wrongful death

Slaying of The Wicked

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Evil shall slay the wicked: and they that hate the righteous shall be desolate—Psalm 34:21

Food for thought: Desolation equates to emptiness. When the body becomes or is desolate of a soul and spirit, it’s empty or dead. The walking dead are ghosts. The ghosts consist of guided hosts obtaining souls to seduce. Be careful with access and transference via soul ties, not every angel you come across is risen, ergo—they’re fallen. Not in a horrific way, but just know that everyone is a host for something or someone, especially in the spirit realms. Whether it be the reincarnate self having a second, third or so forth, new human or other type experience or just a renovation or improvement thereof of one’s life in general.

#Parasites #Bodysnatchers #Hosts #Minions #Spirits #Angels #Demons #Celestial #Terrestrial #AI #Artificial_Intel #Advanced_Intelligence #Ancient_Intelligence #AncientOfDays

Passage—Pathways: Labyrinths

labyrinth— What’s labyrinth?———Well, it’s a pathway to be simplex. Why did SPIRIT just randomly give me this word to insert right here right now? An internet source says that word doesn’t appear in the Bible, but I don’t know if I believe that. Because in an old Bible I once studied from, I can remember coming across that word and wondering what it was or meant. I think around the time I researched it, I found info about Siddhartha (having to do with some info about how Jesus of Nazareth might have been taught by an old Yogi, like Buddha or Bodhi’s—I know right, weird). That was many years ago, about three decades. So, to update my mental and spiritual memory and accountability for entering right dialogue here, I’ve researched it again and found that, it in fact, is a passage but not a biblical one. I got labyrinth mixed up with leviathan. I’m fiffty five years old and my mind is full of information. Some gets lost sometimes.That does in no way take away from the fact, that it is the word choice given via this channeled energy or message.

Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com

The timestamp right now is 1:23 a m. and it was around this time last night, that I was visited with overwhelming sadness; obsessively crying non-stop but not knowing why. I get these feelings all the time but randomly; and it’s usually a spirit trying to crossover. I never know exactly what to do when it happens and truthfully sometimes I have to really be attentive to decipher whether it’s my own sadnesses. Because it doesn’t resonate with my energy, I immediately go into prayer mode and begin smudging or some type of cleansing ritual to clear and neutralize the energy. I do not have spiritual liberty to disclose who it was or what was conveyed, but I received confirmation that it was in fact, a soul transitioning. She made it safely over.

Remember There Are Sins Unto & Not Unto Death…

#Repented #Unrepentant

When’s the last time we really did inventory on our spiritual debts, credits, checks, ✅balances and bounds?

Debt—Owe Nothing but LOVE (GOD is LOVE)

Credit—Reap what’s sown (Seed, Time & Harvest) also known as karma or reciprocity.

Checks—Hear(Meditation), Obey(Observe to Exercise Discernment & Wisdom), Study (Ask, Seek & Knock), Pray(Gratitude & Petition), Abide in Trust (Understanding the Will of God & Man)

Balances—Even the magistrates have a magistrate. All power is ordained by the MOST HIGH.

Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God. Whosoever therefore resists the power, resists the ordinance of God: and they that resist shall receive to themselves damnation—Romans 13:1-2

Bounds—I AM that I AM. I Will share GLORY with no one—none. I Do All These Things—Form light, dark, create good, evil. I change not. I do not slumber. I was, am, and shall be…the same, yesterday today and forever.

Photo by James Wheeler on Pexels.com

James 2:13—For he shall have judgment without mercy, that hath shewed no mercy; and mercy rejoices against judgment

Romans 14:12-13—So then every one of us shall give account of himself to God

.Matthew 12:36-37—But I say unto you, That every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment. For by thy words thou shalt be justified, and by thy words thou shalt be condemned.

Woe unto the wicked! it shall be ill with him: for the reward of his hands shall be given him—Isaiah 3:10-12


Disclaimers and Work Cited


Canfield, L (2024). PC: Subjective Research and Study from personal library. Retrieved via permission from the Intellectual Properties of IEPMSTC ™ Products and Svcs.

Holy Bible, KJV version—Bible Gateway. PC: in-text hyperlink. Public Domain and Creative Commons.

Dictionary(n.d.). Various Public Domain Sources. In-text quotes and hyperlinks, randomly provided per terminology or word usages.


Scriptures from various Holy Bible versions.

The video (if any added) is PC: Literature and Imagery and the Intellectual Property of IEPMSTC ™ Shared with permission.

Images shared, that are not those of IEPMSTC ™ are shared absent intent of infringement of copyright via Fair Use clause and any duplicate submissions are at your—(audience/readers/subscribers or similar)—own legal discretion. We are simply sharing as a visual educational tool.


Contact MzIAMNRU@gmail.com for info or bookings

#message #oraclereadings #contractart

The Day of the LORD MOST HIGH

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What do studies show about the Day of the Lord? A thief in the night? Why night? Heaven or heavens? What’s the great noise? Is it a movement as in societal or is it an authentic kaboom of sorts? Who are the elementals and what are the elements? How will they be burnt up? Is this a metaphor, allegory, or parabolic inference of due course?

~Random Questioning the questions ❓❓❓

#inthought #mziamnru #love #life #humanity #ethereal #esoteric

A few answers from scriptures are….

“For the day of the Lord is near in the valley of decision” (Joel 3:14). #choices

“Behold, the day of the LORD cometh, cruel both with wrath and fierce anger, to lay the land desolate: and he shall destroy the sinners thereof out of it” (Isaiah 13:9). #destruction

“Be silent before the Lord God! For the day of the Lord is near; the Lord has prepared a sacrifice and consecrated his guests” (Zephaniah 1:7 ESV) #sacrifice #cleansing

“For you yourselves are fully aware that the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night” ( 1 Thessalonians 5:2) #SuddenImpacts #Unannounced

Today’s Oracle Message

Today’s Oracle Message is via a prophetic Poetic Prose 💬

Kundalini Uprising

Obviously the ancestral entourage is getting geared up for battle… The sacrifices of yesterday’s thousand hills of cattle are still merely today’s hidden chattel.

Yearly tales of earthquakes’ rumble…How we as a royal people do thus stumble…all the while remaining humble…This is a misnomer of course, as the violent is taken by force, at the enemies fumble.

Yeah they never noticed the Grand Rising…Of Queens, Kings and Royal Court Warriors from the Ancient of Days, oh what a beautiful surmising!

Behold how the Ascendent Master set up the disaster…As recompense approaches faster and faster.

Alabaster preserved the ointments of anointing… Now the MOST HIGH is appointing, the elementals with fire. Knowledge is the fire that brings us higher…via divine desire.

States of consciousness is thru Christ of renewed minds.. as history in herstory unwinds.

~Kundalini Uprising

Canfield, L. (July 1, 2023). “Kundalini Uprising” PC: Literature. Intellectual Property of IEPMSTC Products and Svcs ©1995-2024

§Kundalini Uprising: Written by LaSonya Canfield MzIAMNRU the Messenger

From subjective study notes on Chakra Affirmations and understanding in regards to the images provided here: These drawings were from September of last year, during a time when my dreamscape travels were very high or sensitive. For those newcomers to my commentary, I create imagery or draw from channeling, dreams, and or open visions.

All I know is the first depiction is a reflection 🪞 of death. It shows a sort of being with a spiral headdress like that of a halo, which according to my study notes deals with purpose or spirit.

The object afront of the being is (although drawn in black and white) representative of the Yin / Yang and Chakra systems. The chakras are our tree of life if you will; awakening us via a Christ consciousness by way of transcendence {i.e. renewed minds, transformation, ascension, reformation}.

For some reason the second drawing reminds me of the recent Titan Submersible submarine fiasco. It has some familiar symbols as well, like the window, shaped like the zodiacal sign of ♊Gemini (*please see footnotes re:Gemini.); an astrological star system or constellation; as if in space, of which some believe is actually the thousands of leagues under the sea.

Gemini, the third sign of the zodiac, is a juxtaposition of the lovers in tarot. Some believe it represents twin flame divine counterpart connections. Additionally, the symbols of the Gemini in Tarot are the twins, swords ⚔️ and the playing card ♠️ spade. Gemini ♊ is also a mutable elemental air sign, representative of multifaceted openness, flexibility and constancy of movement, astrologically speaking. In our Chakra system, Gemini is the Vishuddha; the Throat Chakra. It’s relativity to this commentary is that we just experienced a New Moon in Gemini on the eighteenth of June, a time of reflection.

There is also another depiction of the Chakra system just to the left side, as well as a message of “blessed”. Just to the upper right of the drawing is an UFO (unidentified flying or in this case floating object). This could be a species or a drone, but I don’t know. While there is right above the word blessed, a star ⭐ with four hyphen marks next to it. The playing card that I had bookmarking this art was the four of clubs *see explanation 👇🏾 below.

Now I think the star ⭐ and the word “blessed,” represents the teenager who was aboard the submarine, while the four hyphens; the other passengers. The heavy black outlining could be synonymous with the sealing of the vessel. This was from a dreamscape travel last year in September. Yet, it’s very easy to ascertain today than when I first envisioned it. The more I think about it, the more I’m convinced that the two drawings go together and the one on the left is a closer look at the being or UFO [[death:htaed]] approaching the vessel.

Why is death spelled backwards in the drawing?

[[death:htaed]]. I believe it’s the view from the inside of the Titan Submersible submarine, as the angel of death was approaching it. I say Angel because religious doctrine teaches that stars (celestial beings) are angels regardless of whether fallen or not.

Various conspiracy speculation surrounding the demise of the passengers say that they were a sacrifice of some fashion, which is why they were sealed in; ceremonially entombed.

The third drawing in color, is what I believe is the actual close look at the attire and headdress of the being. It too, has the Fibonacci Spirals within it as well as the prisms of chakras among the stars (angels) ✨✨✨. I deduce this to be correct examination from old research info about some ancient hieroglyphs and petroglyphs.

Because some have been taught to discredit mythology, the city of Atlantis has in past times been ignored. However, people today are more readily discussing electric energy, light beings; the Orishas; mermaids/mermen; Zeus and other ancient deities (e.g. aliens); outer space and sheoul {e.g. earth 🌎}; different heavens planets, dimensions and realms; and crystal work, like that of Nicola Tesla.

ABOUT THE CHAKRA SYSTEMS “Our Subjective Tree of Life”

🖤As Above — Auricular (A few inches above the head e.g. Halo –Spirit Yin

🟫 Sahasrara the Crown

🟣 Ajna the Third Eye

🟦 Vishuddha the Throat

🟢 Anahata the Heart

🟨 Manipura the Solar Plexus

🟠 Svadhisthana the Sacral

🟥 Mudladhara the Root

🤍 So Below –under foot thru the legs into the ground Yang

Synonymous with the twelve*, we find that this system has inherent, divine supernatural connectivity and purpose to soul (Shamanic transcendence of space/time and conduit of other beings, realms and spirit guides).

About the Four of Clubs ♣️

The card drawn on the day of image drawings was the four of clubs ♣️ and is said to represent the Emperor and or the wands in tarot. According to research, “THE EMPEROR. –Stability, power, protection, logic, realization; a great person; aid, reason, conviction also authority and will”(Wikipedia, May 2023).

Additionally and according to research, the “Four of clubs indicates an exceptionally enjoyable and peaceful period. Your days will be long, sunny, uneventful and unusually happy” (Cartomancy and Tarot, 2020).

Journaling Entries From Day 182

“One Day At A Time”

I’m sure the five passengers were unusually happy at the start of there voyage but didn’t suspect the uneventful long not so sunny plunge or cessation of life. Condolences and prayers to their families and loved ones.

It’s things like this and other prophetic stuff that keep one on their proverbial toes when it comes to thinking about the Day of the LORD MOST HIGH. This is because most people assume it to be an auspicious day, when in fact it’s a day of reckoning; whereby our costs are tallied and we pay the weight of our unrepentant, thus unforgiven continual sins or unrighteous, immoral and or unethical deeds. We’re all accountable subjectively, so the correction is on us individually. On that note, keep it copacetic.


Works Cited

Canfield, L. ( September 2022 & July 2023). PC: Subjective Literature. “Kundalini Uprising“. Retrieved from Intellectual Property of IEPMSTC™ Products and Svcs. Shared with permission.

Canfield, L. (2023). IEPMSTC™ Products and Svcs. PC: Empirical Studies and Subjective Research. Retrieved from various resources over the years.

Cardarium, artomancy and Tarot (2022). Article:: “4 of Clubs Meaning in Cartomancy and Tarot“. Cardarium Autoentrepreneur. 11 Rue Docteur Maurice Freysz. Strasbourg, France 67000. +336 36 41 51 47: cardariuminfo@gmail.com. Retrieved from https://cardarium.com/4-of-clubs-meaning-in-cartomancy-and-tarot/).

Chakra Systems (1999-2023). Various resources via subjective research. For more info do an SEO terminology search.

Holy Bible (n.d.). Subjective Research. KJV NIV NKJV Versions.

Wikipedia (May 2023). The Emperor:Tarot Card. Article. Retrieved on July 1, 2023 from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Emperor_(tarot_card).


“One Day At A Time” Journaling Entries From Day 182. DISCLAIMERS: Random websites across the internet are often listed, but were not an actual reference or citation for information spoken of in today’s Oracle Message. It is added to give the audience somewhere to document or confirm shared information. I had to go look them up so they’re in no formal order according to citation rules. This blog is a casual look into my subjective blessings of prescience, e.g. forethought and intuition.

Contact Info

~MzIAMNRU LaSonya the Messenger….stay tuned for more.

I’m new to the YouTube experience but been around for a minute. Please help my channels to grow: like, share and subscribe or join. “As always, remember the Messenger is futile to the profundity of the message”~MzIAMNRU LaSonya the Messenger


Contact & Donations Info

For scheduling or other information *Serious Inquiries Only* Call or write ✍🏾 LaSonya at 1+(318)884-0621 | MzIAMNRU@gmail.com

Donations are welcome via Cash App




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Sharing A Call to Action re: Kenneka Jenkins Case – Killers found

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Reparations Project

Kenneka Jenkins FOIA Demand

Please view the link(s) below to grasp a small visual of the missing organ from our young sister’s body per police report, the project site for sending letter, etc….

Thymus+Gland+Located+beneath+the+sternum,+between+the+lungs. (1)

via Thymus+Gland+Located+beneath+the+sternum,+between+the+lungs..jpg (960×720)


Defining & Getting An Understanding About the Thymus Gland

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A Subjective Word From Us….

Most barriers are rooted in fear and fueled by worry, regret, or complacency. As a survivor through a number of barriers over the last three decades, I have learned via some difficult times that each barrier were representative of the trials (tests) of my faith that led and is leading me towards the promised victory through Christ Jesus.

The thing about fear, worry, regret, complacency is that each are scriptural vexations of the wrong spirit and wrong heart. Our Holy letter from GOD instructs us on how to fight through faith to combat these barriers. Consequently, in order that we win, we have to hear HIS voice because it is how we receive faith initially, and then after hearing from HIM (WORD) we must utilize our weapons of warfare to pull these barriers, known as strongholds, down.

Without solemn faith (working confidence) it is difficult. I relate this to just as without faith we cannot please GOD, without it we can’t petition HIM fervently and effectively and GOD has an order to divine message(s) for us.

The Above: Excerpt from our Barriers Section via this website….


We are asking any and everyone in the human society, who has both an ear; to not only listen but to hear this baby’s voice crying for justification and likewise, who has a heart of compassion, to not turn away from the tasks being presented us all (We, the so-called people)…to subdue change, which cannot be successful without a loving, powerful, and sound confrontation. 


The young Dr. Ali is showing an exemplary courage towards this case as well as firm soundness.  When is the last time any of us put our shoes of peace on or raised our swords to actually fight for authentic justice? An importunate request has been placed upon us to now take hold of this moral opportunity to have a credible voice for our repressed history’s sake and to positively affect our future in a different manner than prior or previous protest(s) via marching. 

Love Yah, Self & Others

I had recently learned of this tragedy because I don’t normally engage in social media posts, entertainment, news, or television outside of my subjectivity in choice. Therefore, it is understandable or probable that some of the more brave citizens of society, as was I in the dark; who haven’t even heard of or know as many details about Kenneka’s case as have been  presented globally over mainstreamed social media and via nationally headlined television.


Subsequently,  there hasn’t been as much or such a magnitude via corroboration of PUBLIC EVIDENCE, as is with this case. It is too much to be swept under the rug and we the people more effectively gather that its high time that we start enforcing some of what is left of our inviolate, sacrosanct or inalienable rights, if any.  DUTY is upon us! Dr. Ali is only petitioning us to be responsive via letter; a unified constructive and legal effort towards a more non-violent action, stance or protest.

We the people, together, can finally utilize the preamble of this government’s constitution towards an indispensable matter, we for so long refer to as justice. Paraphrased with added emphasis——ours, and according to the Constitution of the United States of America:

  • We now have a perfect time and chance to form a more perfect Union,
  • To establish Justice (For all the Kenneka’s, just as with Emmett Till so very long ago)
  • Perhaps via Unity, fighting for a Just Cause; we may insure domestic Tranquility
  • If we truly wish to Provide for the common defense we have to see the commonalities of who is always in need of defending, the nation would have us believe we are the minority, but we are the majority
  • The general Welfare cannot be promoted until we actually secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity,
  • In the approaching 2018, because it is still the magistrate of this land, may we ordain and establish this a PROACTIVE RATIFICATION of the Constitution for WE THE PEOPLE. As we go into the new year letting the evildoers know, we will no longer be taken by force via hidden agenda and a false balance. (Matthew 11 & Proverbs 11).  May we make it against our pure and undefiled religion to incessantly see these lives go missing or be publicly maimed and murdered without justifiable recourse…

~the Messenger 

[We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America] (U.S. Constitution Preamble,  September 17, 1787. Ratified June 21, 1788).

“Now then faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God…It is impossible to please God without faith…Faith without works is dead…The trials of our faith are more precious than gold, though tried via fire (i.e. barriers); that it may lead us to praise, honor, and glory at Christ’s coming…with faith we can summon, decree, & demand mountains to move”





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 ♥ Shalom & Blessings!

~the Messenger is minuscule to the profundity of the message… To GOD be ALL the glory, Amen. Matthew 25:31-46

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