advance hallelujah thanks in and for all things to your glory, Amen.

ITWS: Rebuking Refutation of Knowledge & Understanding via Hearing the Whole Matter of A Thing….

“Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all thy getting get understanding”

(Proverbs 4:7)

  • 1. Ever been told that you come off as a know-it-all about certain topics?
  • 2. Ever felt belittled by others because you act, think and even speak differently than others?
  • 3. Ever felt defeated due indifference or discrimination?


It is this type of insouciance, which keeps people from progression in a lot of ways, especially ethereally. Both misunderstandings and ignorance keeps us away from a plethora that our CREATOR wants to show us.

For instance & case in point; some reading this post will not only get stagnated by the word use “INSOUCIANCE“, but will choose to stay lost, by refusal to investigate or examine it further to see that it too means unconcern or indifference. It’s called vernacular, ergo language, tongue, idiom, slang or lingo.


So when we think we don’t understand someone or something; may we try earnestly to get insight in all of our getting.
#Empathy #Understanding


May we learn to diligently seek the LORD with every fiber of our being (Nephesh). Don’t become lazy in all our getting. Don’t ever get offended by another’s perception of you or your relationship with the Most High…it’s subjective in both deportment (body) and the spirit (breath of life–existence): All are by faith, which comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God.

~the Messenger ☆


“The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom: and the knowledge of the holy is understanding”

(Proverbs 9:10).


Rebuking Refutation of Knowledge & Understanding via Hearing the Whole Matter of A Thing....

“So that thou incline thine ear unto wisdom, and apply thine heart to understanding; Yea, if thou criest after knowledge, and liftest up thy voice for understanding; If thou seekest her as silver, and searchest for her as for hid treasures; Then shalt thou understand the fear of the Lord , and find the knowledge of God”

(Proverbs 2:3-5)



ITWS: James 2:18-26 / Romans 10:17 / Philippians 2:12 / John 14:6 / Proverbs 1:7; 4:7 & 9:10 / Matthew 13:45-46 / Daniel 2:20 / Exodus 31:3 & 35:31 / Numbers 15:24 & 24:16-17 / 1 Samuel 2:3-10 / 2 Chronicles 1:10-12 / Nehemiah 10:28-39 / Job 15:2; 21:14; 34:35 & 36:3-12 …more


❤Shalom & Blessings
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#IAMNRU ~the Messenger is minuscule to the profundity of the message… To GOD be ALL the glory, Amen. Matthew 25:31-46 💋xoxo❤
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Excerpts on INFIDELITY vs. MARRIAGE (MONOGAMY): A Recapitulation

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Infidelity vs. Matrimony

Thinking WOW and I am somewhat amused at the shenanigans at play.

NOT ALL SINGLE WOMEN ARE DOG CATCHERS so if you have to keep your man on a leash…signs are he was a dog before you adopted his ___. Figuratively speaking. ~the Messenger

  • Stop blaming others for your choices.
  • If the relationship is in question, then only she and he have the answers.
  • LOVE it…stretch your faith, communicate better, forgive & move ahead or LEAVE it…if that means trading that ring in for a collar then be like Ray Charles & make it do what it do.

One thing I know is that neither man nor woman can make another grown person do what he or she wants or does not want to do in a relationship (unless of course, it is rape or violent manipulation).

It is absolute, what God joins nothing can separate it. On the strength of that statement alone; perhaps, instead of guessing & checking other people about the fidelity of a union, one should check the authority over the relationship.

There are good honest men out there who love nothing more than to love their women as God intended with the added favor.

**A marriage fitly joined together is visible via the FAVOR on that union**


Marriage,Monogamy & Infidelity: What of it?
What is the favor?

  1. There are no wandering eyes, thoughts, or behaviors, against the tri-cord union because GOD is the Head of it, and Man (husband) is the head of the woman (submissive to her husband in ALL things-wife).
  2. The husband reverences his gift from GOD just like Jesus loves us because he would lay down his life for her and would do nothing to cause her harm and wishes that she is prosperous and healthy above all else.
  • The husband provides
  • The husband comforts
  • The husband never leaves nor forsakes his wife
  • The husband is supportive
  • The wife is eager to support, motivate, encourage, and help her husband to maintain his platform of fidelity; she has an eagerness to comply with his wants, needs and desires because she knows he is governed by the FATHER, and would do nothing to disgrace, disregard, or disrespect her.
  • More importantly, the two receive the abundance of fruits from the TRUE VINE.
  • Bills are paid in timely fashion
  • Vacations are possible
  • Health is fabulous
  • Youthfulness is probable

All because $ is available due to good housekeeping, accounting, management and support via a teamwork. By this I simply mean he or she does not exploit their fruits of labor in some frivolous habit like another male or female accommodating lack within the relationship because they are so in sync, the communication is the adhesive that keeps the tri-cord bonded. They don’t really have a need to go outside of the relationship for attention, sexual gratification, conversation, compliments, or other support because everything they need as long as they keep GOD as the HEADSHIP, it is provided.

There are women out there who know how to be submissive to the one God allows in finding that “good thing” with her.

Trouble is so many people are together based on conditions, stipulations, or merit and as soon as augmentations arise to those conditions, you damage the merit based on the stipulations.

I think it is so funny that people who claim to be believers cannot fathom the stock of a good and/ or perfect union. It is an understanding that GOD knew us before we knew ourselves and he knew there would be good, bad, or worse times, influences or situations, health & finances, ergo the matrimonial vows.

Marriage,Monogamy & Infidelity: What of it? A Simpler View


Likewise, he knew that he would show favor towards a couple to love one another under one headship, authority or covenant, HIM. (i.e. man head of woman, woman submissive to man as long as he is submissive to God and loving her genuinely, spiritually, undeserving and faithfully, yet the two of them as one (twain) under the divine authority of God.

A PAPER MARRIAGE DECREE is synthetic and does not hold a relationship together. The true bond of a marriage has to be LOVE ~ GOD. The only value a paper marriage decree holds is legalities associated with monetary value on the happenstance it fails.

A RING is an idol of worship in a sense because it is a graven image, which is a gift from man to woman and not directly from God.

Just think about it for a moment….


A ring can be lost, stolen, bought, sold, traded, jaded or faded and even hated.

Yet the actual halo (ring) is the circle of love, which cannot be broken.

  • The outer layer of that circle is the protective covering of God and
  • The inner layers consist of the marriage including family and everything effective (union –i.e. what GOD joined).

The effects become unlimited if the protective outer layer is present. If there is no outer layer of Divine protection, per se the proverbial paper decree and symbolic ring exchange, there is every probability and/or availability for things (negative) to happen such as infidelity.

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IEPM SHORTS | A Poetic Meditations Publication

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I did a few interviews with men and women about this very subject and it is  NO LONGER available in eBook form.  A follow up to this book is already in the making as well so stay tuned.


Interviews with divorcees, celibate male & female, plus some engaged, married and single persons.

In The Word Study: Contend to know thyself – As long as we contend via faith LIFE fights for us

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Audio clip
Sometimes life’s subjective tasks can seem monumental & at times almost intolerable. Labor in familiarizing and becoming content with who we are individually before we attempt to move forward in other outer relationships (acquaintances).
Don’t ever attempt to live up to others’ expectations of us. Be & know thyself….

‘Separate thyself from thine enemies and take heed of thy friends’ (Sirach 6:13-15/ Ecclesiasticus 6:13-Apocrypha KJV 1611)
….People sometimes will only be supportive of us when it’s beneficial for them (how invaluable).  
We must learn to discern faithful friends from our enemies.
“How very unpleasant is wisdom to the unlearned, & the unwise will not continue with her” (Ecclesiasticus 6:21). 

The Holy Bible always refers to wisdom as “her”…”ask & it shall be given, seek & ye shall find, knock & it shall be opened unto you’ (Para, Matthew 7:7-8).
‘Let thy thoughts be upon the precepts of God, & meditate continually on his commandments: & he will give thee a heart, & desire of wisdom shall be given to thee’ (Ecclesiasticus 6:37-Apocrypha KJV 1611)).
In other words when we get to know ourselves it becomes difficult for our enemies to deter us from the subjective promises of the Most High for us, because each of our works of salvation holds promise for us individually via God almighty. Remember **what God has for me, it is for me**It’s wise to KNOW THYSELF as well as to know thine enemies, this is LIGHT & ENERGY
~the Messenger☆
  • LIGHT=¤learn insight of GOD & HIS truth
  • ENERGY=¤evolving naturally & ethereal releasing God’s youth 

#IAMNRU #FaithfulFriends #SoundnessOfMind #SpiritualStability #StandingInGODsStandards

In The Word Study: Contend to know thyself —in-the-word-study
Eccl 3:6-13 & 6:1-12 / James 1:23-25 / Gal6:3-5 / Rom 1:25; 9:4 & 12:3 / Acts 17:30 / Ps 83:5; 119:59 / 1 Pe 1:13 / Lam 3:40 / 2 Cor 13:5 / Jn 14:1-31 / 2 Tim 2:113-16 / Ecclesiasticus Apocrypha KJV 1611 Chapter 6:10-16 / Hosea 3:4-5 & 4:6 / Jn 8:31-32 & 9:2 / Job 9:24 / Isaiah 62:6-7 / 1 Pe 1:19 

 Shalom & Blessings

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#IAMNRU ~the Messenger is minuscule to the profundity of the message… To GOD be ALL the glory, Amen. Matthew 25:31-46 👌
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As long as we contend via faith LIFE fights for us